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Is it better to have loved and lost than never have loved before??

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I think that the saying is crap, because it seems to always be said after a person has lost someone that they love. This saying is something that sounds good to say and encourages that their loving the other person was a good thing. I think that the saying is too simplistic because sometimes it is better to not have loved that person at all.

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I'd depends on the relationship and what you define as "lost".


But, if my boyfriend were to die, I would be more than happy to have known and loved him rather than not known him at all and saved myself the pain of losing him.


Even if the relationship was bad, and it hurt you a lot, at least you've grown and know better since it was lost.

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To me it's like saying, "it is better to have jumped out of a plane and had your parachute malfunction than to have not jumped out of the plane at all".


it is better to have not loved at all then to have loved and had it turn out to be counterfeit heartbreaking meaningless . that leaves you empty and defeated for half the rest of your life.

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I really believe in this saying...I know even though my heart may have been broken, it was worth it...I don't think because a relationship does not last forever it is not valuable, all relationships where we love are valuable, and heartache is a natural part of being in love...without the lows we wouldn't know how to appreciate the highs....

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There is a reason for everything and for everything there is a season...Sometimes you don't know the reason, but it is there.


Every person who comes into our lives comes there to teach us something..Sometimes they are meant to be there forever and sometimes just for a short time.....


When the lesson is learned, we no longer need that person in our lives, they then leave and you meet others to help you along in your journey.. You continue to learn the lessons that are needed in your life......


it's good while it lasts and it lasts while it's good...


Every love you have ever had, or will ever have, teaches you what you will and will not put up with, what you do and do not want in your life...


With each relationship be it a friend, a child, a family member, or lover you grow...


Therefore, yes, it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all...


If not for the rain, we would not appreciate the sunshine...


If not for our lost loves..we would never truly know ourselves....

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Better to love and lost than never loved at all.


I have been through some pretty crappy break ups, ones that I really thought was "the end of my life" so to speak. I was devastated. Yet, after the pain goes away I learn. I learn so much from each boyfriend, and I always take a little with me- love or lust. It's a learning experience that after it all resides I will never forget or regret.

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I think the saying goes: "Tis Better to have loved and lost than to live with the psycho the rest of your life"


Yes, I bought the t-shirt. Although I don't suggest wearing it too soon after a break-up, especially if you wear it to work and you work with the ex's mother

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