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Question for the ladies... was wondering what you thought about piercings on men? to be specific, i was thinking about getting a hoop on my nose. i think its kind of a cool edgy thing. nobody would expect me to get one. i don't have any piercings at the moment. i'm not a preppy guy, but im not exactly grungy either. im in college, so i don't have to worry about business appearance. im just wondering if most girls would be turned off, think its a sign that i'm gay (not the message im trying to send lol), or anything like that. thanks.

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I think a nose ring can be seen as a little weird on a guy. But thats because, I haven't seen it done on many blokes. Also, I live in England so 'fashionable' peircings for blokes are tongue, eyebrow or nipple.


But if you want it done, the get it done. If you don't like it or you get a bad reception to it, then just take it out. No harm done

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well, I'm kind of was in your situation also, and I opted for an eyebrow piercing instead..... I get a lot of comments on it, and it seems to be a good conversation starter..... I went for the eyebrow since nose/lip ect were a bit too extreme for me, and the eyebrow is diffrent enough to be noticed and is a bit unique (atleast where I go to school)...


so yea, up to you, but a lot of girls use it to start conversation with me~

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I am a very open minded person and have a live and let live attitude. If this is something you really want to do then I say go for it.


My personal opinion is that I think tattoos and peircings are very unedgy these days. I know more people with tattoos than people without them at my age (27) and a nose peircing to me just screams to me someone that has low self esteem or is trying to hard to fit into a sub-culture so that they "belong." Of course this is a bias that I am shamefully guilty of holding - but I am certainly not the only one. I definitely enjoy the beauty of a peirced or tattoo'ed female...but so many times I see a girl with a tattoo that was badly done or is the generic rose/dolphin/sun(corona) and immediately think that the girl went through a period of her life where she made some really immature snap judgement decisions in her life and it unconsciously changes my view on her in a negative manner. Granted we have all been immature and made stupid decisions...but we don't all make it a permanent spectical for all of the world to see...and remember everytime we see it.


I realize that this is a bit bias...but I'm being 100% honest here. I of couse would never have anything but the upmost respect and kindness for anyone I meet no matter who or what they look like...but that doesn't mean I have some very honest thoughts deep down as do we all. I'm sure I do plenty of stupid things or look a way that has made people think some pretty awful or humorous things in my time


If you are doing it to attract the opposite sex...I think that is probably the wrong reason to do it.


You will certainly attract certain types of women with it, but my fear is that you will close yourself off of certain types of women that feel they are trashy or are looking for someone a little more clean cut. So for that reason alone I would never get one. I know way too many attractive women that would be turned off by that kind of peircing for me to ever go that route.

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If I got to know a guy with a facial peircing and fell for him, well, that's a different story. But just meeting you, I would probably assume that we didn't have enough in common. I'd probably think you're someone who doesn't take life seriously, who doesn't have professional ambitions and who regularily does drugs. Of course, there's a good chance none of that is true. But we make our judgements, don't we? And that would be mine, honestly.


Are you thinking about the hoop in the middle or on the side of your nose?

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well i am not doing it to attract women, i was just hoping that it wouldn't actually turn them off. hell if they make negative assumptions about me then i can live without them. but i don't want to close off too many doors.


I don't think they will make negative assumptions about the person you are, but I can guarantee that you will definitely turn off a large group of women. Of course, the alternative is that you might attract that group of women that go crazy over a peirced guy.


Although I do have a fantasy of meeting some metal/punk/tattood girl who I fall in love with and she turns me into this peirced, tattoo'd, skinny, spiked hair sex God and we run off together and make lots of little spiked collar wearing kids...but that's for another post.

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i think it's hot.

Very hot, actually. & edgy.


I personally admire guys who are comfortable enough with themselves to take risks like piercings or tattoos. The ones who are bold enough to make a statement(whether fashion or a message) and/or the ones who try to distinguish themselves from the mob. As long as you don't over do it. Those would be the attention seekers.


Also, women can be turned off by anything really. For example: what kind of clothes you wear, your hair cut, your car, the way you walk, talk, etc etc. Don't even worry about that part. The ones who matter will like you for you, nose ring, messed up hair, pimple on your forehead & all.

So yea, I say go for it!!

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See, bieng younger, I don't make any assumptions about a person by their tattoos or peircings. It's so generic that there is nothing for me to judge them on. I was speaking to a male friend the other night, and though I've known him for about 6 months, I'd only noticed right then that he had his eyebrow peirced.


But then people hold they're own stereotypes about peircing, for me to assume someone takes drugs because of having a facial peircing is just weird to me, especially since I'm the opposite, I always do my hair and make-up and dress my best, wear latest fashions ect, and I'm a frequent drug user. It kinda spins people out a little, because it is not what they would expect me to be like on they're first look at me.


Anyway, that was just a rant on stereotypes...

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Well, I am probably considerably older than most of you responding to this thread so here is my two cents...I think the only thing that should be pierced are women's ear lobes...and only one piercing per lobe. I don't find multiple pierces attractive, I also don't find pierced ears on men very appealing. Pierced anything else is just too weird...don't know how anyone eats with a pierced tongue..how do you blow your nose with a pierced nose unless you have a stud in the nose rather than a hoop.

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Flux, I know exactly what you mean! I don't mean to offend you in any way, but tell me if I hit the nail.


During my only year at college the typical clean cut athletic "good guys" & the girls who dressed nicely & seemed to take pride in themselves were the ones who were doing all the drugs!

I too was shocked at first, but it's like a constant act for them. Pretending & living up to this perfect image all the time.. it was sickening how they changed based on whether they were in or out of their comfort zones.


In their comfort zone=Drug & alcohol abuse, bribing people to do their school work, talking to people like they were pieces of a** or not worthy of their company...all in an effort to make themselves feel better about.??.. not having the courage to be their true self ?? Being unable to live up to a perfect image??

I have no idea. That's kind of why I told my story was to gain a better insight from others on this.


It was just my experience that the more genuine people were the ones who weren't popular & didn't seem anywhere near as put together as the others.


End my stereotype rant lol..


***I do realize not every person who fits the description of well put together does drugs or is a bad person. Not trying to over generalize-just stating from my personal experience only.

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State of Flux


Eyebrow piercings on a female frowned upon in the Uk? LOL


Everyone I know looooooooves eyebrow piercings on girl, a few of my friends have them? lol


To the OP I personally think hoop piercings are tacky unless in the ear, eyebrow piercing on a guy is lovely! I really like it or the chin piercing is cooooooooool

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