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I'm Married, but have a HUGE crush...


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Great post Pixel.


Wish my Husband shared this view.


He didn't. Sadly, he had multiple affairs. His "I do" meant nothing to him.


I was blindsided.


To the OP...you have no idea the devastating effects of adultry. It really hurts the soul.


That you are taking this so lightly like "what should I do" seems so immature. What should you do???? YOU SHOULD KEEP YOUR WEDDING VOW.




What would you except your wife to do if the shoe was on the other foot?

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Here’s some food for thought:

(1) The fact that you made the effort to post this msg (it was well written, BTW) suggests that you are only looking for affirmation to do the responsible thing.


(2) Your wife was baiting you to gauge your response and you blew it.


(3) You came on too strong, and she’s not interested.


(4) Even if she was interested: (a) do you honestly think you could have as serious of a relationship with a home wrecker as you do with your wife? (b) If she is that easy, she probably has an STD. © try usinb Internet p*rn like the rest of us to relieve your fantasies (it’s a helluvalot safer- on many levels).


Chances are good you’d regret the whole situation after you nailed her for the first time anyway.

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This post almost seems like it's a joke. I can't believe you're serious about telling your wife about this woman. Wow. I can't believe you are actually asking your wife if this woman likes you. If your wife was smart enough, she should know exactly what you're up to. If my boyfriend started asking me questions like this, my things would be gone.


I go to school with a guy who was married. Actually I met him when he was married, and he was going through a rough time with his wife and he had a small kid. I knew he had a crush on me, but there's no way in HELL I would ever sleep with this guy. Oh, he would sell me it, too. "I'm in a band, come watch us sometime" He use to make me CD's, send me emails, draw me stuff in class as a joke. Yeah, it was all funny, but I knew by the way he was acting there were issues going on at home but I would NOT be an outlet for that. I told him straight up too, "Listen, if you EVER try to come on to me, I will slash your tires". He laughed like it was ridiculous but I was serious. He still brings it up and laughs but I still give him a dead straight face that I still mean it. Even 2 years later. I'll be friends, but I will not come between a man and his marriage. Since I've been dating my boyfriend which I met through this married guy in school... he always talks sh*t about him and tells me he can't believe I'm dating a guy like that... because we're "so different" and not compatable. That it's the "weirdest relationship, ever". Because he likes sports, and UFC, and I like art, music, and wear hipster clothes.


Anyway, since then.. after I told him to keep his boundaries, he cheated on his wife with some younger girl for 8 months. He would leave our study breaks to bang her in his toyota tercel in the school parking lot. He seperated from his wife, and then slept with another girl from my nursing program. Oh, not to mention he got antoher girl pregnant a few months ago and left her after she had an abortion.


Anyway, my point is, you sound almost exactly like this guy. You're way too over confident. And if she's not finding you funny, it's probably because you aren't funny. Men who are married and who try to flirt with you and get your attention, are quite frankly, to single women... gross and pathetic.

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Simple solution to find out. Stop talking to her, if you do and she makes contact, then you will know if she likes you. Just say Hi and bye or whatever to be polite, but make no more effort than that.

If she makes contact then be nice but don't go all puppy. Now if you want to lay the path to wrecking your life and that of your family then read on...


When she comes over to talk to you, if its a bit of a question or long conversation, then politely cut it short tell your would love to talk to her now, but you are against the wall work wise and you need to crack on. Now here is where you set the trap. You suggest that maybe you guys can go to lunch together or if your feeling lucky suggest a drink after work. If you get a positive response then just OK great arrange the times and say no more, don't start fist pumping in the air and don't bang on about it, and keep contact with her until the time you go out or whatever to a minimal.. If you make it easy her interest will fain. If she is into you, she needs to feel the chase and the excitement after all she maybe knows your married, so this is about her getting what she wants so don't give it up easy or you will be dropped like a hot potato!

Once your with her gauge whats going on and I guess go from there.


I really suggest you leave this alone, but something tells me you wont!



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