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He did want sex, but then you made it seem as though you did too by sending him tipsy txts wanting to see him and then spending the night with him straight away...


Don't txt him anymore, he'll just think you're a clingon, he is an idiot though. His attitude is ridiculous and he needs to grow a pair. Learn from it.


How did I make it seem like that? I just wanted to meet someone that made out like they thought I was great. I never said "I'm going to sleep with you" I had to stay over. I wouldn't be mad about the sexual foreplay if he hadn't have treated me like garbage after anyway!

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Put this one behind you. You learned a lesson, not soon to be forgotten. So move on. Your emotions will heal, and you came out of it still healthy! But cold...LOL!


The wise are those that don't repeat mistakes, and I don't believe you will.


My best,



I'm not bothering with him, nomore texts or anything. But, I just don't get what happened. Why he suddenly rememberd he had to be leaving the next morning. But, if it was something I done between then and when he left, or if it was infact just sexual favours, why would he have texted me sayng sorry about things going "pear-shaped" and calling me "darling! with kisses, and saying he;ll be back ASAP after he left? Was it because I didn't say "that's okay" or send a lenghty text when I clearly said my battery was running out? Because that's when he just put "well, I still have a wya to go..." So he then decided he didn't like me and wouldn't come back? Or maybe he did come back, and I was really expected to wait there for hourrrsss, and he turned up and was mad?!


I know I'll get over it, I'm just a natural born analyzer. And right now I'm hurt and pissed!

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Hi hun, long time no speak!


Arrrrgh what a nightmare he was...


I really do hope your ok, I know what its like playing the whole thing over and over again like a flippin movie..


I have had this happen to me, and even though Im only 22, ive grown up. It would never happen again!.


Your right, cant buy you a drink! Red flag number one, mattress on the floor...ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww TRIPLE RED FLAGS WAVING WAVING WAVING!! Shame on him!


Dont feel bad on yourself, your 20 years old and your going to make mistakes just feel sorry for the next girl that comes his way...



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No, you didn't have to stay over. You could have insisted that you meet in a place that was more convenient for you or you could have stayed at a motel.

Well said!! I think that's helpful in re-thinking your beliefs. Just b/c a guy says, "I'll help you home in the morning" or "darling" or "I'm not like other guys"....doesn't make it true or trustworthy. People say all kinds of things to manipulate, take advantage, lure, and much worse. Just do a little fine-tuning to what you accept as reality vs. "possibility" and get to know someone more before you trust them with your safety. It sounds like a valuable lesson has been learned.

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Totally agree with Batya.


It's called "common sense."


I have common sense, thanks. I got caught up in my feelings and desires, I really wanted to see him, and things went from there. Big woop, I made a mistake. It might not have even turned into a mistake. I took a chance, albeit a dangerous chance. I wouldn't go to a guys place the first time I met him like that again, because of this experience. But, I'm not beating myself up about doing that at the same time. The sexual play part I am a little bit, because it might have buggerd it all up. At the end of the day I won't be doing either again.


Thanks to everyone for the replies. A few lessons have been learned indeed. I'm just friggen disappointed it didn't work out. I was growing very fond of him, and that night he treated me great...it was just the next day.

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