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wisdom teeth...all four at once.

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i'm in pain, better, but still in pain. went to the oral surgeon to question a big infection -abcess like- in my cheek...and left without all four teeth bc it turned out one of them was impacted and the other 3 were well on their way to do the same.


It's 5 hrs later..still with gauze, painkillers and antibiotics and everything is better except for the bleeding and jaw stiffness...


anyone else? anyone care to share their stories? tips?


I need to feel better and know others disliked this procedure just as much. lol



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I had 5 removed back in May of last year, all at once. All of mine were impacted and one was actually growing into the root of my back molar on my left side so I ended up having 5 wisdom teeth cut out and my back molar pulled because it was so damaged. It sucked and I was in so much pain the first week (Not going to lie..) but I kept on top of my meds, if you are supposed to take them every 4 hours take them every 3 1/2 and don't miss a dose. Plenty of liquids. No drinking out of straws or spitting (spitting for the first day or two afterwards I think it was..).

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Yeah it was no big deal for me. I had them out about 6 years ago when I was in the military. I had to walk to the army hospital (about 2.5 miles away), get them removed and then I walked back with the gauze in my mouth. I was spitting up blood the whole way. It was fun!


I am so JEALOUS! lol.

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i had all 4 pulled at the same time. i was under general anethesia. it went really fine and i was eating solid foods the same night..... BUT, i woke up during the procedure (even though they told me i wouldn't!!!) and i woke up screaming and didn't stop until they knocked me out again. i heard the doctor say, 'please stop screaming, you're scaring the other patients.' nope. i was really upset! and i woke up with the BIGGEST ever craving for a big mac! so weird. but i ate it that night.

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I had all 4 out when I was 18. Apparently anesthesia and Scorpion Fury do not mesh well. I called the doctor an a-hole, the nurse a b-word, and insulted everyone in the lobby from my wheelchair and I don't remember any of it, this is what I was told. Embarrassing, but funny. I do remember being mad though when I woke up, only because they didn't tell me to count backwards from 100 like I expected, all of a sudden I woke up with all this gauze in my mouth and it set me off.


Anyway, you'll probably look like a little fathead frog for about a weak. I remember my jaws looked huge and my face was all fat. I don't remember how long the pain lasted, but I think by the second day the painkillers took care of it. Don't smoke!

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I had all four cut out with just a local. They were all impacted sideways. Didn't have insurance the dentist cut me a deal. 100 bucks a tooth.

Watch out for dry socket. Also if the bleeding is to much wet a tea bag and place in your mouth where the bleeding is coming from. It will stop the bleeding pretty fast.


Stay on your meds and don't eat anything your not supposed to!



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you guys are amazing..


I took my antibiotics and my extra strength tylenol. they gave me a perscription for vicodin, but i rather not bother unless im dying. the tylenol seems to be working wonders. I only have two left, but I live in Miami and there are some thrifty cuban pharmacies that carry them babies without a perscription


i dont mind the stiff jaw, the raw lips, or the mild pain now as much as I mind the bleeding. I heard about the tea as well, can it be any type of tea? or one in particular? its been about 6-7 hours since surgery was over and the bleeding is less but not quite almost gone at all. I hate blood. I didn't have insurance so it cost me 1800 total, since two were impacted which is not bad for Miami at an actual surgeon. It was hard bc it was straight out of pocket and I'm only 23 living on my own but alas...I am not a big spender and I can';t appreciate that enough or else I'd be screwed! Still, I know a guy who dished 2500 w/o insurance and my sister paid 1200 with insurance for 3 about 10 yrs ago.


This is brutal, but at least I didn't mess up my nerves or anything like that.


Please someone get back to be about the tea bag deal!!!


PS: Abscess is an infection, in my case from my impacted teeth, and it caused my cheek to swell to this cyst like medium soft consistency which hurt pretty bad mainly from the inside. You could see it was swollen from the outside and if I touched it it would hurt. It's what got me to go this morning. YIKES

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i had all 4 pulled at the same time. i was under general anethesia. it went really fine and i was eating solid foods the same night..... BUT, i woke up during the procedure (even though they told me i wouldn't!!!) and i woke up screaming and didn't stop until they knocked me out again. i heard the doctor say, 'please stop screaming, you're scaring the other patients.' nope. i was really upset! and i woke up with the BIGGEST ever craving for a big mac! so weird. but i ate it that night.


LMAO! I just pictured myself doing that, too.


Ugh, I have to get mine removed sometime this year. Scary...

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How much are you bleeding? If you are still bleeding a lot, 9 hours after surgery, maybe it is something you need to consult the doctor about. I stopped bleeding soon after ... but I did get stitches.


Wow, you are brave. All four at once?! My doc thought that 4 at once might be too intense for me so I made two separate visits. And I am glad that I had some time to recover in between the two surgeries.


I hope you have a speedy recovery!

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I remember I had all four of mine taken out as well. This was when I was 17, and I remember laying low for the next few days. It was not fun considering this was done during my birthday. I constantly rinsed my mouth with salt water to keep it clean. All I can say is, make good use of the syringe they gave you, cause food will get stuck.

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i did get stitches..but i didn't get any syringe?!! * * * ?


im bleeding significantly less than before but still bleeding...



I really don't have much pain and the swelling has gone down nicely. I'm still puffy but much better...if the bleeding subsided all would be well.


I cant do rinses until tomorrow. boo

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i did get stitches..but i didn't get any syringe?!! * * * ?



Food tends to get trapped in the area where you had your wisdom teeth. The curved tip syringe is to be placed at the extraction to squirt out whatever junk may have gone in there to prevent infection and whatnot.

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my oral surgeon said it's bes to get it done around your age. i waited until now, and i am 23 and i regret it but what can one do.


if you got your xrays and you see they've got no room to grow in on their own get the out asap. i waited and waited and they got impacted and swollen (well only like a couple but still.)


So I woke up this morning and did my warm salt water rinses and then noticed about 2 hours later a little blood.


UGh i'm still bleeding a little bit...I think I'm a tinsy bit puffier on the right side, and the left side is getting a little better and still have stiff jaw...


i tried biting down on black tea and didn't do much and just tasted bad. however i feel no pain whatsoever from the actual wisdom teeth. i just want the bleeding to stop

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i had all 4 pulled at the same time. i was under general anethesia. it went really fine and i was eating solid foods the same night..... BUT, i woke up during the procedure (even though they told me i wouldn't!!!) and i woke up screaming and didn't stop until they knocked me out again. i heard the doctor say, 'please stop screaming, you're scaring the other patients.' nope. i was really upset! and i woke up with the BIGGEST ever craving for a big mac! so weird. but i ate it that night.


I had all 4 done at once and I also woke up during the procedure. I remember them being in the process of breaking one of the teeth so they didn't put me back under right away. Very unpleasant.


I also got dry socket and it was the worst, most horrible pain ever. I stayed home for a week.


Also, I had what they called "bone chips" coming out of the incisions for almost 3 months or so afterwards.


All in all, a very unpleasant experience.

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did any of you guys with and or without horror stories bleed for over 24 hrs?


I woke up and wasn't bleeding after I did my rinses..my dr. called and I only mentioned the puffiness and not being able to open my mouth and a very stiff jaw. Then I wiped off some drool with a napkin and noticed blood.


Been applying pressure with gauze and still no pain whatsoever and am barely taking motrin 200mg... but it's been EXACTLY 24 hrs since my operation and I'm still bleeding. Granted nothing like yesterday but ugh still!!! When does it end!!!!

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