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Could you be in a relationship w/o penetration?


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It depends.. I mean if it were going to be for the rest of our lives then I don't know if I could stay. There is a connection you make during intercourse that you can't get through doing anything else. So yes I would feel like I was missing out and I don't think I'd be able to do it. A year, maybe, a lifetime, no.

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It depends.. I mean if it were going to be for the rest of our lives then I don't know if I could stay. There is a connection you make during intercourse that you can't get through doing anything else. So yes I would feel like I was missing out and I don't think I'd be able to do it. A year, maybe, a lifetime, no.



say you found the person who you are very compatible with. you both get along great, and everything is just flowing smoothly. you get married, life's good. all of a sudden something happens, and your husband is paralyzed from waist below. what would you do then?

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any regrets?


No, not really regrets per se. I did miss the actual act of penetration. He worked hard at satisfying me by means of oral and fingering so I have to give him credit for that.


I think it was a little harder for me because I was/am at my peak and I wanted it a lot and he didn't. I think he used the excuse that he really didn't care much about sex to cover for the fact that we couldn't have sex. This was part of the reason we ended up breaking up. He couldn't get past the fact that we couldn't engage in penetration and really thought that I wouldn't be satisfied simply with oral so he withheld everything from me and wouldn't even let me kiss him anymore.

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Most people would not agree to a lifetime of no penetration. It can be a tremendous bonding between a couple, and it is the 'real deal' when it comes to sex, and required for procreation (unless you get yourself inseminated).


I think a better question would be why don't you like penetration? You should explore why you don't like it, and perhaps gt some counseling if you think sex is dirty or not fun or scary... It is normal to WANT penetration, not avoid it, so why not try to get over this so you can have a happy and full sex life?

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because I don't like penetration. I was just wondering if other guys would be ina relationship that only involved oral sex and masterbation


I think if you just don't care for it, with the right person you should. Even if it's a once in awhile thing. Not because you feel you need to but because you love them.

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Most people would not agree to a lifetime of no penetration. It can be a tremendous bonding between a couple, and it is the 'real deal' when it comes to sex, and required for procreation (unless you get yourself inseminated).


I think a better question would be why don't you like penetration? You should explore why you don't like it, and perhaps gt some counseling if you think sex is dirty or not fun or scary... It is normal to WANT penetration, not avoid it, so why not try to get over this so you can have a happy and full sex life?


It doesn't provide any pleasure for me at all. All I know is when somethng is inside of me it doesn't feel good.

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I would be okay with it if there was what I considered to be a good reason for no penetration. The reason you're giving would not necessarily be acceptable to me. If I was a guy and you were my gf, I would suggest that you go to a doctor and find out if there is a physical or psychological condition behind your dislike of penetration, then figure out a solution. If you didn't want to address the issue, I would probably leave the relationship.

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It doesn't provide any pleasure for me at all. All I know is when somethng is inside of me it doesn't feel good.


Making love isn't just about feeling good. Yes it is supposed to feel good. But with the right person, it's about being "one" and having that connection between the two of you.


You can't get the same connection with anything else.

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Penetration is a very important part of the sexual experience...in a loving relationship where sex is about connecting and love, penetration is the ultimate in being connected..it is about two bodies really joining as one which is part of the intensity of a loving relationship...it is the ultimate connection. Now there are other ways to feel connected as well, but I think is important to address the issue of why you don't like penetration and work on it...not just say that's the way I am and that's it...without penetration you lose a wonderful part of loving someone.

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Penetration is a very important part of the sexual experience...in a loving relationship where sex is about connecting and love, penetration is the ultimate in being connected..it is about two bodies really joining as one which is part of the intensity of a loving relationship...it is the ultimate connection. Now there are other ways to feel connected as well, but I think is important to address the issue of why you don't like penetration and work on it...not just say that's the way I am and that's it...without penetration you lose a wonderful part of loving someone.


I agree with this.

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