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Day 2, although i didnt contact her i looked at her profile page which she has now put completely private. Had a dream about her last night it was really strange, me running away from her because if she caught me she was going to dump me. I feel resentment setting in and everytime i have one of those great memories i always remember a time she didnt treat us right.

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Right. I've tried this so many times... We broke up ages ago, in February but things have been going back and forth and I'm finally getting exhausted. I've done ALL the possible mistakes, believe me, I've done everything wrong. Begging, crying, yep been there. It's taken me this long to realise that the guy is an utter loser and not worth my attention. He's treated me really bad, used me, acted cold, upset my family, the list goes on. I'm done. He still owes me money too but I don't think he's ever gonna pay back, no matter what I say.


I love reading this thread, it gives me hope.


NC DAY 0. Day 1 will be tomorrow.

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Well Day 13 isn't going too bad, its sunny out so I'm out riding my motorcycle as much as possible, getting ready to meet up with some of my boys to go ride some more. This girl I'm kinda talking to wants a ride one day so I'm going to give it to her. Going to be my first passenger, I wish it could've been my ex but that's not going to happen anytime soon... she seems pretty happy with her new bf, I'm actually kind of starting to feel happy for her. I still don't really like that she's calling him my pet name but whatever I guess, what can I really do? Oh I know!! Keep NC and heal, I'm moving on and starting to feel pretty good about my future.

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Day 9

days continue to melt away. I had an amazing weekend and I met someone great. Being with a new person instantly made it clear how many lousy things I'd overlooked with my ex when we were together. a palate cleanser if you will. My ex is not a bad person, but he's nothing special either, and I can do better. I don't miss him at all right now.

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My boyfriend of six years broke up with me on May 2, so it has been 2 days of minimal contact and 3 of absolutely no contact.

The day he broke up with me, I deactivated my facebook page. I knew that everyone would see our relationship status and I didn't feel like having hundreds of people bombarding me with questions. I feel as if it were a good choice because I never really realized how obsessed I used to be with FB. It also feels nice to be cut off from people that I thought really cared about me and be closer to those I know that do.

A few days ago, we both decided that NC would be the best approach. We agreed that we both needed some time and space to think. I decided to give it a month, so it was really cool that I happened to come accross this post.

It's been 5 days and it's been so difficult. I got a new number and haven't given it to him yet because I want to see how things work out. I would like to be hopeful, but I know I need to be sensible.

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Day 3

I went through the entire range of emotions today. Hating her, loving her, wondering what I saw in her, remembering Oh yeah, that's what I saw in her. Spent a lot of time trying to think of other things and not think of her, but she still comes up way too often in my thoughts. I watched one of her favorite movies, cried my eyes out, and felt strangely better after.


How can someone mean so much after such a short time? I guess that since I knew her basically her whole life it makes it a little different. How can two people mean so much to each other and then mean nothing? Breaking up feels so artificial. Like, you are no longer my life partner, so the perfectly natural relationship we are having which currently has a "label" on it must be cut short so that the "label" can change. What's with that? Why can't we just keep the exact same un-forced relationship we had? Why did we put a label on it in the first place?


But no contact is definitely better than when I am forced to interact with her. Can't even describe the feelings that go through me just hearing her say something, or even worse, saying something to her. A potent concoction of every emotion possible I imagine. Hopefully soon those situations that I haven't been able to escape will be limited. I really don't want to switch churches, my whole support group is there.

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Day 5-Woke up earlier to work on my essay.I don't really have any time to think about him right now.It helps in a way,but sometimes it just hits me that he is enjoying his life while i am suffering,and that makes it even worse

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Start of Day 2


Atm i just finished the movie "hitch." and before the movie i read the book " the A game." I have also read female writers on " break ups."


i'm trying to find new hope on moving on instead of trying to dwell on the past. whenever i get down i'll try my best to keep my mind moving forward and to think of the future. before i got into my relationship i would always put a ? mark where my future lady will be, but my vision of me running my business to the top was always more detailed.


i'm sure i might sound positive atm, but i'm sure i will also have the break down days. i guess i will take one day at a time. keep on trucking!


i've also noticed that talking to friends about the relationship does not work. i find it best for me to deal with it. i guess its my way of healing. on the positive note, it makes me considerate of other peoples feelings ( for them not to have to put up with my * * * * )

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Today is the 2 month mark of our break up. They have been the hardest but also most life altering 2 months of my life. I feel like a different person now. I feel like I've grown and matured so much and found so much in life.

I hope we find each other and happiness with each other as I can truly say that I'm not the same girl who he left.

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Day 14


Made it 2 weeks and plan on going longer. There was something a rapper named Drake said, "Don't leave something good to find something better once you realized you had the best, the best has found better." - Drake


I think I'll use this as my signature also.

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Day 30 - trying to work on improving myself and being happy for myself. Really tempted to try to get in touch with her but know I will only end up getting hurt. I have made two new friends since the BU, have taken up new hobbies and going to get a newer nicer car soon so have to focus on the positives. As long as I believe that I will find somebody, who is hopefully better than my ex, who will love me, I will be okay. Just need to drown out the little voice in my head saying that I won't ever meet anybody like her.

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you are doing great lonelyheart!


Day 2 for me-I still don't feel this is No contact,reality will hit me at a later point i guess.I woke up and i did not feel good at all,I had an urge just to log into fb but i stayed strong and managed to ignore it.My plan is to stay busy and that way have less time to think about him.it is really only his loss if he decides to stay away,i will concentrate on moving on



Day 2

i feel you, lanna.


i went to bed feeling good then woke up like a train hit my heart. i sat there for 30 min listening to my emotions but i couldn't sake it. and i'm here feeling it and getting snappy at everyone who pisses me off.

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martyfarty ,I am now at the end of day 5,it went better than it used to the last 4 days.As days go time goes faster,which means it gets easier.It will get easier for you too trust me.We all have those bad moments,they wont last and with time they become more and more rare

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And of course as day 14 starts winding down it starts getting harder... I miss her so much, I miss telling her how much I love her and seeing her smile and face turning red every time and her giving me a kiss saying she loves me too... I miss talking to her all day about anything and everything joking around and having a good time... I miss giving her those hugs she loves when I pick her up in the process and kiss her at the same time... I miss her name coming up in my phone for a text message and smiling every time... I just miss every thing about her... it kills me thinking that she's doing all of that with another guy now... I was her first for everything and she swore to me I'd be her last, well so much for that... I know there's a more perfect girl out there for me, I understand it very well, but she's still the one I want... I feel I could eventually forgive her for everything she had done, but then I don't want to and the longer she stays with him, less I want to forgive her... I'll eventually be at the point where I won't forgive her and it kills me because of all our plans together, it'll just be going down the drain... I never prayed for anything or tried to bargain for anything in my life, but this would be the one thing I'd do it for, for her to come back now before the damage would be too great to repair... I've always listened to my head before my heart before, this time I'm listening to my heart for once and it's telling me not to let her go, she's the one... I hope for once that listening to my heart would be a good idea...

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