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I ran into a FANTASTIC job oppurtunity yesterday!


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It IS a sketchy practice. I believe that you shouldn't even give people your name, you should just be assigned a number for identification in the application process. Also, race and gender should be unknown to employers and schools. Then I believe it would truly be fair.


I totally agree with you on that one.

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Have you read freakonomics?


The chapter on how your name (and how it is spelled) being related to how much income you are likely to make was amazing.


Yeah, I think people really don't understand how your last name affects how other people see you, and your first name can identify you as male or female.

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Yeah, I think people really don't understand how your last name affects how other people see you, and your first name can identify you as male or female.


Your first name can classify your social class and race too.


Notice how all the lowest paid white male names were all "Billy", "willy", "Timmy", "Tommy", "Bobby"


More than half of them ended in Y.


And all the lowest paid white female names were all names like "Destiny", "Angel", "Candy".


Names which are notoriously stripper names. '


It's said how that works.

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By pictures sake? It's debatable.


See, my school IS predominantly white.


Also, I have yet to see much of anyone who has piercings or tattoos that they didn't get AFTER coming to college.


In fact, I can't name a single person.


It IS a sketchy practice. I believe that you shouldn't even give people your name, you should just be assigned a number for identification in the application process. Also, race and gender should be unknown to employers and schools. Then I believe it would truly be fair.


yeah, most jobs i apply for want you to answer an "anonymous" questionnaire asking your race and stuff, but it's optional. I never fill it out.

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Yeah, with something like law enforcement it's required to do that.


My mom thought it was a pretty standard practice with everything they were asking, picture included.


It's for indentification practice.


This is the first job that's required me to give a picture, but then this is the first LAW ENFORCEMENT job I've tried out for.

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Yeah, with something like law enforcement it's required to do that.


My mom thought it was a pretty standard practice with everything they were asking, picture included.


It's for indentification practice.


This is the first job that's required me to give a picture, but then this is the first LAW ENFORCEMENT job I've tried out for.


they probably run the pic through their crime lab to see if you look like any fugitives.

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Marital status *can* be relevant. If, *for instance* you were going to be a police officer, and were currently fighting a custody battle or something, then there's a fair chance you wouldn't be employed at that time, because there would be the potential for conflicts of interest and abuses of power.


The same would apply to dispatchers because they have access to sensitive information.


It's a long bow to draw, perhaps, but there is a case to be made.


And tbh, although it's not particularly pc, there's are some things that would be able to be seen in a photo that would give indicators to an applicant's suitability for a job. Things like manner and personal presentation, for one.


There are others, depending on the job, but I can certainly see why it's done - you want to know as much as possible about applicants before you spend lengthy amounts of time on interviews.

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I was just making sure about the photo, because they said no photo copies.


I turned in all of the stuff today along with my applications. The only thing I was missing was my social security card. They seemd to really want it, but when I have 5 other documents with my personal information, and they can just put my number in and look me up I really don't see the big deal.


Hopefully I will hear back!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The police have to meet a certain quota. So if there is a girl and guy with the same qualifications, they are going to pick the girl.






Just to let you know, police don't have a certain quota to meet...for anything. Not hiring, or speeding tickets, or anything...just a heads up.

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