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It's like all the guys are looking for teenagers


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I feel so old. I just keep hearing about how all these guys (in my age group) going after teenagers who are 15,16,17, and it makes me feel even older than what I already am. I don't want to get physically or too mentally mature at all. It's like men want really young young girls with developed bodies that are naive, innocent and younger looking than me. I wish I were a teen again

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First of all, 23 is very young.


Second, it's illegal for guys who are in their 20s to go after girls under 18. You shouldn't bother with them at all.


Finally, you do want to mature -- mentally, physically and emotionally. Trust me, nothings more attractive then a woman who knows what she wants.

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Firstly, 'all these guys in your age group' and MEN are not the same thing. Not at all. Guys mature a lot slower than girls, remember that. 23-year old guys are very seldom men. They are boys, and so they often fancy girls, not women.

Feel older than you already are? Come on! YOU ARE NOT, I REPEAT NOT, OLD. Not even close. I am sure you are a beautiful, smart, loving girl, but at the moment you just sound desperate, and that will scare every great guy away. You're trying to sell yourself short here. Don't. Don't ever try to be something or someone you're not just to get a guy. It will never make you happy, and isn't that really what finding a relationship is about?


Ok, I can see why you don't want to get physically mature, most women don't really....being young is seen as pretty in this day and age. But mentally? Why would you want to be naive (inexperienced, uneducated, STUPID)? That's absolutely ridiculous. But more importantly, why do you want a guy who wants that kind of girl? That says A LOT about him, and not in a good way. A 23-year old guy who wants a 'innocent' but pretty 15-16 year old girl is immature, sad and pretty pathetic. Why would you want someone like that?? Trust me, being alone is way better than being with a stupid, shallow guy who is just looking for arm-candy (cause that's the type of guy you're talking about).


Also, saying that all guys fancy little girls, come on...you know that's not true. Are all your friends single? If not, who do they date? There are plenty of guys who wants real, interesting girls of their own age, and really, these are the guys you want to date too. Not the sad losers who are so scared of women they look to date little girls they can control.

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YES! A lot of older guys, especially out of a serious relationship, will go out with the 18-20 year olds for a while. These young girls don't know any better & the guys treat them well & are independent, unlike the guys their age.


Those teens don't stay their girlfriends though, since eventually they will want a companion instead of a toy.

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I feel so old. I just keep hearing about how all these guys (in my age group) going after teenagers who are 15,16,17, and it makes me feel even older than what I already am. I don't want to get physically or too mentally mature at all. It's like men want really young young girls with developed bodies that are naive, innocent and younger looking than me. I wish I were a teen again



I am sure there are plenty of men in your age group who are not looking for teenagers. In every age group there are some men who gravitate to the much younger women. So at 23, there are lots and lots of 40 years olds who would love to have you on their arm (and in their bed)!

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Guys who go after naive young girls are NOT the type of guy you want.


I'm 25 and my boyfriend is 24. Shocking that he would be interested in someone not only his age but a little older, eh? He's also a heck of a lot more mature and intelligent than my exes who had ended up dating teenagers after me were.

You want a guy who sees you as his emotional and intellectual equal, not a guy who is still operating with the mentality of a teenager.

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My last three GFs were 33, 39 and 44. None of them were one bit more mature than a teenager emotionally, so why not ask out super young women (well over legal age of course)?


Results seem to be the same generally, you just end up with a less baggagey immature woman in a younger body, and the young ones haven't turned into professional gold diggers yet...


BTW, this is my answer to the "big penis" thread elsewhere on this board. Too disgusted by many of the posts there to reply in that thread any further.


Buy stock in cat food.

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My last three GFs were 33, 39 and 44. None of them were one bit more mature than a teenager emotionally, so why not ask out super young women (well over legal age of course)?


Results seem to be the same generally, you just end up with a less baggagey immature woman in a younger body, and the young ones haven't turned into professional gold diggers yet...


BTW, this is my answer to the "big penis" thread elsewhere on this board. Too disgusted by many of the posts there to reply in that thread any further.


Buy stock in cat food.



I honestly don't know where you are finding women because pretty much all of my female friends are 35 and up - have good jobs, are good looking and very emotionally stable. I know there are some mature women in their 20s but as a whole when i hang out with women that young the immaturity levels are startling. they are mature for their age but to carry on a conversation with someone who can speak on a variety of topics the convo falls dead short. That is true for me in my experience with men AND women. There is one guy friend of mine who is 26 who is the only young person i can actually sit down with and carry on convos for hours ... he definitely is on par intellectually and maturity wise wtih someone 40ish so it CAN happen but he is the only one I can say i have seen this happen with and i know A LOT of people. Now on ENA there are quite a few 20 somethings who seem very mature and wise but this site attracts that type of person - the deep thinkers - moreso than casual encounters out in the social buzz might.


