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What book are you currently reading?


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"Omnivores Dilemma"


The first twilight book, I forget the name (I figured I'd give it a try. But, I'm not telling my boyfriend)




"Harry Potter" (reading the whole series for a third time.....I don't know why)


"Into Thin Air"


I just can't focus on one book right now. And I'm about half way into all of them. I lose momentum in the middle, always in the middle....

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Oh, okay. I thought twilight was the series' name.


Like Lord of the rings...


or inheritance.


Really, Dune is the only other series I can think of that had the first book of the same name. I don't think that book was meant to be a series though.


It is a little odd.

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I'm going to start doing this again. Seeing the new Harry Potter movie has sparked an interest in the book series for me.


I haven't even seen the movie!


I just feel like I can appreciate them more now that I am older. I really grew up with those books. The characters were the same age as me and since a new book came out every year, and every book they got a year older, I really grew up with those kids.

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I haven't even seen the movie!


I just feel like I can appreciate them more now that I am older. I really grew up with those books. The characters were the same age as me and since a new book came out every year, and every book they got a year older, I really grew up with those kids.


Well, I got into the books after seeing the first two movies, so I started late. Plus, I was 20 when I started getting into the books, so I was a bit old for them (but still loved them.)


I think it really speaks to the influence of a book series when all ages can enjoy them, despite them being written for children.

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Well, I got into the books after seeing the first two movies, so I started late. Plus, I was 20 when I started getting into the books, so I was a bit old for them (but still loved them.)


I think it really speaks to the influence of a book series when all ages can enjoy them, despite them being written for children.


It's like Tolkein's writings.


Made for children but appreciated by adults.


Too bad I disliked them. So many people love his series.

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It's like Tolkein's writings.


Made for children but appreciated by adults.


Too bad I disliked them. So many people love his series.


Well, to be honest, I haven't read any of the Lord Of The Rings. I was given the trilogy as a Christmas gift last year, and still haven't started on it. I'm looking forward to it, though, because I've heard that HP and The Lord Of The Rings are like brothers, in terms of the fantasy aspect.


I think I'm steering this thread off topic.

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Well, to be honest, I haven't read any of the Lord Of The Rings. I was given the trilogy as a Christmas gift last year, and still haven't started on it. I'm looking forward to it, though, because I've heard that HP and The Lord Of The Rings are like brothers, in terms of the fantasy aspect.


I think I'm steering this thread off topic.


I got halfway through the first book and really disliked it, sadly.


If you want a book that is like lord of the rings, try the inheritence books.


Eragon, eldest, brisingr...


They are all pretty predictable. But, being that they were written by a 17 year old, pretty great books.

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^I have mixed feelings on the Inheritance trilogy. Like you said, the plot was predictable and hardly original. However, when I remember that the author was a teenager then it doesn't seem as bad.


As for LOTR, I started reading The Hobbit when I was 12. It took me forever to get through that book because it was a pretty hard read for me at that time. I didn't start reading the trilogy till later and I remember there was one book that took me awhile to get through (can't remember which), but I did enjoy the books. The Hobbit is my favorite though, probably just because I've read it so many times.

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^I have mixed feelings on the Inheritance trilogy. Like you said, the plot was predictable and hardly original. However, when I remember that the author was a teenager then it doesn't seem as bad.


As for LOTR, I started reading The Hobbit when I was 12. It took me forever to get through that book because it was a pretty hard read for me at that time. I didn't start reading the trilogy till later and I remember there was one book that took me awhile to get through (can't remember which), but I did enjoy the books. The Hobbit is my favorite though, probably just because I've read it so many times.


The hobbit was great because it was intended for children. Got to love the classic children's stories. They are just wonderful.

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