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awkward sex moments!


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you know you've had em, so SPILL.


i'll start with a few...



-doin it a public bathroom... lady decide to take a giant loud sh*t in the next stall.. very quick n easy mood kill hahah


-SO's mother walks in.. nuff said..


-the person friggin burped while they were doing me.. EW



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my freshman yr at my 1st school, I got walked in on by my roomie the first night we did it (me and a girl)


2 nights later


we hear a tap on our door.

We ignore it.

5 mins later


Our entire floor walks into my dorm (20+ guys , and tells us to come to the room down the hall (i'm about 18 at the time, shy, timid boy) we walk down and tell us to make sure were using protection, so little dorm boys dont walk around lol ( i stayed in my room a lot at the time) lol. (But i was the first guy with a girl lol)

I still get called dorm boy to this day by some people. I took a break from school cuz I got sick, but now I'm a soph/junior there lol

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probably when i was around seventeen, my boyfriend at the time was over and we were watching tv in my bed. it was winter and we were under the covers, and he started fingering me. as that happens my mom walks in to ask me a question. his fingers are still inside of me at this point and he didn't want to take them out because it would have been obvious, so instead i just had a full on conversation with my mom while his fingers were inside of me


good times.


OH and i just remembered another one.


we were in his livingroom and everyone was asleep. it was probably around one am and i climbed on top of him and started having sex with him (our clothes were on but i was wearing a skirt.. so he just opened his zipper and... yeah.) anyway there was a big blanket next to us so i went to go grab it to cover us. little did i know that his little brother was SLEEPING right under it.


he fell asleep so perfectly hidden that everyone just assumed he was upstairs in bed. oops. good thing he didn't wake up!

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except the awkwardness was our own fault this time.


we were babysitting his little sister, brother, and cousin and we decided to bring them to the park. so they were running around playing and we got bored... so we sneaked inside one of those big tube-slides that playgrounds sometimes have. well we were in there kissing for a few minutes and they didn't notice that we were gone, so i started giving him a bj inside of the tube. his little sister was standing right outside the slide and i heard her say "where is [kaoticbaby] and my brother?"


i was so scared that she would peak her head up, but he wanted me to continue anyway.


looking back i don't know why the heck we did that. ah well. it was years ago now.

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except the awkwardness was our own fault this time.


we were babysitting his little sister, brother, and cousin and we decided to bring them to the park. so they were running around playing and we got bored... so we sneaked inside one of those big tube-slides that playgrounds sometimes have. well we were in there kissing for a few minutes and they didn't notice that we were gone, so i started giving him a bj inside of the tube. his little sister was standing right outside the slide and i heard her say "where is [kaoticbaby] and my brother?"


i was so scared that she would peak her head up, but he wanted me to continue anyway.


looking back i don't know why the heck we did that. ah well. it was years ago now.



That would be sooooooooooooooo awkward. totally reminded me of something that happened last semester.


The girl I was dating at the time and I were making out as my roomate was sleeping, she wanted to have sex, and I was hesistant.. out of respect for my roomate, so she gets up and were making out naked standing up, and she bends over his bedpost, and I'm like... WOW ( Male Instinct kicks in and we almost start going at it), then i realize what shes leaning on, and here him snoring.. she wasn't a happy camper that night lmfao.

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That would be sooooooooooooooo awkward. totally reminded me of something that happened last semester.


The girl I was dating at the time and I were making out as my roomate was sleeping, she wanted to have sex, and I was hesistant.. out of respect for my roomate, so she gets up and were making out naked standing up, and she bends over his bedpost, and I'm like... WOW ( Male Instinct kicks in and we almost start going at it), then i realize what shes leaning on, and here him snoring.. she wasn't a happy camper that night lmfao.


that reminds me when my dog was kissing my boyfriend while he was sleeping and he thought it was me. he was like "come back here, baby!" i was like uhh you dont want to say that haha.

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that reminds me when my dog was kissing my boyfriend while he was sleeping and he thought it was me. he was like "come back here, baby!" i was like uhh you dont want to say that haha.



I hope your dog brushes his teeetthh lol. I guess I'll pop out my most recent story, I was shy about this but, after the slide, and the little bro situation I'll pop this one out lol.


