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Is anyone okay with prostitution?


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All of you people who engage in permiscuous sex have no room here to cry foul. You better protect your glass house before someone calls you out on it.

...Good call.

Explain to me the difference between two types of no strings attached sex.


I just think you're comparing apples to oranges if you say promiscuous behavior is the same as selling and buying sex.

Hmmm...No. Both are seeking sexual relief.

A. Promiscuous behavior : Sleeping around, "giving it away"=$0.00

B. Prostitution : Sleeping around = $$$$.


The prostitute is getting the better deal with all the same risks.


And enchilda, tons of STI's are spread by promiscuous people, it's not something that prostitutes placed a patent on. Why are we only attacking 1/2 of the people spreading them?

Cuz the truth hits too close to home...

If legalized prostitution helps reduce the number of rape victims and they are safe about their "business", I am all for it.

Agreed. Prostitutes are people too....whether their choice of work is repugnant or not...

Even if you legalize it, there is still someone in the role of a "pimp" making money- the difference with it being legal is that pimps/agencies might get to exist in a cozy corporate office.

Not a bad thing really. Clean up the streets. Regulate the industry. Still will not get rid of the black market trade in women, but will make it easier to prosecute.

The challenge, as I see it, is to address the issues which lead to prostitution in the first place, rather than attacking the prostitutes.

Agreed...the Johns are the problem...No Johns, no prostitutes.

Supply and demand. But...as we know...biology doesn't work that way. Human nature is rather depraved at the best of times. Walk the streets of Bangkok and you'll see what I mean..

The veneer of civilization is indeed thin.


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The worst thing I'd have against prostitution is the possibility that the prostitute was trafficked here or working against her will. If you legalise it, OK the pimp might be working in a cosy office, but the workers have rights and the freedom to quit at any point, which turns the pimp into merely a boss.


There are a few reasons I would be against prostitution - the main one being that prostitutes have slept with many many men so it's a case of "you don't know where they've been".


But I think one big reason prostitution is looked down on is that whether we like to admit it or not, in the western world anyway, it's considered -by men and some women - an achievement for a man to get to have sex with a woman! You always hear talk of girls "giving it away"... if they have sex with a guy, as if the guy is taking something from the girl by having sex with her.


By visiting a prostitute, well it's her job to have sex, so people think the guy bought sex rather than achieving it through charm and good looks.


I disagree with this assessment. Most guys like sex. Some of them are charming and good looking, they'll go out, meet a girl in a club, take her home and have sex with her, and maybe never talk to her again. Other guys are not a bit charming or good looking, wouldn't have a clue how to convince a girl to come back to his place to have a casual affair. So these guys are being denied sex because of the social moral revulsion towards prostitutes. People laugh at them because they can't pull a "real" woman... But would they laugh if they had lost a leg and had to buy a prosthetic? Or had to buy good eyesight (i.e. a pair of glasses or contact lenses)?

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I haven't read all of these posts, so forgive me if this has already been raised, but what strikes me most about conversations like this is how sexist they are.


We aren't living in the nineteenth century any more. We know that women's sexual desires are equivalent to men. Women get horny. Women want sex.


But the excuses most often given for prostitution are along the lines of men needing sex and not getting it - they are too old, too ugly, their wives won't go there anymore, etc.


It's remarkable to me that society doesn't see the double standard there. Women often can't get sex, either, but we don't jump up and down, demanding that it should be ok if we pay some guy for it. It's rare to hear a woman saying that male prostitutes are needed for the same reasons.


I'm not saying that women have more self-respect or anything like that at all. I'm just saying that there's this unrecognised double standard about men making excuses about prostitution because 'they need it'. It's as if us women don't understand what sexual needs and desires are, so we wouldn't understand. We understand very well, but for some reason, most women find the idea of paying some random stranger for sex just disgusting.

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You've got a good head over your shoulders. Sometimes... I wonder if what I thought really is what I thought. I question whether I'm only conforming to certain ideas because they make sense and everybody else seem to think so.


Very well stated...inspected, clean, D/D free, it is a transaction. Who gets hurt? It is victimless.


