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Day 36


Just cried my eyes out.


Went to a pub quiz with friends, one of 'em saw you yesterday. He was at the same bar as you with two of my other friends, you came up to them to talk (why can't you just stay away from my friends? Go and hang out with your own ones, those who couldn't be more happy to see you dump me!) I've asked my friends not to talk about you anymore, so I have no idea what you talked about with them. I am sure though it was not about me. The only thing my friend told me was that you've gotten really fat. My mates were surprised when I responded that I would take you back in a sec even if you weighed 300 pounds.


Anyway, for some reason I started to cry again when I got home. I miss you so bad. I love you with whole my heart.


I might see you thursday, as we are both invited an event. I don't know if I want to see you or not. A really small part of my hopes you'll show up and you'll be nice to me, start liking me again, want to start seeing me again and maybe fall in love with me again. But let's face it: that's not gonna happen. So I'd rather have you stay away.


Love you L. For always.

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I'm at 2 weeks of NC and not thinking about breaking it. Cut off contact with entire family, phone number is changed. I know from a friend that she is going to NY with the guy I caught her texting. Good, I am fine with it. Stings a little but I'm glad to get it out of the way because it's inevitable. Knowing I got GIGS'ed makes it easier to realize she was too unstable to be the one...good riddance. I asked friends to not tell me anything else about her. I requested she change her address but she still has bills, credit card, bank statements coming here. I returned them to the post office but not to her. The first month I'd take it to her parents house but I haven't done that for over 3 weeks now. Boy time is flying. In one more week we will have been broken up for 2 months.


Her older sister dumped a bf of 3 years to move 3,000 miles away and date a new guy for 6 months before returning last year and proposing to original guy and being rejected. Less than 6 months later she was/(is?) living with a 3rd guy. I'll be sure to revisit this post with whatever details I can should history repeat itself in some similar fashion. I just don't think that it's going to work out for her jumping to a new guy less than a month and a half after a 4 year relationship abruptly ended but let's wait and see...14 days ago she was crying on the phone saying she loved me.


A lot of clarity has set in. I was with her because she was hot. That's it. She was a model in college and I was mostly into her for the wrong reasons. She does well in sales for the same reasons. She had other redeeming qualities but really I was forgiving too much for the last 2 years because she was sexy and the sex was good. Other than that, she was kind of lazy (she would just leave work in the middle of the day to watch tv in my bed), she was manipulative (asking me to consider selling my house and moving away with her while texting and going out to the bar with other guy), and she has a serious drinking problem which scared me so much I had to call her brother and sister in law during our relationship to get advice. Let's not forget she wanted to get this dog together and then wanted to go out every night and leave her locked up. There was nothing great about this relationship. I can now vividly remember talks with friends at the 1, 2, and 3 year mark where I considered leaving her for all of these kinds of reasons. This set me free.

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DAY 12


Very sad indeed today, I've cried a few times this morning and all I wanted was to go to wherever you are and give you a hug and cry in your arms. Not that I could or would do that, you'll be at work! But you know what I mean...


I'm not going to break NC, but as time is passing I'm finding it harder, not the urges to contact you but I'm finding I'm waiting around for you to contact me. To check up on me, to ask to meet or even the logistics of swapping our possessions. I want to hear from you so much, but I know if I do it will kill me.

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Day 34

After getting your message the other day that led me to do a Google search on you. Since you were a good athlete at your other school, your pictures are still up there. Fortunately, they're all old pictures. Things I've already seen. However, they reminded me of what you look like, and what your body looks like.


I mean, I havent forgotten your face or body. But not talking to you, makes it....a little more fuzzy in some way.


After that, I googled my own name, to see what you'd get, if you searched my name. I saw 3 pictures. Each a picture that I know you've already seen. That pleased me.


I dont have a desire to talk to you anymore. So that's good. But, I still care. Hopefully, this will take a different form within the next few months.

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Having a really bad day, feeling weaker rather than stronger today. I really really want to contact him. But if I do im scared of what he will have to tell me - that he's seeing someone new? he's having fun with a new girl? He doesnt miss me, I know that 100%. I reckon he is seeing someone new and its panicking me.

I want to ride this wave out

Anxiety is hitting me again today

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Day 6


Started off today the same as I have every other day so far, went to the gym but today pushed myself some more and burned 800 calories in 47 minutes. How did I feel? I felt awesome!


Ended up getting lunch with my Dad for a while and read a book until dinner time.


Watched the football then after dinner and literally about to hit the hay quite soon.


I must admit I thought I'd be thinking of you more than what I have this past 6 days but I realise that although I thought I needed you, I clearly didn't so I don't know why I acted like that, I only wanted you. Strange how things fall into perspective once you take a back seat and examine them.

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Day 37


I might see you tomorrow. But I hope you won't show up. I'll have to face the music eventually, but it's too early. So I hope you won't be at this event and I hope you won't be at the event a month from now. But surely you will be at the big convention in November. But that's two months from now, who knows in what kind of place I'll be by then.

