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I forgot what you look like


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I met a guy a few days ago when I was out. The next day he called me, but I didn't pick up the phone. He called me again the following day. Eventually, I call him back. I figured let me just put myself out there, you never know what will happen. He is a nice guy, outgoing, and we get to talking. We decide to meet up for a date, right before we get off the phone he makes a comment for me to remind him what I look like. I was so insulted and my self esteem hit the floor. I couldn't believe that he forgot what I looked like, yet he remembered to call me.


I said, "wow you can't remember what I look like. what a low blow." then he says, "I meet a 1,000 people a day. just remind me".


What is that saying about this guy? I really don't even feel attractive anymore. I'm not even sure if I am cut out for this dating mess

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Not a smooth move on his part but, not a big deal either. If you like him get past it and eventually he wont forget. When I talk to girls I forget their names and where they are from all the time. Its not that I am not listening or paying attention, my short term is pretty bad. One reminder is enough.

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personally, if someone said that to me i would take it as "you are just as insignificant as the other 1000 people i see everyday."


dont let this get to you, this is just a bad dating experience, there will be better ones in the future!!!


but aren't you one of the other 1000 i meet?

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I take it that I am not that pretty enough to remember):


Or you can say that he was too dumb to remember how pretty you are.


You need to change your view of the world. lol


(Okay my view about him being dumb is not too nice so I don't necessarily think you should take my advice either lol)

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yeah but dont tell me that! thats bound to make someone feel insignificant and un-special dontcha think?


i met you for 5 minutes, we had a great conversation, we exchanged phone numbers. that's the most i've seen you. what is the big deal?


i'll admit, i have met girls and forgot exactly what they looked like. but i have never gotten a number from a girl who i didn't find attractive. so i will meet up anyways. i'll usually ask what they are wearing so i can find them easier though when i get to our destination.


I take it that I am not that pretty enough to remember)





you guys really think you are that special after one quick chat and number exchange? i don't even know you yet. you are just another face so far. seriously, that's all you are at that point.

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Well he could have said, "were you the one with the green top, the one with the tattoo, or the one with the nose ring?"


Kidding aside, I've had this problem so many times net dating. It doesn't reflect on you in the least. It takes me several times seeing someone to place a face with a name if we haven't spent much time together, and that's if 100% sober. Doesn't say anything about the impression you made on him.


Don't bring it up when you meet or seem to be fishing for compliments, as guys find that annoying.

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you guys really think you are that special after one quick chat and number exchange? i don't even know you yet. you are just another face so far. seriously, that's all you are at that point.


Whoa ghost...way to make a girl feel down!

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Whoa ghost...way to make a girl feel down!


well, it's the truth. do you remember a face of some attractive guy you saw one day passing by? no. but if you saw him again, you'd remember. i have no idea why you guys think a quick first meeting is so special. get over it.

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i would be pretty offended...why wouldn't he just wait till you guys met up and then refresh his memory...i just think the guy is a moron for saying it and that is why you shouldn't see him again...


Eh this too, he is kind of a nebbish for even bringing it up...

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