On saturday I had a date for an informal, and we were all at a hotel (afterparty hehe), and my date and I were making out, and my friend was in a bed, trying to sleep, and we were all too drunk, too be discreet/ caring, so my friend tries stealing my date, and climbs in bed with us for like an hr. lol. at one pt he had me in a sleeper hold in the other room (He kept calling me in the bathroom for these little pow wow meetings) , I was laughing too hard to be angry (I mean, the fact that he was being blatantly disrespectful, made it just that much harder for him to get with my date lmao)

My phone was on her side, and he would text me, and I would lean over to get my phone and she would kiss on my neck, and he would write things like..SHARE!!!, or convince her to have sex with me and I was like.. Ugh so turned on and I just looked up and be like..ARE YOU SERIOUS, ASK HER YOURSELF??

And he said.. Shes gonna pick you cuz shes already conviently attached to your neck. lmfao. such a funny night.

Then he was like, I'm not letting you sleep, cuz I'm jealous, and I'm a * * * * * when I'm jealous.


About an hr or so later.. zzzzzz lol.


Eventually he went back into his own bed. Then we continued making out lol. though not much was stopping her, rofl

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I've probably got many stories, and this is the one I can think of right now:


Me and my then girlfriend were having shower sex. At one point we realized that the water that was coming off had a red tinge to it. Naturally we both thought that it was coming from her, and I told her that she was bleeding. So we both checked out her pubic area looking for this bleed (she wasn't on her period). We were pretty dumbfounded when we couldn't find anything. Then she points at my foot. I look down, and apparently during some of our movement, she had managed to completely rip the nail off one of my big toes, which was now bleeding pretty bad.


That really killed the mood. It was weird that I hadn't realized that she did it.

Its funny to think about now.

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It's funny how you look back and wonder why the hell you had sex in some of those situations/places you've been. To be 18 again...


I remember one time my girlfriend and I were downstairs in the basement, we were about, hmm 17 at the latest. Well, my girlfriend started giving me a BJ on the couch. Both naked, lights on and everything. The way the couch and I were positioned, I was laying down on my back facing the open room and she was facing towards the wall going at it. Well, sure enough my dad walks right in. He was already half way through the room before he even noticed anyone was down there. He stops dead in his tracks with my girlfriends ass mooning him and we connect eyes. He looked like he saw a ghost and quietly runs up the stairs. I busted out laughing and I never did tell her about that. I knew it would have just killed her and been awkward around my parents for her. It was already awkward enough for me...


Yeah, that one was probably the worst.

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When I was 17 my boyfriend and I were having sex in his room on his bed, like usual and he must have forgotten to lock the door because he dad came in to ask him a question and saw us going at it. Me on top...so he mostly saw me...


Again when I was 17 I was giving him a bj and his friends had come over before we were finished so we had to get dressed quickly and i was all flustered and my hair was all crazy. Then as soon as they came inside he left to go to the bathroom for like 2 minutes...they knew what was going on...it was so awkward.


I don't have very many...I'll think of more I'm sure.

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I've had SO MANY awkward moments - I'll share these 2 for now:


I was 18 - my then boyfriend and I decided to have sex in the car in the woods. We were both naked doing it on the back seat (during the day) when we heard a forester knocking on the window. My boyfriend quickly put his boxers on, stepped out of the car to talk to him. I was PRAYING to God I wouldn't have to do the same...


The second one happened when I was 21. My friend, me and a guy I liked (but was only friends with) were sharing a hotel room in Orlando. Me and him shared a bed - my friend had the other one. In the middle of the night we decide to have sex - so we're going at it - me on top. All of a sudden my friend wakes up, looks at us - we stop, but I'm still on top - and goes back to sleep LOL. I don't think she was fully awake but it was still VERY awkward!

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Well you know those "girl farts" I'm not sure how to spell queff. Maybe that's it lol.

Anyways my boyfriend was going down on me and fingering me at the same time-when I went to sit up to rub his head I let a queffe out on his face haha.


He sat up with a confused look on his face, then asked if I farted on him and I said NO, it was the "other" thing. We both laughed our a**es off..but I was still really embarrassed.


Another time-the boyfriend and I were at his house and his sister was suppose to be the only one home, so we went in his bedroom and he was lying butt naked spread out on the bed, while I was in the bathroom getting undressed. His mom starts banging on the door telling us to get out. So my boyfriend jumps up, starts getting dressed and I think fast and sit on the toilet/while getting dressed-yelling for my boyfriend to get me a tampon. I wasn't really on my period but I figured she would yell at us for having sex or being in his room with the door closed so I acted like I bled a little on my pants and was embarrassed to use the family bathroom so I went in his and waited for him to get me a tampon. I even put the tampon in (OUCH), got dressed and went into the living room where his mom was crying because she thought we were having sex. Technically we didn't but...it was going to happen lol

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