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30 years old, hate my job, cant get a new one, I have a ton of debt and the love of my life left me.


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You cannot wish something good happening to you - you must go out and make your destiny.


I understand your low point, I have lived through a life of disappointments. As a result, i live with the back door open and Plan B readily available. You never know when Option C will be great too.


Have you considered the Army or Navy? I don't know your physical or mental disqualifications, but if you are looking for a Lifestyle change, they will give it too you if you wish to earn it. You can get waivers for some disqualifications, so you might look into it.


You might also try to find something to put into your life so you job isn't so unbearable. You might also change your viewpoint about your job - look up instead of down. I'd consider you have 30k in sift debt and 40 k in hard debt, which isn't that bad. The interest on that hard debt isn't bad at all!!


Optimism can turn even the worst situation into a silver lining.

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Thanks for the response...I know that we make our own destiny but everything I seem to do nothing seems to work...


I have considered the army but I really dont want to get shipped off and killed. I am 30 years old...I would just like to get out of my horrible financial situation, find a freaking day job, find a nice girl and start a family...crazy huh.

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  • 5 months later...

I have been working stupid shifts for years used to hate it do to alot of your reasons. I can give you a few suggestions. Find a diner after work you may meet a nice waitress, Split your sleep there are alot of people out during the day shopping and stuff. Look up link removed you may find something to do on there that you like and it will introduce you to new people that are single. If your debt is to much check into filing bankruptcy. Quit trying to find someone it will happen when you are not looking. For me when I was looking I know I came off as needy and was showing my self pitty it was a big turn off.

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70k can be a lot, depending on your plan of attack. If you want to pay that off with a job working for someone else, making 40k/yr, then yeah, it's a lot. What you really need to do is think outside the box. How can you use your talents to get something started? You're going to have to leave the safety and security of solely working for others if you want to conquer your financial mountain.

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I do not think so but after seeing that NOTHING has chnaged about my situation since the year that I posted this I am feeling really low. I just need some type of change in my situation and for some reason I CANT DO IT.


Then maybe what needs to change... is you.

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I have applied for hundreds of jobs and tried to meet new people. I have thre possiblity of having a day job but it is $11,000 less than what I make now. Although I have ZERO life with the hours that I work, I would love to take the job becuase I think it would make me happier with life but I just cant afford to with all of my debt.

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I have applied for hundreds of jobs and tried to meet new people. I have thre possiblity of having a day job but it is $11,000 less than what I make now. Although I have ZERO life with the hours that I work, I would love to take the job becuase I think it would make me happier with life but I just cant afford to with all of my debt.


You can only tackle one problem at a time. There is no magical solution that is going to make everything right in one swoop. It's a question of stages and progression.


If what you're doing now over and over and over again isn't working, then you need to try something new.

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Check that I am now 80K in debt!!!


42K in student loans

19K vehicle loan

19K credit cards



I make 48K a year and can pay my bills but I cannot take a lower paying job and am unable to get a higher paying one. I feel like I am in prison, the unhappiness is unbearable, I feel like I have no life and will never have one.


I started this thread a year ago, and feel I am at my lowpoint.

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It sounds like you are overwhelmed right now, and when your emotions go into a huge downward spiral, it can turn into actual depression.


I am thinking link removed might be a good resource for you- there are people with huge amounts of debt who have used his program to get themselves out of it. The link I posted is to his radio show- there are various ways you can listen to it for free. I was thinking it might help you not feel so overwhelmed if you can listen to other people who are also in difficult financial situations. He has a lot of resources on his website that might be useful to you as well.


I think he charges to use his forums (which I think is tacky since he is trying to get people out of debt, but my guess is it weeds out those who are not serious about it) - but you can get a free trial on them- maybe you could go there and post your situation and see if those folks have some concrete ideas for you.

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Check that I am now 80K in debt!!!


42K in student loans

19K vehicle loan

19K credit cards



I make 48K a year and can pay my bills but I cannot take a lower paying job and am unable to get a higher paying one. I feel like I am in prison, the unhappiness is unbearable, I feel like I have no life and will never have one.


I started this thread a year ago, and feel I am at my lowpoint.


Anybody here think I should take a job making 10,000 less with hours of either 6-230 or 230-11 and file for bankruptcy????? I have been in this career for 7 years working 7pm to 5am Monday throuugh Friday and feel it has ruined my life. I have not been able to find a job with different hours for YEARS.

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It sounds like getting off night shift is a huge issue for you.


Maybe you can scale down your budget so you can live on less money? Get a roommate, cut out all non-essentials, etc.


You most likely really need to do a budget to see if you can realistically live on a lowered salary. If you are willing to make the sacrifices it might be worth it.


Have you ever tried to negotiate lower payments on your credit cards? Have you ever talked to a consumer credit agency? Do you have a strict budget now? Maybe you already have done that.


I personally think you should do more investigation/planning before filing BK, but that is just my opinion. I don't think its ethical to file it unless the BK is due to medical bills. But again, that is just my opinion.


You could take the day job and then get a part time evening job a couple of nights a week like delivering pizzas to supplement it.

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I really donot have a strict budget but do need one. I really do not want to consumer credit or debt consolidation place because it will severely ruin you credit rating, although I know bankruptcy will do the same...I just need a SEVERE change in my life immediately

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I really donot have a strict budget but do need one. I really do not want to consumer credit or debt consolidation place because it will severely ruin you credit rating, although I know bankruptcy will do the same...I just need a SEVERE change in my life immediately
You've had a whole year to reread the advice you were given to get on a budget, and you haven't done it yet? What the heck do you do every week with your paycheck? You can go online and find a dozen places to get a free budget worksheet. It's not rocket science, and you can get on a plan.


As for your job, make a plan for that. How many headhunters have you visited in the last year?

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You've had a whole year to reread the advice you were given to get on a budget, and you haven't done it yet? What the heck do you do every week with your paycheck? You can go online and find a dozen places to get a free budget worksheet. It's not rocket science, and you can get on a plan.


As for your job, make a plan for that. How many headhunters have you visited in the last year?


I have done everything remotely possibleto find a new job.

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I have done everything remotely possibleto find a new job.


So how many headhunters did you go visit? How many buildings did you walk into in your town and ask to fill out an application, since you're off work all day long? Are you on linkedin and do you spend at least an hour every single day on linkedin searching for contacts? How many workfairs have you attended? Have you offered to intern for free somewhere during the day to segue into a new job?

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