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Getting back together really does happen!

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My sister and my brother-in-law separated for 4 months with complete NC (both 20yrs old), he got back in touch with her and took her out to dinner. Sparks flew, now they have been married for 5 years with two kids.


My brother-in-law's brother and his wife separated for roughly 6 months, she didn't see other people, he went on to date a different girl. Somehow they got back in touch and now have been married for 10 years with two kids as well.

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Another one I remembered: Family friends split up (this is before I knew them) because he didn't want to get married. She moved out (they were dating) and they didn't speak for months. He finally realized he wanted to be with her and they got married within 6 months of that.

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okay I can't sleep at all but I have seen some other success stories posted on other forums....so happy reading!



Anyways the guy i worked with dated his fiance since senior year in high school. He is 25 now so you figure probably something around 7 years or so. He and his now fiance (now wife) broke up about a year into the relationship for like 4 months. He said that they kept in casual contact and saw each other every os often. Then they got back together and dated until there next breakup, which lasted about 8 months. this time they said again they had casual contact but a lt less then the prior time and never saw each other. During this break, they both dated other people as well. He said he felt that they would get back togther but that he knew right now the relationship wasnt going to work. Anyways so after 8 months they got back togther. They dated again until the final and last break up. This time it lasted a whole year. during this break they never spoke once or saw each other. It was too hard for him and he was so heartbroken. He said it took him about 6 months to move on and finally be happy. He dated a couple different people and she did as well. He told me that he never thought that he would see her again or even speak to her this time. Finally one day he decided to call her and ask her to get coffee. I guess it was the right timing this time around because the rest is history. They ended up getting married last year and they both have never been happier.



The point of me sharing this story is that sometimes we do loose the ones that we love. However just because we might loose them for 4 months, 8 months, or even a year it doesnt mean that we loose them forever. My friend told me that they both realized that by being apart and dating others that they were meant to be for each other. Hope this story gives a smile to some of us out there. remember have faith, have hope, but try to move on as well. Good Luck.........

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My last 2 relationships before this most recent one, I had both ex's come back. The first one came back after a few months. He wanted us to work things out. By that point I had found someone else, and stuck with my new guy. So needless to say we didn't get back together, but he did come back. When my second relationship ended, it took him 4 months to come back, but he did. It wasn't in a romantic way, but he came back. He tried to be friends, tried to get me to hang out, texted me and called me quite a bit. At first I was really happy he reached out to me. But at that point I wasn't attracted to him romantically anymore. I was in a relationship with my recent ex. To this day, he calls me all the time, and we have hung out too. I don't see him in a romantic way anymore, but after all my prayers, he did come back.


There is a powerful prayer you can say that never fails. I'm not sure if any of you are religious or not, but with my last 2 breakups including this one were very hard. I was with my most recent ex for 7 months. The other 2 we dated for years. I was upset about those relationships as well, but this recent one has me even more upset. I just feel something so differently with this guy. I've started saying that prayer yesterday, so I hope one day it will work for me like it did with the other 2!


If you'd like the prayer, feel free to message me, and i'll be happy to give it to you.


Good Luck to every one of you wanting an ex back. It is very possible for it to happen, but just remember your happiness is most important!

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I never once in my post said this prayer brings an ex back. I said it's a prayer that you can say for your own self, no matter what it is you pray about. I happened to pray about my ex, and it worked. It may not work everytime, but if people want to try, they have every right to do so. I'm sorry if I'm a big believer in faith and prayer. That doesn't mean you have to say what I said doesn't work.


Some people actually believe in praying no matter what they are going through.


For those of you who are going to try this prayer, I wish you nothing but luck, no matter what it is you pray for!

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Don't send it to him. He doesn't need anymore false hope.


No prayer is going to bring back an ex.


Go find someone better.


Te-hee that's so true. Maybe there should also be a positive thread celebrating 'yayy I'm over my ex and that toxicity and thank god I escaped so swiftly without complications such as long lost years, babies, outrageous compromises!!'

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Don't send it to him. He doesn't need anymore false hope.


No prayer is going to bring back an ex.


Go find someone better.


I dont need the prayer to get her back - I just want to improve my life as well as other things (like my career) that are not working out for me - It might help and even if doesnt I am happy to pray

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found two more...



1) On Friday, I attended the wedding of a second chance success story. They'd been together since high school - were together for about 5 or 6 years when he broke up with her but that lasted only about a month. 2 years later he broke up with her again and said this time it was for good and they just weren't going to work out. After 4 months of NC, she called him in a moment of weakness to tell him she missed him and he told her to move on and get over him... that it was really over. After that she really accepted it and moved on and 3 months later (so 7 months of being broken up in total), guess who came out of the woodwork? He called her to say he missed her like crazy and no girl out there came close to comparing to her. They took it slow at first and she was reluctant but he proposed mere weeks later. That was about a year and a half ago and, while it took them time to heal the wounds and genuinely work through everything that had happened - they are now blissfully happy. At the wedding everyone agreed there was this overwhelming feeling of ah everything is exactly as it should be (when it comes to them).


