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Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. The best book ive read in a long time, and im only 200 pages in. Life changing stuff.


Edit: Best book ive ever read, this book is pure and blatant enlightenment, objectivism, WOW.


I LOVE her and her philosophy! It has made my own life so much better and I view things through a totally different lens than I used to. You've tempted me to re-read that book.


The Fountainhead is pretty good too.

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Just finished Principal Suspect. It was sort of a pain to read and I figured a waste of time. Until the last part...then I knew why it was recommended.


It made me realize the Joseph Wambaugh book, Echoes in the Darkness, was sort of a joke. I enjoyed every minute of the reading, but oh man. You need to read Echoes first and then Principal Suspect.


This is the most disturbing story I've heard about in a long time. How on earth can you find that many criminals in one town? I don't know why I am surprised at my age, but I really was blown away!!!!!!


Now I have to see the movie.

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