Don't judge all women in that age group by a few losers you picked up somewhere. LOL


Or are you just using this as an excuse to justify your proclivities towards younger women? LOL heehee

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Wow served. You sound a little grumpy there!


To the OP, I don't know where you're meeting these people...and no offense...but your friends sound creepy for being grown men who are seeking 9th, 10th, and 11th graders. That's a sure sign of a man who knows that either he can't get a real, mature woman or that he can't keep one long enough to put up with his own immature nonsense.


I think you should ditch the perverts (again, no offense..but come on...these are girls who are barley high school age in some cases!), and find yourself a more mature crowd to mingle with. It shouldn't be that difficult. Not every man out there is looking to take advantange of schoolkids.


Also, I second the suggestion of dating older men. I haven't dated a guy my own age in quite a while simply because it has been extremely difficult to find a guy my age who is a decent conversationalist and whose maturity level is compatible with mine. With that said, I will caution you that you still might come accross immature older men every now and then (I know I have). But, the odds of finding someone mature just seem to be a lot better among the older man group.

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I feel so old. I just keep hearing about how all these guys (in my age group) going after teenagers who are 15,16,17, and it makes me feel even older than what I already am. I don't want to get physically or too mentally mature at all. It's like men want really young young girls with developed bodies that are naive, innocent and younger looking than me. I wish I were a teen again


Does everyone in your age group want to find males who want to find females who are naive, 'innocent' (what a load of crap), and you younger-looking than they are?


Seriously, stop complaining -- there are plenty of men who would date you (and thankfully not for the aforementioned reasons) and to deny this is indeed childish, foolish, and narcissistic.

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I was at the gym today and I saw a guy who must've been in his late 20's or 30's hitting on a high school girl while she was doing her workout. It was kinda weird, though I couldn't tell if she was trying to get away from him or not...


I'm 18 and I have a hard time imagining dating a high school girl. Girls my own age are immature enough, let alone girls younger than them. I WISH I could date older girls, but they all seem to have boyfriends. Seriously, the most successful approaches I've had were with girls a few years older than me. I can't vouch for guys in your age group but like guys in my age group, a lot of them are probably goobers, but there will be enough guys who are mature.

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I feel so old. I just keep hearing about how all these guys (in my age group) going after teenagers who are 15,16,17, and it makes me feel even older than what I already am. I don't want to get physically or too mentally mature at all. It's like men want really young young girls with developed bodies that are naive, innocent and younger looking than me. I wish I were a teen again


i wouldn't worry about these guys. stay away from them. they aren't quality. quality men will date women who are legal! there are plenty of men your age looking for women your age, trust me.

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Im 23 and dating a girl who is 18. Its not that I go for younger girls its just thats what I ended up with. Not all guys who date younger women do so exclusively and I'm hardly going to turn down a great girl just because she is a few years younger.


That said a lot of guys do try explicitly to get younger girls and those aren't the kind of guys you want anyway. The ones that you see everywhere and are common enough to be stereotyped like that are never going to be good relationship material. The problem is the guys who ARE good relationship material are hard to find or taken as somebody else jumped on them before they got away.


Just be patient, you are still young (same age as me and I refuse to call myself old), and there are plenty of guys who will like you.


Dating younger is fine. Aiming to date younger is not so fine.

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My last three GFs were 33, 39 and 44. None of them were one bit more mature than a teenager emotionally, so why not ask out super young women (well over legal age of course)?


Amen. On balance, older women tend to be more mature and responsible, but that is by no means the rule.


My ex-wife was 4 years OLDER than me (i.e. 40 when we separated) and was often insecure, needy, jealous, and passive aggressive.


My last ex-gf was 24. And while she had those moments occasionally, they were much more in check than my ex-wife ever was.

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Don't judge all women in that age group by a few losers you picked up somewhere. LOL


Eh, mainly just venting. That "size matters" thread, and all the "my BF is great but he just isn't slaying a dragon every week and keeping me excited and happy" threads are starting to get on my nerves, LOL.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Why not just date someone older then you You don't want to date someone who wants someone that worship them anyway you want a real partner.


I agree...go older. Doesn't have to be waaay older, but 4 or 5 yrs? Then you may find that they're a little more mature, maybe.


I dated younger. he was a couple yrs younger. Won't do that again.

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