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Infamous Break-Up Lines

John Bendix

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"You're too good for me, I don't deserve you".


"I love you but I'm not in love with you"


"I want you to be happy ....I think we should go our separate ways" (meaning they are not happy and want to high tail it out of there).


Some classics.........

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How modest of him. He sounds like a wonderful man... how did you ever let him go?....


LOL! This was the man I stayed with for 6 years if you can believe it! He was quite charming and charismatic at one point, and I had no self esteem... not a good combiination!

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"I don't think I'll ever love anyone more than I love myself"QUOTE]


LMAO!! This one should win a prize.

At least it is someone who is self aware and honest enough to admit it. Probably end up with a mirror for a life companion but whatever rocks his world.
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At least it is someone who is self aware and honest enough to admit it. Probably end up with a mirror for a life companion but whatever rocks his world.


Lol! Most likely! I can happily say now... I will never love that man as much as I love myself!

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How an honest reason? "You're a wonderful person, and I enjoy the time we have spent together, but I'm just not feeling that spark anymore, and it's not fair to you or me for us to continue on like this, wasting each other's time if we don't both agree that we have a future together".

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  • 6 months later...

I actually got these 2 Friday Night.


"I'm leaving in June and we both knew that going in. I'm starting to get attached and I think you are too. If we keep going it's going to be so much harder when I leave."



"I just don't have time to be someone's girlfriend right now. You're and Awesome guy and I really like you, it's just bad timing. Please don't take it to heart."

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I just got the combination of "We are at different places in our life", "I don't know if I love you the way you love me", "I need to work on me", "We have different priorities", "My feelings have changed", "If we are meant to be together we will", "I know this is not what you want, this is what I want", "I don't want to lose our friendship, I do love you, you are my best friend, no one knows me like you do", "I have trouble expressing love and don't know if it's you or me"...you get the idea.


My translation...I haven't been with enough guys to know if you are the one, I have found another guy and this makes it sound OK, I don't want to burn any bridges in case I don't like what else is out there...


I would like to think if she ever loved me at all she was telling the truth and not trying to hide the truth. I would like to think if she loved me, she would not have spent all this time "acting" and would have owed up to it when I tried to address her emotional withdrawal in our relationship. I would like to think what she said was honest and truthful, recognizing she really was unhappy and wants to work on her (not work it with some ****). I would like to think if she was confused and met someone else she could have admitted it. None of it makes sense when all this gets unloaded out of the blue with no warning. With what I have experienced, it all seems to mean she has found someone else or wants to and that possible lie is worse than the emotional pain of a breakup.

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I got the same lines and I've come to the same conclusions.


Oh other lines I got:


"You deserve someone better than me" (I deserve someone better than you and I finally found him)

"It's not you it's me" (I want to have sex with this other guy, nothing you will do or say will make me change my mind)

"If we're meant to be we'll be" (Let me see if this other guy is nice, sweet and loving other than good looking...if he's not, I will come back to you cause I don't want to be alone)

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