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Would you rather be single or in a relationship?


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I've heard people on both sides of the fence sound off, but I've never really understood the rational for wanting to be single. I mean, there are disadvantages to being in a relationship, but surely it’s better to be in a, good(!), one, rather than be single?

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I've heard people on both sides of the fence sound off, but I've never really understood the rational for wanting to be single. I mean, there are disadvantages to being in a relationship, but surely it’s better to be in a, good(!), one, rather than be single?


When I'm in a relationship I'd rather be single....When I'm single I sometimes wish I was in a relationship....Sometimes.

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When I broke up with my ex, that first day of being single felt awesome. I could go about my life without someone trying to make me feel guilty for being a normal person. Being with my bf now (different guy) I would much rather be with him than be single!

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Most of the time I would rather be in a good relationship. Other times, I'm selfish, and like my alone time. Just give me a cute cabana boy to fluff my pillows, and feed me grapes, and life would be bliss.....


hmm, as long as he does my dishes and laundry.

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I've heard people on both sides of the fence sound off, but I've never really understood the rational for wanting to be single. I mean, there are disadvantages to being in a relationship, but surely it’s better to be in a, good(!), one, rather than be single?


I would rather be in a relationship than be single...BUT....I would rather be single than be in a bad relationship.

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