Thank you not expecting that at all.


I do think we're being very biased here though...what about male prostitution?? How do you pull the sexism/female empowerment card there?

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Very well stated...inspected, clean, D/D free, it is a transaction. Who gets hurt? It is victimless.


It sounds victimless, but like i said on another post most women who would go into this profession have a drug habit or a mental disorder. This makes it a very unsafe and hazardous environment because neither of these two conditions will likely make for a very prudent sex worker.

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Thank you not expecting that at all.


I do think we're being very biased here though...what about male prostitution?? How do you pull the sexism/female empowerment card there?


Everything i have stated about female prostitution will stand firm for male prostituion. No exceptions.

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It sounds victimless, but like i said on another post most women who would go into this profession have a drug habit or a mental disorder. This makes it a very unsafe and hazardous environment because neither of these two conditions will likely make for a very prudent sex worker.


I don't think it's 'victimless' either, per se. Certainly not in all situations. Not in most, one might even say. The factors surrounding somebody's situation, that they would need to, through drug addiction or other manipulation, do that for a living in unsafe conditions...that is very unfortunate I think. As a means to an end prostitution can make sense. It depends on the 'end' though. NO pun intended.

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I woudln't want to see a mentally unstable person or drug addict operate dangerous equipment either ....and since this profession attracts this demographic it just would seem very careless and hazardous if our government ever decided to legalize this.


That is just my pragmatic view. That is not even mentioning the emotional aspects of this sort of thing or the people it destroys and rips apart.


This may not be a strong argument for the money making mongers in DC but aside from the obvious fact that the profession attracts unstable people to begin with just think of how many women's lives were torn apart by her husband seeking a prostitute and how THEY would feel if it were legalized. It downplays their pain. It is in many ways akin to folks who commit heinous crimes against a persons family member being given a very light sentence or pardoned. It makes the victims feel even more victimized. LIke i said, this argument wouldn't move many money makers but it is still a factor that is very much important.


At least as long as it is frowned upon by society and kept illegal they can have SOME solace.

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just think of how many women's lives were torn apart by her husband seeking a prostitute and how THEY would feel if it were legalized

Local bar * * * * or a prostitute...the action is still the same.

He cheated.


By legalizing the trade, it would minimum lessen the underage element and drugs. [ not completely obviously...but they would have some protection ]


Can't / Won't / Never will stop prostitution, it's the oldest "profession". Men will cheat if they want no matter what. Minimum lessen the potential health side effects to the unsuspecting wife should he choose to pay for it.

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Local bar * * * * or a prostitute...the action is still the same.

He cheated.


By legalizing the trade, it would minimum lessen the underage element and drugs. [ not completely obviously...but they would have some protection ]


Can't / Won't / Never will stop prostitution, it's the oldest "profession". Men will cheat if they want no matter what. Minimum lessen the potential health side effects to the unsuspecting wife should he choose to pay for it.


If you re read my post you will see i never said it will cease prostitution. But keeping illegal at least isn't a big a slap in the face then if they legalize it. Legalizing it is like saying to people who have suffered thru this "we know you went the he** and back but we are going to go ahead and make this okay anyway". Like i said its like a victims family having to see someone who committed a crime against their loved one go free in a sense.


No one said it would make it go away. I dont even buy the argument that it will make it less chance for disease. LIke any other industry things get slack and STD's are no freaking joke.

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But the excuses most often given for prostitution are along the lines of men needing sex and not getting it - they are too old, too ugly, their wives won't go there anymore, etc.


It's remarkable to me that society doesn't see the double standard there. Women often can't get sex, either, but we don't jump up and down, demanding that it should be ok if we pay some guy for it. It's rare to hear a woman saying that male prostitutes are needed for the same reasons.


Well I'm one of the people who give the excuses you speak of, but it's all about willingness. Men are a lot more willing to go to a prostitute than a woman. Now if a woman wants sex and visits a prostitute, I would hold nothing more against them than I would against a man who did the same. But I don't think it's fair to say that just because most women who want sex choose not to go to a prostitute, that men are required to do the same.


