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Armpits and knees????

Delusional Kisses

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So, I have a friend that drunk texted me early last week. We have had sexual discussions for months, etc, but only made out once. Nevertheless, this isn't really the point of my post. The text said something along the lines of wanting to have sex with my armpits, feet or even the backs of my knees...or whatever my "thing" was. Funny, because I don't believe any of those things are "my thing", but it just made me wonder....is this something that people are into? He happens to be a VERY free spirit sexually and has alot of different thoughts about the matter.

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Armpits and knees, thats a new one on me, you should tell him you are only into him smearing the backs of your knees with peanut butter and having him lick it off. If he agrees to that, run for the hills!


FUnnily enough that's not as bad as having someone want to have SEX with your back knees and piss in your hair (to me).

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