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Surdid Tales from Hell


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Yesterday there was a knock on my door at around this time. It was the cops. I was here all by myself, my girlfriend was at work and my roommate was at his Mom's house. So, I open the door and see two cops standing there, both with dead serious looks on their faces. I know I've done nothing wrong, so I know they're not coming to arrest me. So, the only thing I could think was that something bad happened to either my girlfriend or my roommate. I felt panic building up when I stepped out onto the porch. Then, the female cop looks at me and says a name. It's not my name, it's not anyone I know. I told her no, and she said "Does he live here." Once again, I told her no. She asked me who all lives in my house. I told her my girlfriend's name and my roommate's name. And she was like "Is there anyone else in there right now?" I told her no. She looked at the male cop and said "Should we search?" The male cop said no, because I seemed pretty convincing. They asked my name and asked to see my ID, which I gladly showed them.


So, some guy is apparently about to be arrested. And apparently the cops have him down as living at my address. I got curious about what this guy did that he was about to be arrested for. I googled his name and the name of my town, and found nothing. It might be too soon for it to be in the paper though.


Then, later on yesterday after my girlfriend came home from work something else happened. One of her long time friends from a few towns over was coming here to hang out with us. He was bringing his Mom with him because his Mom also knows my girlfriend pretty well. Well, they never made it here because they were slammed by a drunk driver. They both were injured, but are going to be fine, they're car is totaled. And of course, the drunk ass who hit them walked away without a scratch.


So, yesterday was interesting...


Last night a bunch of us went out for a drink and then went to see Zombieland, which was great. It provided some much needed comic relief.

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I was checking my Myspace earlier (for the first time in a month or so...) and one of those ads on the side of the page was for a quiz about the 7 deadly sins. "Which Deadly Sin are You?" I didn't even bother taking it because stuff like that is boring to me, ANd, I am sure it was probably one of those things where you go and take the quiz and then you have to sign up for some account on some website that will spam your email account like crazy before you get the results.


But, it did get me thinking about what "sins' I am most guilty of. To me the 7 deadly sins are nothing more then emotions we all feel. But just for the fun of it, here is my confession...


Pride: This is one I am hardly guilty of at all. What the hell do I have to be proud of? I have a college degree which has brought me little in life. I work at a job that I love, but doesn't use my degree. And, I am apparently not even that good at what I do because I am a hair away from being fired. If I cured Cancer, ended world hunger and housed all the homeless, then maybe I would be proud.


Envy: I envy certain people for certain things. I'll admit that.


Wrath: Yea, I get pissed off sometimes.


Sloth: I have days where all I want to do is lay around and sleep and watch TV, but we all have days like that, and mine aren't that often.


Greed: I wish I made more money. I wish I could buy the house I live in instead of renting.


Gluttony: This is one I am pretty guilty of. Most people associate Gluttony with eating too much. There's actually more to it then that (even though the word Gluttony comes from the Latin word for swallow.) Gluttony can mean a lot of things. But basically, it is consuming anything in access. I don't eat too much. But I do drink a lot, even though not anywhere close to what I used to drink. I used to be a serious binge drinker. Over the years I've fine tuned my off switch and know when to stop drinking. Last night I did eat Sushi for the first time... I think I probably ate too much. (I guess now I'm going to Hell for sure.)


And finally, Lust: This, for me, is the big one. This is no doubt the one I am most guilty of. I went for nine years with no sex... then I met my girlfriend and since then I've been called a horndog. I am ready to go all the time. But my lust is for her only, so I guess it could be worse.

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IMO, pride isn't so much the feeling accomplished and good about oneself for that. It's more an attitude that you are "above" certain things (or people), and too good for them. I feel "haughty", or "arrogant" are more synonymous with "pride" than what you've described.


I think pride is that part of you that can't lose face, or sees losing face as weakening you. A "proud" person would perceive loss of face keenly in life.


What you're describing can be a kind of pride, but a person can be prideful even if it has nothing to do with boasting what they've done.


It's like the saying, "Pride goeth before a fall." Meaning, being self-righteous (i.e., proud) leads to demise.

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I read what you said about the Wolves... I've had similar experiences with Butterflies and moths. Only I've never had a dream that they were aggressive. (Kind of funny to visualize, aggressive butterflies...)


I know what's been happening in your life... I really hope the wolves came baring good news for you.

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It's so hard to get motivated to go in to work anymore. It feels like I am fighting a losing battle. I think they are just trying to get whatever they can out of me before they fire me.


And everything I've done to try to make this situation any better has come back to bite me in the ass. Their original issue was that I wasn't moving fast enough. It wasn't even that I was going slow, I just was a little slower then the team average. I'll admit I was slower then everyone else, but the quality of my work was immaculate. Then they started getting upset with me and threatening to fire me if I didn't move faster. So, I started going faster and got my numbers up to a little higher then team average. Now they are threatening to fire me because my quality has slipped a little (just like I knew it would.)


I am doing the best I possibly can. That's obviously not good enough. So, if they do fire me it's obvious this isn't where I belong.

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Not to be nosey or anything, but I haven't seen you online in a while. I hope everything's allright.


I answered an ad on Craigslist to do some freelance computer stuff. I am actually doing it to help pay for our trip next summer, but depending on what my employment status is a month from now I might end up spending it all to pay bills. So, I haven't had a lot of motivation to be online lately.


Your not being nosy at all. I am actually glad someone was thinking about me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well... for the first time in over a year, I am sick.


It was bound to happen. Everyone around me is sick right now except my girlfriend.


I've doubled up on all my supplements though. Hopefully I can knock whatever this is out before it gets too bad. I really don't want to go to work tonight either, but I have to.

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^ Thanks for posting...


Today I am supposed to go off some of the meds and see if my fever stays down on it's own. If it doesn't then I won't be able to go to work the rest of the week.


I put in a vacation request 3 months ago to take Thanksgiving week off. I decided to take that week off particularly because I can only use three days of vacation time and still get a whole week off and be paid for it. (Thanksgiving and the day after are both paid Holidays.) Now, I might have to give up taking Thanksgiving week off because I need to save my vacation time for my trip this summer. I don't know for sure though... because I don't know how much time I have saved up. Where I work there is no difference between sick days and vacation days. All time off is treated the same.


My girlfriend is coming down with it now. It probably won't be too long before my roommate has it too.

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  • 5 months later...

One of my friends from my old job got fired today... And there were a few fired before me. They are just picking off our whole little group one by one systematically aren't they.


It's kind of funny in a way... Not that he was fired, but that anyone who's a little eccentric doesn't have a shot in hell at that place. Cookie cutters run the world, unfortunately. Maybe all of us odd ones would have been better off if we never started hanging out together. We would have been less obvious and all flown under the company radar perhaps. But personally, I would rather have things the way they are. If my friends and I were somehow not good enough for that crap hole, then oh well. We all are still friends weather we work there or not.


I wonder who they'll target next...

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I just realized how odd it feels that I don't have to get up and check the job postings anymore...


It didn't really occur to me until now, maybe because it's the weekend and my computer time this morning is a little less budgeted. But I am sitting here after checking my emiail and checking the couple forums I go to, and I feel like there is something else I should be doing. And I thought for a minute and realized this is normally when I would bring up all those job search sites I used to go to and the newspaper's website.


I sent the time I would have spent checking all those sites writing this post...

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^ Probably not, unless you considered it "wretched", "foul", or "morally degraded".


Definitely not...


I have to go in a hour early for the rest of the week... Extra hours in this case are a good thing... We are so behind right now. And the extra money doesn't hurt either.


I was thinking about looking for a second job, just to get the bank account built back up.

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