Regarding the unsafe conditions thing, of course it's unsafe, it's an illegal trade, prostitutes' rights are the equivalent of industrial-age workers. If it were legalised then this would change. Just like drug-dealing is dangerous, but alcohol-dealing is safe. Alcohol dealers are protected by the law while drug dealers / addicts and prostitutes are not.


Prostitution by itself I have nothing against - it's just another trade. But all the stuff that goes with it - the pimps, the drugs, the trafficking, the despair, the danger - that is what I can't abide.


just think of how many women's lives were torn apart by her husband seeking a prostitute and how THEY would feel if it were legalized

I would say the act of sleeping with another woman is what damaged them here, not the fact that he paid for it.

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If you re read my post you will see i never said it will cease prostitution. But keeping illegal at least isn't a big a slap in the face then if they legalize it. Legalizing it is like saying to people who have suffered thru this "we know you went the he** and back but we are going to go ahead and make this okay anyway". Like i said its like a victims family having to see someone who committed a crime against their loved one go free in a sense.


No one said it would make it go away. I dont even buy the argument that it will make it less chance for disease. LIke any other industry things get slack and STD's are no freaking joke.

Read your post...

just happen to disagree with this it is like saying to people who have suffered thru this "we know you went the he** and back but we are going to go ahead and make this okay anyway".[/b]

If he Paid for sex it is Betrayal.

If he banged the local Skank, it is Betrayal.

IF he banged anyone but his Wife, it is Betrayal.


How do you blame the prostitutes for that? You can't.


Legalizing prostitution will not change Freewill.

...but it might get the underage girls off the streets...

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An interesting read.


If you've spent any time in Thailand or Amsterdam...legalized prostitution is by far the better option. Whether I like it or not.

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Legalizing prostitution is really bad. It will give off the wrong signal to people & children especially in their teens. It's almost like saying, it's ok to sell your body or use another human being as a sex object once you give her/him money. What about the teenagers growing up who have jobs & money, that can actually use money to get prostitutes? Most of them will use them and they will grow up have a distorted view of sex and maybe even women in general. That wouldn't be really good. A lot would probably not value relationships or bother finding a steady women, most would just go to a prostitute.A lot more people would probably take advantage of the situation and become a prostitute just to make extra cash.


It would be more convenient for people to cheat if legalized! Husband at work, all he has to do is make one call go to a local agency and boom. I mean yeah people do this now even when it's illegal but it would just make matters worse. One good thing though, a lot more men probably wouldn't mess with a girls emotions to get sex when all they can do is go to a hooker.


Personally I don't like prostitution. It's a nasty business! I don't see how a man or a woman can possibly have sex with a complete and dirty stranger,who has been with possibly hundreds if not thousands of people doing god knows what with each. Paying for sex seems desperate and I personally think people who use them have some sort of problem,sex addiction. You're that hung up & desperate for sex that you're willing to risk being put in jail,risk your health and safety by getting a nasty std,sleep with someone who probably doesn't even want you near them, you're also willing to pay money for something you can get for free. I think the John's have serious problems, those reasons I mentioned alone should drive people away fro hookers yuck.

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I don't agree with it and I would never resort to it.


Basically I think people who get involved in that sort of thing, should have a little more pride in themselves.


When I get frustrated and depressed about my seemingly never ending virginity, people will ask me on here why I haven't resorted to a prostitute.


The reason is simple.... That's the very definition of meaningless sex.. I have no interest in meaningless sex.


Furthermore there's still that small bit of pride that would rather die a virgin, as opposed to sleeping with a prostitute.

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There is a lot of talk of "pride" and "self respect" claiming that prostitutes, or strippers for that matter, lack self respect. You gotta take into account that claiming someone else has no self respect is absolutely meaningless and pointless to say as you are projecting your own subjective idea of what self respect is. Some say having a tattoo means you have no self respect, some say having sex before marriage means you have no self respect. Those people's views are no more correct or wrong than your views.


The only time these women are violating their self respect is if they themselves believe that what they are doing violates their own self respect. If they honestly respect themselves and have pride in themselves, then nothing is getting violated.

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  • 1 month later...

