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wisdom teeth...all four at once.

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I looked like a chipmunk for 3 weeks. On top of that the whole side of my face was bruised up the entire time my face was swollen. I think I have pics somewhere that I took of myself, I looked horrible.


The swelling will be there for awhile, it's completely normal part of the healing process. Just alternate warm/cold packs and it will help it.


did your swelling ever feel hard?

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Most misserable time of my life except the break up with the ex hmm hard chopice to choose which is worse lol


yeah had all 4 of mine done sucked I couldnt take my pain meds causethey made me sick.


The furnace went out the day after so I had to go to my friends house cause I was freezing.


She made me breakfest crisppy bacon Oh yeah that almost happened wto where I could eat it


I couldnt eata hamburger for 3 weeks

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Most misserable time of my life except the break up with the ex hmm hard chopice to choose which is worse lol


yeah had all 4 of mine done sucked I couldnt take my pain meds causethey made me sick.


The furnace went out the day after so I had to go to my friends house cause I was freezing.


She made me breakfest crisppy bacon Oh yeah that almost happened wto where I could eat it


I couldnt eata hamburger for 3 weeks


This is the most miserable time of my life. I sent my boss pictures of what I look like (it's day 4) and she and the rest of the office felt so bad. My right cheek looks like it has an acorn in it, and it's hard...also both sides of my face are bruised...I def. did not react as well as others did.


Who knows when I'll be able to eat solids again. I just hope this swelling goes down so I don't use up all my vacation time from work being miserable.

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you've NO IDEA how gross it is. I have this little flashlight and I gently pulled my cheek to try to get an idea why it was so much more swollen than the other one when this abundance of discharge (puss like) started oozing out...surely after my cheek puffed DOWN significantly and today it oozed a lot again and it's healing a lot faster.


So I do a lot of warm water and salt rinses and I massage it gently to help get rid of the crap in there.


It's gross and I gag when I see and taste the stuff bc it's just foul...but a girl's gotta be brave. I know it's these damn stitches that have caused the infection. One is on my cheek which is normal and it's irritating the crap out of it.


God only knows how hungry I am. I have lost 7lbs in less than 5 days. I can't down any more yogurt or slim fast.


I asked for a sweet potato and spinach casserole for dinner...since they're mushy...i can't wait for these stitches to come off (tomorrow!!!) omg ...at least I lost weight right? lol


Thank God I will never have to go through this AGAIN.

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hey guys!!


So my infection is doing much better, I'm on some heavy duty antibiotics which make me fee like crap but alas they seem to be doing a great job!




Last night I woke up to go potty around 1am and when I went to go rinse my mouth lightly there was blood! I put a medicated gauze in for like 1 minute and it stopped. It was coming from my lower right section of the surgery.


Everyone says blood = dry socket...dry socet = A LOT OF PAIN...


After I stopped the bleeding I rinsed with warm salt and water, got back in bed, woke up with NO blood and now still NO PAIN at all.


I am going to call the Dr. in a few but it's Sunday and I hope he doesn't take too long calling me back.


I know I'm really paranoid, I'd been 8 full days since my surgery and I just recently re-introduced solids in my diet, SOME solids...I'm so paranoid I have a dry socket...but like I said I'm totaly pain free and my face FINALLY looks NORMAL.


Any experiences with dry sockets? Would I be in immediate pain if it were a dry socket or is the pain something that comes like a day or so later? It's been 6 hours since I stopped the bleeding and like I said, it only bled for like 1 minute and it was not GUSHINg blood but it was definitely deep rep and it looked blood-clott-y and then thinned out and disappeared.


I see the Doc. tomorrow at 11...should I not even other worrying myself unless I feel pain??


I swear, teeth are the worst!!! From root canals to dental fractures to teeth removas...UGH..

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