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wisdom teeth...all four at once.

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Hi there--I totally sympathize with your situation. I got my four impacted wisdom teeth (apparently one was even infused to the bone) out on Jan 2nd, so I feel your pain!


I'll tell you this much, the bleeding was the worst part for me. I panicked too, especially within the first hour. I hated the gauze and it hurt a lot to put it in there, but it really did stop the bleeding. Luckily my heavy bleeding stopped within the first two days, but I think it's pretty normal to keep bleeding for at least three days or so. It would have been a lot better for me if I had remained calm, and after awhile I could, so that's what I would suggest. I know it's scary though and it's really gross, but after that it does get better.


Also, I have no idea why you're not taking the vicodin! That stuff saved me... I even got a refill. I would strongly suggest taking that. Using an ice pack really helped me too. Not only did it keep the swelling down, but it really numbed everything and I felt better. I even slept with that thing.


Definitely stay clear of most foods. It's been two weeks for me and I just barely forced myself to eat cereal. I lived on pops. and mashed potatoes, and lost weight, so that's the positive side!

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Oh yeah, and I bled off and on for about 5 days. I didn't start using salt water until the third day, but it really doesn't hurt much and actually feels kind of good, like stretching sore muscles


Sorry if I'm intruding on your topic, but I really don't want to post this somewhere else since it's pretty much the same exact thing.


To those people who have already experienced getting wisdom teeth taken out, how long does it really take to recover? For me the real pain ended after 7 days, but it's been over two weeks now and I still can't open my mouth very wide at all. Is that normal?

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Just try to open your mouth little by little it will take awhile before the stiffness goes away and your jaw feels back to "normal" it was a good 2 months before I was able to fully open my mouth again which sucked but I felt so much better having my wisdom teeth out was worth the pain and stiffness and looking like I got into a huge fight LOL

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When I had my wisdom teeth out I was fine by the next day! A little bit sore, but not in too much pain. I had all 4 out at once, too. But more recently, I've just had my tonsils out and I'm in agony! So I kind-of feel your pain. And I've known lots of people who have gone through this kind of agony after having their wisdoms out. I'll give you what advice I have.


1] REST!!! Sleep!!! This is when your body heals and rejuvenates.


2] Keep your fluids up. You may not be able to eat a lot while you're healing so drink lots of water, your body needs to stay hydrated.


3] Don't be afraid to take painkillers! Keep track of when you're due for them and take them.


4] Suck on ice or apply an ice-pack to your cheeks. This will help with swelling.


5] Lie down and try to relax your muscles. Take deep breaths and totally relax yourself. In many of these procedures, a lot of pain is caused by tense muscles contracting under the pain and uncomfort. My doctor told me this and I thought it was strange, but when I really tried to relax my mouth and throat muscles and just lie down and take deep breaths it really helped with the pain! This will also help with the stiffness in your jaw.


I hope you're feeling better soon Let us know how you go.

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By all means anyone who wants to introduce new things with the teeth situation GO RIGHT AHEAD


I am at 72 hours since my operations. I stopped bleeding at around 24 hours exactly which was great. I do my salt warm water rinses religiously, take my meds religiously and have had no pain, minor jaw stiffness etc. HOWEVER my right cheek looks like it's about to explode. It's so frustrating. It's sooo swollen and kind of hard. Idk what to do.


I called the Dr. this morning and he said unfortunately that is normal and it needs to take it course. To keep taking my antibiotics and anti inflamatory meds as directed...and then patiently let it take it's course...


However when I'm already digging into this years paid Vacation days, IT HURTS!! plus...to look in the mirror and see one almost normal looking cheek, and the right one looks like it's growing a life of it's own is so annoying !!

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ps: I am still on slim fast/ water/ shakes diet...bc my right cheek is not being cooperative I can only open half of my mouth and my muscles don't allow me to chew properly. Knowing myself, even if my right cheek were to allow me to eat tomorrow I would stay on soft diets for probably another 2 weeks even after stitches come off this upcoming Friday. I'm so not looking to having to clean out chunks of solid foods in those areas...ugh


All I need is one cheek to go down and I would be like 90% healed. Idk how to make the swelling and hardness go down. I put ice, it numbs it stays the same...I know...patience, patience, patience...UGGGHHHHH

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The 3rd-5th days were the absolute worst for me, if you can make it through those days everything else will be smooth sailing.. Around 1 week is when I started cutting back on my meds and after a week and a half I was only taking half a darvocet and 1 tylenol and it was helping with the pain whereas in the beginning I was alternating between 1-2 darvocets and demerol.

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I looked like a chipmunk for 3 weeks. On top of that the whole side of my face was bruised up the entire time my face was swollen. I think I have pics somewhere that I took of myself, I looked horrible.


The swelling will be there for awhile, it's completely normal part of the healing process. Just alternate warm/cold packs and it will help it.

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Had one taken out and went back to have the remaining three taken out. They were badly impacted and the dentist needed to use a hammer like thingy to break apart the tooth which led to increased swelling of my face and some bruising.


If you have ever seen the movie "Nutty Professor", I looked like Sherman Klump from the movie. My face was really swollen and I cried for a few days!

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I looked like a chipmunk for 3 weeks. On top of that the whole side of my face was bruised up the entire time my face was swollen. I think I have pics somewhere that I took of myself, I looked horrible.


The swelling will be there for awhile, it's completely normal part of the healing process. Just alternate warm/cold packs and it will help it.


me too. I didn't really even wanna go in public. I felt so unattractive

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I looked like a chipmunk for 3 weeks. On top of that the whole side of my face was bruised up the entire time my face was swollen. I think I have pics somewhere that I took of myself, I looked horrible.


The swelling will be there for awhile, it's completely normal part of the healing process. Just alternate warm/cold packs and it will help it.



Alternate them how, like warm moist for 10 minutes, then cold for 10 minutes?? I'm desperate to get this swelling down I need to go back to work asap and I work in HR so I constantly need to see people and I can't see anyone like this HELP!!

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poor thing, well at least he's 15 and normally the younger you are the better. I'm only 23 and I waited WAYYYY too long!!!


Guys anyone who had awesome results with something specific for the SWELLING -- Please any tips would help!!! My right cheek is out of control!!!

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