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I ran into a FANTASTIC job oppurtunity yesterday!


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Yes I suppose.


I'm pretty good with people and talking, I do that alot lol.


I pretty much know what to say and what not to say, what they would WANT To hear.


I don't have a resume though.


They just gave me this application and history to fill out.


It took me like 2 hrs, but it's mostly done.


Now I just need to attatch a picture of myself and get copies of all the documents they need.


you may be good at talking with people but give the career counsellors a shot, their advice can actually help you GET the job, and not just be likeable. i've learnt so much this semester (took several workshops) and yet even i was fairly good at interviews. it turned out that i did not know as much as i thought i did.


and i agree with jaded...they shouldn't be asking you for a picture. they can ask you for one when you get hired, for security or I.D. cards, but not before you get the job. it's not work-related and it's very possible for them to discriminate you on age/gender/other things.

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ask them if it is relevant to the job. they technically cannot do that before you get the job, although there are some occupations that allow it to happen. i think police officers are allowed to, but dispatchers are basically call centre paramedics.

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Well, I don't really have a problem with it though...


I don't see how it would affect me getting a job.


What if the job is currently filled with 98% young females and they want an older female to add some balance? Perhaps in your mind you feel adding it will help your cause, what if it doesn't?


I am not saying this is how it will play out. Just throwing out one possible scenario as to how discrimination suits crop up in all sorts of ways.

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most jobs are prohibited from asking for pictures for applications. whoever is doing the hiring can look at your resume, and decide based on looks that they dislike you. your picture shows that you're young and also female, and white. they might discriminate.


it is your choice to send it. personally i'd ask them if it's job-relevant. they don't need to know whether you're married or single, right?

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No, they also asked if I was married, single, divorced, had ever been any of those, or had any kids aswell.


The picture was from the end of Jan.


I doubt alot of very young females would be applying for it though...


Considering they only way I even FOUND OUT about it, was walking up to cops and asking what kind of jobs they had avaliable.

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No, they also asked if I was married, single, divorced, had ever been any of those, or had any kids aswell.


The picture was from the end of Jan.


I doubt alot of very young females would be applying for it though...


Considering they only way I even FOUND OUT about it, was walking up to cops and asking what kind of jobs they had avaliable.



The reason i threw that scenario out there is because in our area most are younger. It depends on the area. These jobs are usually posted all over the job boards, so a person would easily find out about them by looking on them.

Normally they are required to be posted externally.


Also, from my own experience years ago and the experience of many of my friends when a female asks a male officer what jobs are available they always say 'dispatcher'. I know they don't MEAN to suggest that job to females because they think they are more demure, but i betcha that is why most of them do suggest it.

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I guess you never know.


There are alot of younger people. The minimum age is 18. And I'm sure alot of people my age wouldn't even attempt a job like that because of college/school.


I mean, the only way I can even do it would be if it was Part-Time or they could consider in my school.


Hopefully they can.

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No, they also asked if I was married, single, divorced, had ever been any of those, or had any kids aswell.


The picture was from the end of Jan.


I doubt alot of very young females would be applying for it though...


Considering they only way I even FOUND OUT about it, was walking up to cops and asking what kind of jobs they had avaliable.


umm they are not supposed to ask those questions. they can only ask work-related questions on an application and an interview. don't know about american law but those kinds of questions are prohibited here under the human rights code...what does being married or single have to do with your job performance ya know?

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Well this kind of stuff wasn't on the "application."


you have to fill out an job application, AND a "Personal History."


That first gets sent into the "Human Resources" center in Town Hall.


Then, if it gets approved there it then gets sent to the police station, and they decide it they want to approve it or not.


There is 6 spots left, and like 40 applications they have to go through.

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And when I was applying for a child care job, they asked if I was married, or divorced or anything.



They are not supposed to. That has ZERO relevance on the job.


And i just attended a meeting today where we learned that the discrimination laws are being heavily vamped up and heavier penalities established, thus more protection is being offered because of so many class action lawsuits that have cropped up over the past few years.


If a question on an application (which is a legally binding document) or in an interview has zero bearing on one's ability to perform a job, it shouldn't be asked. Period.

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These were the things they wanted you to fill out:


-Applicant identification.


-Employment history (List ALL jobs you have had during at least the past 10 years)


-Training and Educational History


-Driving History


-Legal History


-Residences (list all adresses you have lived in the past 10 years)


-Neihbors (list 2 neihbors from your current address)


-Family Info: Marriages, Divorces, children, parents, sisters and brothers if ages 17 and older.


-Personal references (5 people that know you well enough to provide information. No relatives, neighbors, or past/present employers)


-Miscellaneous info: groups, clubs etc. Hobbies, sports.


-Personal Declarations


-They ask if you have ever tried ANY drugs, and there is a checklist for EVERY one. They they ask if you have ever sold, had injections, abused medications, manufactured drugs, used glue/paint products to get high, lied to a doctor to get a prescription etc.


And then the picture thing.


That was the personal History. Then you also need to fill out the Job Application.

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Yeah when I became an assistant teacher for Childrens Courtyard, I had to fill out alot of information, take multiple tests, watch videos.


And take a 2 hr class and get certified in CPR and first aid, watch more vidos, and get get a TB shot.

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My college application required pictures.


We are often critisized for it.


Could your application have been turned down? If so, it is a very sketchy practice. If one provides a pic AFTER they are selected for a job or school it is no big deal. If it is asked for IN the selection process that is when it is really questionable.

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Could your application have been turned down? If so, it is a very sketchy practice. If one provides a pic AFTER they are selected for a job or school it is no big deal. If it is asked for IN the selection process that is when it is really questionable.


By pictures sake? It's debatable.


See, my school IS predominantly white.


Also, I have yet to see much of anyone who has piercings or tattoos that they didn't get AFTER coming to college.


In fact, I can't name a single person.


It IS a sketchy practice. I believe that you shouldn't even give people your name, you should just be assigned a number for identification in the application process. Also, race and gender should be unknown to employers and schools. Then I believe it would truly be fair.

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