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Argh, can't sleep...


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Well, I should reiterate that a little bit. For the last few days, I seem to fall asleep, but only for three or four hours. Normally, I fall asleep somewhere between 10-11, and wake up about 5-6 (which probably aren't great hours in general, but my mind is so attuned to having to wake up early to get ready for school, I've never been able to "grow out" of that), but now I'll fall asleep at about 10-11, and wake up at 2-ish, then sort of doze on and off until I get up at 6 or 7.


Now, I'm not so much worried that something's wrong with me medically. I'm just frustrated that I haven't had a good night's sleep for a few days, now... I'm even getting headaches from my lack of sleep. >_


So, I dunno. Again, this is more frustration, than anything else, so I'm kind of just venting, here.

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I am fortunate that I don't suffer from insomnia. Once in a while I will have a sleepless night and that's usually tied in with the fact that I am just about to get my period. I do wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom but once I get back in bed I am asleep...in fact, I am usually half asleep walking to the bathroom! My mother doesn't sleep much at night. I don't know how she functions...I need about 7 hours of sleep. Can you nap during the day or will that make you unable to sleep at night?

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I take power naps at lunch, 20 mins, good to go.

I also use Melatonin, a natural herb in pill form, that you take an hour before bed. Non addictive, puts me right out. The other thing you can try is Benadryl, OTC, allergy meds, but used as a sleep enhancer. BUT, don't take it before 7 hours when you are supposed to wake up, makes you groggy!

Good luck!

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I am fortunate that I don't suffer from insomnia. Once in a while I will have a sleepless night and that's usually tied in with the fact that I am just about to get my period. I do wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom but once I get back in bed I am asleep...in fact, I am usually half asleep walking to the bathroom! My mother doesn't sleep much at night. I don't know how she functions...I need about 7 hours of sleep. Can you nap during the day or will that make you unable to sleep at night?


Yeah, usually if I take a nap, during the day, I have trouble sleeping at night. To be honest, though, a lot of times, I can't really take a nap during the day unless I'm sick, or something, because I just can't get my mind in a "sleeping" mode during the day. Although, at the moment, I'm not having so much luck doing it at night, either... @_@


Heh, yanno, I notice that my mom and dad are both able to pretty much fall asleep as soon as theirs heads hit a pillow, but me, I can't do that, for some reason, and I really hate that. It can take me a while of just laying in bed before I even fall asleep that first time during the night! Meh, this sucks... Hah, to make matters worse, there's a certain program on TV tonight that goes on until probably about 11 or 12, and I've been looking forward to it for weeks, now. Can't see that helping things any...

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Maybe you will end up falling asleep during the program! Some nights it takes me a while to fall asleep and other nights I fall asleep right away. Some nights I have an issue with burning on the soles of my feet and that can keep me awake. I have to rub hand cream on the bottom of my feet and then direct the fan on them to cool them down. My grandmother had the same problem with burning feet at night.

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