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This is such a great thread.


I started NC: September 10, 2011


NC Day#4

I have felt better than ever in the last 3 days. I have been having this continuous smile on my face all day long I have been hanging out with friends and coworkers which I had completely neglected when I was with him. I haven't felt the urge to get in touch with him, but I almost wish he saw how happy and amazing I have been feeling these last few days. I work with him one day a week so will see him for a couple of hours for work related stuff a few days from now but I really don't care. He said he had made such a good decision to break up with me, I agree and I think he did me a favor.


I have no intention of trying to win him back anymore. This time it's over for good. I am doing this NC thing for myself so that I don't take months to forget him. I have actually met another guy and I think I will give dating him a chance.


Stay strong, to all you NC people!


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BU 1st Sept.


Back to Day 1 again, I can't control myself. I want to hear from you sooooooooooo bad, I can't stop thinking about you. Everything around me reminds me of you, its like your in my face every where I go.


When will this pain go away?



As long as you keep going back and forth, you are going to be in pain. You have distanced yourself from them physically, so any pain you are feeling now is self induced. Start thinking about yourself. Do you want to feel like this 3 months down the road?

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DAY 13 (unlucky for some!)


Feeling better today (apart from the first hour or so after waking up), getting on with things. It feels alien not being in touch but I don't want to contact him, I wouldn't know what to say! I'm up and down a lot still but I'm completely in control of NC, not a single strong urge to contact him at all yet. I can't lie though, I am still hanging around a bit waiting to see if he will get in touch. But I'm not letting it rule my life

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Day 10


I'm ok. I feel like a cheater on this challenge, since i barely dated that guy for two months, and I wasn't in love or anything. At least i don't think i was.


I was more enamored with the idea of him, and it's mostly human nature "wanting what you can't have".


Since he was so resistant about wanting something more, i wanted him. Twisted how that works.


I might start dating pretty soon, i'll give it another ten days

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NC Day 5

BU August 22


I know my self confidence is a mess, and it has been for the last 4 months. I don't know why. But I know for sure it drove you away, far far away.

I wish I had more time, because I know with time I'll get my strength together and drive you crazy. But time is just what I don't have. You'll be leaving this city in 6 months and I won't ever see you again after that.

I need to recuperate fast. I need to find the strength in me FAST. I hope I do, because deep down I know I still want to be with you.


But for now I have deleted your number from my phone, disabled your posts from showing on my facebook wall and I wish I didn't have to see you for work reasons.

I hope I don't cross your mind at all, because I want you to forget the old me and be ready to meet a new improved me in the future.

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- Day 38 -


I'm quite nervous as I might see her today. Must be at least two months since the last time a saw her. And I haven't had any contact since our phone call 38 days ago. I do not want to see or talk to her, it's not going to do me any good.


Back to ZERO.


She came to the drink hosted by my local political party of which she is also a member. There were just 9 people incl. the two of us, so it was impossible to ignore her completely. A little interaction took place. It went as good as it could have went. I'd rather had not seen her. But I must say I almost couldn't have done any better under the circumstances.


Now I am back home alone the tears are flowing of course.

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DAY 14 - 2 WEEKS (blimey!)


It's actually quite sad that it ever came to this. It's like everything has gone full circle, and back to how things were before we ever got together, almost like our relationship never happened. 2 weeks since I last saw you in the flesh and spoke to you. There's so much I want to say to you but what good would it do really? I feel so silly that I let you walk into my life, pick me up, shake me about and then just drop me off at the end. What did you ever want from me?

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Day 1


Man, it's really hard to start NC again. After having seen her yesterday the urge to contact her has returned. She looked so beautiful, her voice sounded so sweet. I had not seen her for two months.


Also saw her sister today from accross the street. I managed to avoid eye contact. Don't even know if she saw me.

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Forgot to do this yesterday so will include yesterday's in with today's.


Day 7

A week has gone by and I was at the gym again pretty early this morning, managed to burn another load of calories and felt really good while doing so.


Went out to lunch to Wetherspoons with my Mum and Dad, it was nice to get out with the parents for once. Something I haven't done in a good few years which is quite pathetic really.


Ended up at the pub at night time with my friends to watch the football and came home at 10pm before going to sleep at about 11pm. Not much went through my head yesterday in all honesty, I was just looking at the difference in myself, chalk and cheese really.


Day 8

Day 5 in a row at the gym, another lot of calories burned which again made me feel like I'm trying to better myself.


I came home and had lunch and then headed out for a walk for about a hour or so.


Tonight I plan on having a lazy-ish night as I've got a big day planned tomorrow with my friends. Also managed to get some new clothes in today as well which will hopefully make me look the part as well as me feeling like I'm the part too.


Today was the first day I genuinely missed her but it wasn't as bad as what I thought. I know she'll be missing me just as much or a lot more as that's the type of girl she is.

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