The only thing I have against prositution is that it is not liberated enough as a profession there are too many restrictions and it is unfairly looked down on.


I really think prositution should be encourageable and well respected. With all the packaging and selling of sexuality these days it is the logical next step.


I think if somebody is shoveling animal excrement to pay the rent it's disgusting. If I had the confidence of safety and strict health regulations such that it would be VERY unlikely that I would have medical consequences, I would rather give a few guys a BJ daily than shovel animal crap in unsanitary conditions at some farm, or work in a sweat shop, or something like that. I think there are sadder things to be forced into that prostitution. Depending, though.


If a girl doesn't want to work and knows she can charge 3 clients $200 bucks a pop for a blowjob on a saturday, why should she be prevented from doing so ?

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Anything that the creator of all things says not to do, is a bad idea. Does that mean I am without sin, no of course not. Prostitution however is one sin I can say that I have never committed. It is also one of the oldest sins, as it has been around since before Jesus walked the earth.


anyway thats my two cents

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Legally I don't think making it illegal and prosecuting women or their customers is very effective. It's the world's oldest job, it will always be with us. I think the best thing would be to legalize, regulate, require regular testing, and tax it, using the money to fund programs for young women.


I *do* think that it can be destructive as a lifestyle for a woman in that it can eventually interfere with their ability to lead a normal satisfying sex life, even if you are very good at compartmentalizing. But I don't think it should be illegal.

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Seeing that I am a 28 year old virgin with little experience with women, I think that taking the next plane out to Vegas or Amsterdam will be only part of my solution to putting an end to my life of solitude.


I know some of you will give me the cliched advice about waiting around for the right woman to come along and all that crap. But I'm a realist and I realize that despite my lofty goals of getting fit and trying to be successful in life before I try to share it with someone else, what woman in this day and age would want to date a man my age with no experience whatsoever? None. That's who. Might as well invest in a good education of the kind they don't give you in sex ed and learn as much as I can rather than risk any future relationship when the moment of truth arrives and apparently I turn her off with my inexperience.

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For all you girls who think it's disgusting for women to make money selling sex, what do you think about men selling sex to women? It's becoming much more common according to some mag articles I've read.


Whether it's alcohol, drugs, porn, sex, etc.. - if people get pleasure from it they will pay for it.


I read a recent article on Jenna Jamison and she loves what she does. She doesn't feel like she's the victim. She is making money and doing what makes her happy. I have to assume there's many women like her that have high sex drives and are thrilled to make money doing it.


But I agree that since it's illegal that means that they end up working for pimps and gangsters and they get abused, hooked on drugs, etc.. - horrible!


I think they should legalize it and regulate it in a way that really protects them.


If you have a nympho who enjoys having sex with many guys and making lots of money and you have a lot of guys who are willing to pay to be with her, then who am I to get in their way?

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My question is if you are unattached, and there for not hurting anyone by doing it, do you think seeing a prostitute is _always_ bad?




however, i was born in nevada and have lived here all my life. i was raised with the knowledge the brothels are all down third street in my town and i always knew what they were. that doesn't i have looser morals than someone raised elsewhere. my parents did their best to teach me to wait till i was ready. prostitution had no bearing on that. we have no problems with pimps and whatever because the girls don't walk the street, they are all at the brothels.


i was surprised to learn as i grew up that it WASNT legal everywhere else.

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I agree! If hookers are legal i would think the world has gone crazy. It's just not right. Woman are who prositiutes should get a REAL job instead of opening their legs to any dirty old pervy man.


I'm too lazy to read this whole thing so I hope I'm not repeating what someone else has said, but I don't agree with this.

I believe every woman (and man) should be free to do as they please. One of the reasons why being a prostitute is so degrading is because it's illegal. If it were legal these women could actually have rights, and the government could help protect them in their job just like any other job.


Another thing, I have always wondered why people that are ok with porn are so against prostitutes. Isn't it a bit of the same thing? Women in the porn industry get paid for sex as well.


Legalizing prostitution is really bad. It will give off the wrong signal to people & children especially in their teens.


This is also their argument against same-sex marriage.

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