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Is it possible to actually die from lust? (hot steamy post)

Clementine orange

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Kuiks go to Robson Street for sundresses! Well go to Robson for pretty much ANYTHING


God I miss Vancouver. I really wish there were jobs and affordable housing there...


The Commodore ballroom, people watching on robson street, cafes on Davis, gastown (skipping the East Hastings nightmare of course), Sea wall, Stanley park, english bay, kitsalano.

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God I miss Vancouver. I really wish there were jobs and affordable housing there...


The Commodore ballroom, people watching on robson street, cafes on Davis, gastown (skipping the East Hastings nightmare of course), Sea wall, Stanley park, english bay, kitsalano.


People watching is great! I love sitting outside on a restaurant patio watching people, so fun! I'm starting to love Vancouver alot more than i did when i first moved here. Sooo much to do!

There are tons of jobs here, but affordable living is another story.

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I've been reading this thread for about half an hour cause every page I decide "no really, have to find a dress" and go off online trying to find something decent. Then I come back and find I need flip flops and nail varnish, and naturally, nothing I own would match right. And I'm so poor that right now I'm considering just cutting up all my old clothes and sewing them into one super sundress, because now if I don't have one no matter what I wear I'll be thinking "yeah..but it's not a sundress..."


Damn you all!! All my boyfriend needs to wear for me to want to drag him into the bedroom is a t shirt that hangs just right. Grrrr.

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hey parsley...

i think the point most people incl myself initially missed regarding this post is the OP said it was her personality that played a HUGE part in how turned on he was...

so sundress or no sundress he would still be in to her..

Am i right clem?

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hey parsley...

i think the point most people incl myself initially missed regarding this post is the OP said it was her personality that played a HUGE part in how turned on he was...

so sundress or no sundress he would still be in to her..

Am i right clem?


Yes, you are right, she's totally sparkelling, adorable, witty and intelligent! The sundress is just icing on the cake!

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There really is something about sundresses on the right type of girl. Although plaid skirts may possibly edge it out. I don't think formal studies have been done yet.


P.S.....I think the OP fogged up my computer screen with that level of horniness. I've seen girls that have made it difficult to almost impossible to keep my eyes off them, but never one that's literally made me need a cold shower afterward, that must've been quite an incredible amount of hotness

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There really is something about sundresses on the right type of girl. Although plaid skirts may possibly edge it out. I don't think formal studies have been done yet.


P.S.....I think the OP fogged up my computer screen with that level of horniness. I've seen girls that have made it difficult to almost impossible to keep my eyes off them, but never one that's literally made me need a cold shower afterward, that must've been quite an incredible amount of hotness


It's way beyond hot...plaid skirt works too though (though in my state right now I'm hardly a good judge) I wonder what Rick James would do (that's him in your avatar pic isn't it?

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It's way beyond hot...plaid skirt works too though (though in my state right now I'm hardly a good judge) I wonder what Rick James would do (that's him in your avatar pic isn't it?



Of course, its Rick James b***


What would he do? Rick James would wish he had another pair of hands so he could give her body 4 thumbs upp !!!

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LOL very descriptive post. I always wondered what some guys feel if they see an attractive girl in skimpy clothing. I think you summed it up for us pretty well.


No, you won't die from lust.


I can't say there has ever been a guy that from sight alone and with what they were wearing did to me what you described in your post. Hmm, I think i am glad of that!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Clementine, sounds like the city I live in now: "God I miss Vancouver. I really wish there were jobs and affordable housing there...


The Commodore ballroom, people watching on robson street, cafes on Davis, gastown (skipping the East Hastings nightmare of course), Sea wall, Stanley park, english bay, kitsalano."


Well, the scenery, i.e. the mountains are certainly pretty here, but people watching.. oh,, i dunno about htat one.. unless you like watchign freaks and street people.... we have a lot of those.. that and all these sub-culture people, blonde haired blue eyed people with dreg locks.. shoot even th babies sometimes sport dread locks.. which looks fine on black people, just a bit out of sort on a white person.. and then of course, the thousand and one tattoos.. which don't bother me. but all the piercing in strange places do, especially when they are working in a restaurant and you are about to order something...

Something about piercings just grosses me out...

Sounds like you have normal people to look at in your old former city though clementine.

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Then she went to class....Now I'm sitting here "losing it". I can't work, i can't study, I can't relax, I can't think of anything but the sundress and what's in inside it. I think my head is going to explode...I've never wanted anyone as much as I want her right now. Like I mean RIGHT NOW. I have a date (with someone else) on Friday...I don't care anymore - I want sundress girl.



This made me laugh til I cried..........

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Well... I have a little sundress story.. if you don't mind me telling it Clementine Orange.. (I have the feeling we'll be reading about you in the pregnancy or marriage file here online soon, hehe, good luck with sundress girl...

Darn.. I need to go out and buy that cute little sundress i found a few weeks back.

well, I wore this sundress out one time to this little restaurant..

I think they had live music there... and it was like July, very hot.. I had been to the pool a number of times and I found this most adorable little cotton sundress.. It was not really very low cut in the front, but the back has sort of not backless, but just had these two little cotton ties to hold the back closed..

Naturally you could not wear a bra with such a dress, but I felt covered up enough.

while I was at the little restaurant, I met this most adorable guy... he was dreamy.. we hung out for awhile, and we were talking by a picnic table next to the river.. really kind of a secluded romantic setting... I was feeling some very good vibes from him... unfortunately he was going to go away to school soon..after awhile he asked me if it would be okay if he kissed me..

I was sort of surprised, as like I say, he was very attractive, I did not really think he'd think I was his type.. I said yes, and it was a very nice long kiss.. I could tell he was getting rather "excited" by it too, especially thru a cotton dress.. Don't you love dresses...

Anyway.. he kinda wanted to get more "involved" but I declined, just cuz I did not not know him... I kept thinking though as I got onto the highway.. damn.. I ought to go back there and hang out with the guy somemore.


See.. I think dresses have some magical power over men we women are not aware of.. esp. since so many women wear pants now..


Anyway... cool story clementine.. hope you and sundress girl hit it off, good luck!

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