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Thinking of booking a pornstar


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I am pretty sure I can get the Star, I've heard people do, mostly rich business men who have the money. I mean why wouldn't they do it, it's pretty much what they do for a living, just with regular people it's without a camera, lol and some dude making stupid comments holding the camera, lol


JadedStar? have really done your homework....I take less time looking for hotels

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I feel like I'm damned if I do, damnedif I don't


If I do it, i'll feel like crap after, during will prob be pretty awesome. But i'll be glad I did and got it out of my system, hopefully.


If I don't i'll be with the same women forever, and probably regret not being more out there later on in life. At least that's how I tihnk about it right now in my life.


1.) If she is a real pornstar and looks/act like a real good pornstar, you'll probably last about 45 seconds. How awesome is that?? So, that comes out to $22 a second. You could go online and beat off to girls who look amazing for free!!


2.) IMHO, you will be damned if you do, but you won't be damned if you don't.

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You should be grateful. Some people don't have a "first and only" and have "none" instead.


Isn't this the truth. So many young men on here post thread after thread wanting to find a nice girl....i am sure they see this and get angry that some guys would give up romance and love for a freaking freak o leek.

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The whole point is that they are amazing at what they do, I don't really care if she "fakes" I am pretty sure she will, lol


I don't want to lose, I am sure she won't want me doing this. which makes me more scared that i'll try and do it behind her back and hope she never finds out. I've almost lost her once before and it sucks and I want her back the second I lose her.

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Mate, my girlfriend dumped me for someone that she'd only known a month. I thought that was pretty * * * * ing shallow. This is far worse.




How would you feel if it was the other way around?



That's the thing, I wouldn't mind if she was in my position. I'd let her do it, but I am sure she has no urge to do it. Girls get attached to this stuff, like I love her too, and know that the only meaninful sex I will have is with her, but sometimes you just want something new and exciting.

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Good question posed by mustang. What if she came to you and asked the same thing? That she wanted to hire some mandingo for an hour's worth of enormous pleasure...and you stay at home and put dinner on.


How would you feel? If you are ok with that, then you two are just not compatible and you need to find a more open and wild chick.


But if you do be careful what you wish for. Those kind of girls are not satisfied with one guy for very long and will drop you quick.


If you lost her once and wanted her back the second you lost her than your only decision here is don't do it and maybe live with regrets, or break up with her FIRST and then do it.


Then later on if it is in the cards maybe you will reconcile. Dont' count on it tho as even if you do she'll likely never trust you again.

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That's the thing, I wouldn't mind if she was in my position. I'd let her do it, but I am sure she has no urge to do it. Girls get attached to this stuff, like I love her too, and know that the only meaninful sex I will have is with her, but sometimes you just want something new and exciting.


Hmm, there is the whole crux of this then. If she were the type who DID want to do this you would be in her shoes...ridden with pain and emotional sickness over thinking about how she could put her libido above your relationship.


Men who have women who don't cheat or flirt around grow complacent quick many times. Then if she ever does cheat or do something betraying the guy is gutted and realize how it feels.


No one is truly Mary Poppins (sorry midnight LOL). A woman feels mistreated enough she can become prime bait for a smooth talker.

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I guess I'm just gonna think about it some more, maybe this want of a pornstar will pass in time. And I really care about this girl, I know it's a shady thing to do, I really do that is why I want to go about it the best way possible.

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You don't feel the least bit creepy about sleeping with someone who has probably slept with hundreds of guys?


All that comes to my mind is the Family Guy Character stuie saying it reminds him of someone throwing a hotdog down a long hallway ....or something like that.

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You mentioned that they are supposed to get tested regularly. That's true, yes, but how do you know this is an actual, honest-to-god, legit porn star who abides by these rules? Are you sure it isn't some independent guy with a camera and a girlfriend who he sends out to make money? How can you be sure that she will actually be 100% fully clean?

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You don't feel the least bit creepy about sleeping with someone who has probably slept with hundreds of guys?


Not really, I mean if she has been tested then I don't really worry about it. I know im not the avg guy on this, but it doesn't bother me

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I guess I'm just gonna think about it some more, maybe this want of a pornstar will pass in time. And I really care about this girl, I know it's a shady thing to do, I really do that is why I want to go about it the best way possible.


Well i give you back one of your balls for seeking advice on this one.


Honestly, it really isn't worth it. Maybe go on a mini hiatus and agree to date others.


Don't with a pornstar who has had more than sloppy seconds just before yourself.

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You don't feel the least bit creepy about sleeping with someone who has probably slept with hundreds of guys?


I'm not on his side at all....but why would it be creepy? As long as she's clean, a vagina that's had one penis's in it isn't isn't going to be all that different from one that's had 100. He's not marrying her it's just purely mechanical sex, in and out until completion so he doesn't have to worry about feeling inadequate since he'll be gone an hour later and she's paid to say he's good.

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So OP, do you want to bang a pornstar that you have seen on video or just any pornstar??


I have no experience but an escort can do anything that a famous escort can do.

for a fraction of the price...


That would be pretty awesome to tell you the truth....but at the same time it just means you paid a hooker to be your sex slave for an hour and that would make me feel like a sicko.

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I feel that going out to a club or something like that is FAR more dangerous, at least a pornstar gets tested, many girls sleep with a lot of guys and don't get tested that is way more freaky to me. So yes I think I am getting a pornstar, link removed and i'll know if it's her when I see her.

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I feel that going out to a club or something like that is FAR more dangerous, at least a pornstar gets tested, many girls sleep with a lot of guys and don't get tested that is way more freaky to me. So yes I think I am getting a pornstar, link removed and i'll know if it's her when I see her.


GOing to a club is only dangerous if you have sex everytime you go. Going to a club in itself is not as dangerous healthwise as sleeping with a pornstar.


If you do this please post and let us know if she in fact looks like what they advertise. I have to believe they don't.

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