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need to vent and a little advice


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so heres my situation; me and my girlfriend broke up 3 weeks ago, she moved back in with her mom 45 min away from where im living.. she also has our son with her. We reconciled 3 days ago, and she wants to stay living there for a while while we work on ourselves.. I have decided not to push her at all and to give her space. Its really hard knowing that i cant see her when i want because im so busy with work and school. I just wish she would come to her damn senses. she does text me throughout the day telling me how much she loves me and misses me. I do believe that another reason why she is not willing to move back in with me right now is because her parents dont care for me much. I am i doing the right thing by not pursing her any further and letting her come to me when she's ready?

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Thanks, im just going to lay low and let her decide when the time is right. She told me last night that i seem a bit distant from here, which i could understand because im not pursuing her what so ever. Im letting her call me when she wants to talk and pretty much just laying low. i hope im making the right decisions

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she wants to stay living there for a while while we work on ourselves..

And, by golly, she probably has a great point here.


You should look at this time as a gift, a great opportunity to reflect on the real problems that led to the separation and to make real, lasting changes.


Don't be any rush to live together again; as counterintuitive as it sounds, this period of separation may turn out, in the long run, to be the best thing that ever happened to your relationship.

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