2) This is about a friend of a friend. She and her boyfriend had been together for 5 years and he moved for work - NYC to Boston is only 2 hrs so the move wasn't that big a deal really. He broke it off with her and said it wasn't going to work out and they didn't speak at all. She moved on with her life, took care of herself, dated etc. About 6 months later, she was in NYC for business and let him know she was in town. They met up to hang out and had an incredible time together - just a lot of fun - and remembered everything they had. They got back together soon after and are now married with a baby on the way.


Noone should think that these stories are the norm but from what I've seen in stories of friends and friends of friends, it usually seems to work out when the relationship was long with a strong foundation/history in place.

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I think it's possible people can get back together, but the process has a fragile dynamic as it depends on a few factors that are left to chance that have to happen all, together:

1. dumper realises mistake, becomes a new person, and fully intends with all his/her might to fix things up

2. the dumpee heals, moves on, becomes a 'new' person themselves, but still have a soft spot or strong feelings for ex.

3. the dumpee is willing to risk it all again getting back together

4. the reconciliation and NEW relationship is approached with caution and lots of reflection by both parts

5. both parts are as positive as possible about the reconciliation.


A high toll, but not inpossible!!

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lol...i just really like these stories. But trust me, there is so much negativity out there that I think its nice to just have some positivity every now and then.


It's good to have some hope but at the same time, try to move on.


I agree. I read these stories because they make me happy, but they don't give me fodder to think: "Yes, this will happen to me, too!"


The big takeaway from these stories for me, is that you can NEVER predict what will happen in the future, so your number one goal and priority might as well always be yourself and your happiness.

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I think it's possible people can get back together, but the process has a fragile dynamic as it depends on a few factors that are left to chance that have to happen all, together:

1. dumper realises mistake, becomes a new person, and fully intends with all his/her might to fix things up

2. the dumpee heals, moves on, becomes a 'new' person themselves, but still have a soft spot or strong feelings for ex.

3. the dumpee is willing to risk it all again getting back together

4. the reconciliation and NEW relationship is approached with caution and lots of reflection by both parts

5. both parts are as positive as possible about the reconciliation.


A high toll, but not inpossible!!


LOL Yea I'm that dumpee who has a softspot and the dumper that want to fix things up.

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One thing I have noticed that A LOT of these stories have in common is that the dumpees moved on: they worked on themselves, found happiness again, and some even dated. They truly accepted the relationship as over and moved on.


I was talking with a friend today - I wonder if the dumper ever does any introspection.. as much as the dumpee seems to do... in my case, the dumper desperately needs to....

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I was talking with a friend today - I wonder if the dumper ever does any introspection.. as much as the dumpee seems to do... in my case, the dumper desperately needs to....


I believe they do. One of my guy friends actually told me today that he really missed his ex from 6 months ago. He has a new girlfriend now but he said it's just not the same but he's too frightened to go back to her. He wouldn't tell me what happened though, but he said that after all this time he does still miss her and he actually can see himself marrying her and being happy.


It just shows that you don't really know what their thinking or feeling.

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When my ex broke it off with me.. he was in a depression & pretty flat about life... I ran into him and asked him How he's doing.. at first, he said "good" and I asked "no really, how are you doing?" .. he just said "eh, same ole" with a somewhat somber tone... makes me think he hasn't done much introspection.. but I do hope he has... for his own benefit really.

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It could just be that he's still lost and trying to figure things out.


My parents always told me that its always a red flag if you're dating someone who's unsure of where they're going in their life or they are constantly indecisive. Not good if you're looking for a commitment down the road. That was basically my situation with my ex.


I think we all hope that our ex's are taking the time to think about things and realize they want to come back. There's always hope but it's not healthy to sit around at wait for it.


I've always wondered (about all these people that reconciled), if they went through a previous breakup where they really wanted their ex to come back but didn't. Then they met someone new, broke up for a while, and when they reconciled for good, it was because this was really the right person they ended up with. Do you know what I mean?

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I think the younger the person is, the more chance there is of them recognizing an "issue" and wanting to look inside... my ex is 37 so the chances of him saying it's an issue as opposed to him just saying "this is how I am" is rare...


But love is hoping someone is happy, with or without you, right?


Your parents are right about red flags, but of course, there are instances where you can help them along in their journey, if they want someone to hold their hand.

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One of my friends broke up with his girlfriend. She recently told me after a month of being single two of her exes from the past contacted her wanting to hang out. One was actually begging her, texting her constantly to get her to watch a movie with him. She doesn't want either of them back anymore, but it shows they can come back if you give them time.

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