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I'm about 7 weeks , I was on my way to visit my family by coach yesterday (friday) and i was about 2 hours away. When I realised I was bleeding, so I was taken to hospital. And They didn't scan me or anything. They just took a water sample and did the bit where they put a plastic see through cone insdie of you, and shine a light.

They said they saw that the womb was closed, and that they took a clot of blood out. I was discharged, and they couldn't tell me if i had lost the baby or not.


I cant get a scan with a hosptial over the weekend. So I'm going private today at 3pm. I dont know what to expect. Do you think with the amount of blood I lost (was a lot but not bleeding now) that maybe I lost it? They did say that they only took out a clot, and not tissue. I dont understand how I can bleed if my womb is closed?


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I honestly have no idea, I've never been pregnant or experienced anything like this. No one here can really give you the answer you're looking for. Not even the hospital personnel could tell. Hopefully your appointment this afternoon will be good news. I hope everything turns out okay for you and wish you well!

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This is a very unusual way of examining you. Here in the states if you are having bleeding you normally get an ultrasound to confirm fetal viability. At 7 weeks they would probably be able to detect a heartbeat. The cervix being closed is a good sign (it opens when you are miscarrying or delivering) but I'm still unsure why they didn't do a scan.


Some spotting is normal in early pregnancy, especially after intercourse, not sure if this applies to you or not. Did you have any cramping with it?


Good luck.

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Good luck with your appointment this afternoon.


I'm not sure what is going on, but if offers any comfort one of my close friends had bleeding like this throughout most of her pregnancy and the baby was fine. I suffered a miscarriage with my first pregnancy and I recall being devastated at the sight of any spotting or blood in my next pregnancy. Some women do bleed around 8 weeks when their next period would have been due. I had something like that happen as well. There was a small clot and I freaked out.


Not to be gross, but was it bright red or more pink or brown? Brown usually indicates leftover, old blood which is just working it's way out. Bright red is more concerning.


I know you must be scared because you had a previous loss. Hope for the best. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted,



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the blood was bright red,

they couldn't seeing any sign of bleeding around the sack. but she could faintly see the yolk? she said i defently was NOT 7 weeks. Much Earlier. and she couldn't tell me if it was alive or not. Just i had to go to another scan in 10 days time.

So least my baby is still inside of me I still have a little hope

best £50 I ever spent!

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They should be able to give you a quantitative hCG blood test, right? To see if your hCG levels are increasing as they should in a healthy pregnancy. link removed


That is something that they can tell you, as early as 7 weeks.



Just i had to go to another scan in 10 days time.




That's terrible. The waiting is horrible. Where are you located that the healthcare system is so ineffiecient? I'm sorry you have to go through this. If I were you I would demand to have the quantitative hCG test done. Ultrasound is not the only kind of testing they can do right now. Testing hCG levels coul give them a clue about what might be going on,

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My wife is a little more than seven weeks and she had some major bleeding last night which scared me to death...it's better now but even so, it's still worrisome.


Some bleeding is normal during the first trimester, implantation blood can sometimes be discharged and it's not unusual to have small clots within...if you're cramping for more than an hour or the blood continues for days on end or gets heavier, than you may have a problem.


If you can afford private healthcare I would suggest you utilize that once the baby is deemed viable...

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I asked my partner about going private for my pregnancy, and he refused. He doesn't see the point. He thinks the NHS have tried there best. Yet complains that they keep messing up.


My doctor also said today that it's probably bad news. That I should accept it now, so when we find out for sure it wont be such a shock.


I dont understand what im doing wrong, i dont drink, i dont smoke. I am healthy, my weight is average, i exercise. yet they all die.


How can drug addicts have babies, or the underage, yet I, a healthy 23 year old can't even have one. I dont understand what im doing wrong.


I have to wait til friday, until i get my HCG blood results. and i have to wait 10 days for another scan. it all seems so far away, i just want to know if its ok,

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You should be able to get the HCG levels the same day at least by the next day and if they continue to rise or are stable then you are still pregnant.


As for why your BF gets to choose where you receive healthcare, especially when you have complicated pergnancy, well, as I said, if YOU can afford private healthcare, once you are certain the baby is viable, then you would be better served with a private provider, especially with something as delicate as your pregnancy may be.


