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Day 6


Just another roller coaster of emotions day, I felt this outburst of energy and happiness throughout the day, went in and got my training done, always give my very best as always. But now that its night all that energy and happiness is gone again, I find myself thinking of her, I just want it to stop already. Nothing planned for tonight



Day 16, I feel you on the emotions man.. I was once there. I feel a lot better now. Shes trying to g et a reaction from me from whatsapp..putting up a picture of how she is reminded of me daily...everytime she looks at dog ,ugly people, the street corner etc. I know she wants a reaction out of me but she is not going to get it. I have finished playing games with her. I have trouble sleeping at night and find it best to watch tv series online before going to sleep, that or reading. it keeps my mind off of my ex. Castle season 6 is what im currently watching. give it ta try!!

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Its been a week since Ive been experiencing really bad headaches. Honey you are torturing me everyday... you come in my dreams and take me by my hand. You show up in my daydreams, in the maths Im doing. You are everywhere... in the streets, in the cars, in the trees. I miss you terribly but you did me wrong. You said horrible things. I cannot reach to you... no, I cant anymore. NC Day 4

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Day 7


Finally got out of the house, but for some reason everytime I saw someone that looked like her my heart would sting, it sucked but I have too keep making myself get out of this hell hole, one inch at a time. Today did back and biceps (favorite training day and everything went great. I'm focused.

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Wait what? You guys are in No Contact, how is she ignoring you and telling your friend you need to back off?


It was a hypothetical scenario. So if I was messaging her, instead of messaging me she could message my friend and tell him that I need to stop. I'm not doing that, hence my question. Why is she messaging me friends?

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We broke up for good on a Wednesday. The next morning I listed to Sara Evans "A Little Bit Stronger" in the shower and CRIED. I later cried at my desk at work.


In the song she says something like It doesn't happen overnight, but you turn around and a month's gone by, and you realize you haven't cried.


Wow, I can't believe that was two months ago. I posted daily for the first 30 days, then the last 33 days I switched to weekly on Wednesdays since that's the day we broke up.


"Even on my weakest days, I get a little bit stronger."


Stick to No Contact - IT WORKS.

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Day 5. Today I woke up feeling good... The headache is always there. Yea I miss him... but actually I feel so better without him in my life. This is for the best of us. Im struggling to see if I block him on WA, because he will definitely text me these days... I just dont want to feel happy when I see his text. I dont want to light up. He should NOT be a motive to smile...

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Day 7!


So I've been NC for 7 days... it's kinda unreal because I don't think I've ever gotten this far with NC before. We've never gone so long without talking. I'm proud of myself.


For the most part, I'm doing okay you know... keeping busy getting in touch with my friends that I lost touch with because of him. And I'm going away with my family for the weekend so it'll be nice distance.


I still miss him and it feels awful to imagine him with his new girl... but I keep telling myself that I'm worth more than that. I want an apology - I just do. That's why I still occasionally check my texts hoping to get something from him. Nothing thus far... maybe never.


Oh well... hang in there everyone. Hold strong.

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Day 21 today; thought of the bad times and realized maybe things weren't as good as I thought they were, thought of the good times and realized that all the bad times where worth the good times. You wanted a relationship where there were no arguments - this is not possible. Every couple argues. I hopeful we can figure this out because I don't want to throw 6 years away.

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Day 1 I guess The ex sent me a couple of texts on the back of the card thanking me for it but then didn't reply. Feel like absolute , rightly or wrongly I had hoped that the card could generate dialogue and probably naively some kind of meet up.


She told me she loved the card and that the aftershave I put on there was a warming familiar scent I asked how her bday was and then no reply/ feel like crap I guess she will never come back ever.

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Day 1. I accept the challenge. My moment of weakness occurred less than an hour ago. I called him at work to say that I don't understand why he chooses a woman who is married and lives accross the country over a true partner who is available, lives in his area code, and whom he says he loves. He can't answer the question and I really don't care to know. I feel awful. I'm going back to work now and will check in tomorrow!

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Still Day 1. I screwed up already. Called him and emailed him telling him I hate him for doing this to me and I hope he is in as much pain as I am since last time he put me through this he blamed me for it. Told him I hope he rots in hell. Guess I blew the challenge. That wasn't very productive either. Ugh.

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Day 1 I guess The ex sent me a couple of texts on the back of the card thanking me for it but then didn't reply. Feel like absolute , rightly or wrongly I had hoped that the card could generate dialogue and probably naively some kind of meet up.


She told me she loved the card and that the aftershave I put on there was a warming familiar scent I asked how her bday was and then no reply/ feel like crap I guess she will never come back ever.


Stop this, go NO CONTACT for good this time, as you just saw there's nothing you can do to get her back, there's no subliminal ways in getting her back, you're only pushing her farther away. Walk away now that she has a good impression of you and the last memory of you is the bday gift, that's it don't do anything else, walk away.

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So today is day 6? I think. I only know tomorrow it will be a week. I know my ex is partying his ass off... Im here trying to deal with all of it in a healthy way. But then again, he doesnt need to deal with anything, because he doesnt care anyway. I was like the wind who blew in his face. Didnt have an impact. Knowing that, having believed that i was actually a big thing that happened in his life, hurts a lot. I have to learn from this... i miss him... but he wronged me in so many ways... how can I still belittle myself, humiliate myself, neglect myself, by reaching out to him when all he wants is to move on from me and forget me? I dont know what the f& i did to him, because all the things that ultimately led me to mistrust him were done by HIM. This break up is his fault 90% because he didnt know how to handle it in a mature way. He even used me as a rebound. God I feel f*cking awul.

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Day 18 and 19, Ive been feeling better, have accepted the break up and am moving on with my life. Seriously she keeps trying to get a rise or response from me with her status updates on whatsapp and her pictures. I know you have read my post 3tears and im just really i confused as to why she is doing this. where do i go from here? Is her purpose for getting a response from me just some EGO thing?

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ok so today I saw my ex ex... the b$TCH for which he fought the other day... man she is not that of a big deal. i felt totally better now that i saw her because i know i am 100000 times better than her. i felt so good i went for a run, and it reassured my decision of keeping up with NC... today is day 7 and Im feeling great!!! Never been feeling so good since we broke up.

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