If you have had several miscarriages, it might serve you to find out if there is a problem with your uterus, cervix or if there is some reason that you continue to lose your pregnancy.


Good luck, we are praying for you...


Blessed Be,


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I was reading my Blood test request notes and it says on them.


"bhcg 6714, prog 68 us sac"


I'm guessing 6714 is my Hcg levels from my blood test on friday, and i looked on the net and it said I should be about 5 weeks with that level. Does anyone know if im right or not?

and does anyone have any idea what "Prog 68 us sac" means?

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I was reading my Blood test request notes and it says on them.


"bhcg 6714, prog 68 us sac"


I'm guessing 6714 is my Hcg levels from my blood test on friday, and i looked on the net and it said I should be about 5 weeks with that level. Does anyone know if im right or not?

and does anyone have any idea what "Prog 68 us sac" means?


People's beta Hcg levels vary greatly, but what would help is if you had serial Hcgs a few days apart so you could see if they are doubling.


This may help you:


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When I was 4 weeks pregnant my Beta Hcg was 17,383, but as you can see from the above chart the range is wide as to what is normal.

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"Prog" probably means progesterone, a hormone the body releases to sustain a pregnancy once the egg is fertilized. Your level is probably 68. Some women have low levels of progesterone and that can cause a miscarriage, and so they take progesterone supplements (usually in the form of a creme) to sustain the pregnancy.


The 'us sac' probably indicates that the ultrasound detected a sac, or gestational sac. At 5 weeks this is typical of what can actually be seen on u/s, you may see a fetal pole that early but not much else.


Hope your u/s in 10 days gives you more information.


Any chance you can request some serial betas? One beta value alone doesn't give much information, if you don't know if they are increasing substantially.

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No thank god. The bleeding stopped the same night, so I keep praying that it doesn't come back. And that everythings ok

I met this lady at my sands grp today, and all shes had is miscarriages and still born, never had a live baby. And shes no 32 and no children. I am so scared I'll be the same when I hit 32, no babies what so ever. Just angels

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No thank god. The bleeding stopped the same night, so I keep praying that it doesn't come back. And that everythings ok

I met this lady at my sands grp today, and all shes had is miscarriages and still born, never had a live baby. And shes no 32 and no children. I am so scared I'll be the same when I hit 32, no babies what so ever. Just angels


Sami what happened to you with your little daughter was just awful, but that doesn't mean that you are doomed to never have children. Many if not most women who suffer a loss go on to have normal, healthy, full term pregnancies and healthy babies. And... spotting in early pregnancy is not unusual, and what's important is that it stopped.


I'll be saying a prayer for you.



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I did have some sort of good news today, even though results arent back until tomorrow at 4pm.


Last few days my breasts have been a tiny tiny bit sore, and after munching on my fave cereal today (which is a rare treat of my partner as its expensive for the tiny amount you get ) After I finished I hadn't enjoyed the cereal, and I was sick!


Never been so happy about being sick before, I rang my partner cheering down the phone, "i've been sick!!!!" Hopefully its not a bug, and I'm sick again tomorrow. Looking forward to it infact =D

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I just came accross your thread and wanted to give my experience. I had three miscarriages before my beautiful daughter. I was pregnant with my son and I had some heavy bleeding, I bawled my eyes out that night and went to my Dr. in the morning. The bleeding had stopped. It appeared that due to low progesterone levels I sprouted a leak, so to speak...almost miscarried again, however my body compensated and stopped the bleeding clotted the spot and it stayed clotted until he was born 7 months later. Good luck to you Sami, I think you are a-ok. You are in my prayers.

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I did have some sort of good news today, even though results arent back until tomorrow at 4pm.


Last few days my breasts have been a tiny tiny bit sore, and after munching on my fave cereal today (which is a rare treat of my partner as its expensive for the tiny amount you get ) After I finished I hadn't enjoyed the cereal, and I was sick!


Never been so happy about being sick before, I rang my partner cheering down the phone, "i've been sick!!!!" Hopefully its not a bug, and I'm sick again tomorrow. Looking forward to it infact =D


As miserable as it is, vomiting is a good sign, it means those pregnancy hormones are building up. Hope to hear more good news tomorrow!

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