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Having a difficult night :(

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I hate weekends right now. After my breakup, I realized I lost all my friends...making weekends really difficult since I have nobody to do stuff with. Well, I do have a few friends, but they mostly have lives with their girlfriends, or other friends they have been doing stuff with for years.


I miss my ex sooo much right now...I keep crying and have been SUPER emotional all night. I can't help but think of what she is doing right now. We use to love getting a movie and takeout on Friday nights and just cuddling up on the couch together falling asleep "spooning". I miss that so much It makes me even more sad to think that she doesn't want that with me anymore and I need to let go....I am trying so hard to let go...I really am.

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I know you are...it's not easy...it sucks...esp the wknds.


I feel for you...i really do. There are aspects i miss as well...but overall NOT the man, nor the drama that came w/ him. But i miss the cuddling,the hugging, having someone listen to me when things were ruff...have my corner.


Those things i miss BUT he was not good for me. I know you are in agony...i go in and out of it too. It does get easier, tho i know you'd rather be done w/ it now.


Time, my friend, time....


You are not alone in this.



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I don't know why I continue to torture myself in trying to understand or figure out how she can just leave me without even trying to work on our relationship...I mean we were together for 5 years. We experienced so much together..had so much fun...had so much in common and now I am a stranger to her


I will get better...thanks everyone for the support

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I understand how it feels. Weekends for me are getting better, but bedtime is still unbelievably difficult. I used to fall asleep holding her and wake up to her holding me. To sleep alone is very hard for me now. There are still times I wake up expecting to feel her there, only to be disappointed. It is becoming less and less now, but it doesn't change the fact that it still hurts when it happens.


The only thing I can suggest(since you mentioned about fridays) is develop a new routine on the weekends. Do things you enjoy that will pass the time, and plan to do them on a lot of weekends. It may be just a band aid, but as long as it helps the wound, it's something at least.


I know it's really hard, and it doesn't matter how long it has been. Not everyone heals at the same rate of speed.

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I hate weekends right now. After my breakup, I realized I lost all my friends...making weekends really difficult since I have nobody to do stuff with. Well, I do have a few friends, but they mostly have lives with their girlfriends, or other friends they have been doing stuff with for years.


I miss my ex sooo much right now...I keep crying and have been SUPER emotional all night. I can't help but think of what she is doing right now. We use to love getting a movie and takeout on Friday nights and just cuddling up on the couch together falling asleep "spooning". I miss that so much It makes me even more sad to think that she doesn't want that with me anymore and I need to let go....I am trying so hard to let go...I really am.


Oh gosh Mark... just be careful.... my ex came back.... and now I'm at square one, he has made the rules, and yeah I'm confused yet again...


No one needs this schit... believe me...

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I know it's hard...it will come in time, we're all at different points. I've had a good support system and those people have helped me tremendously. You can't expect to ever be the same but you'll see you deserve so much more.


I'm to the point where I realize she really let me down. She didn't even have the guts to talk about it or explain anything. I'm worth more than that and I gave her everything I had. I've stopped blaming myself for the whole thing and it was something totally out of my control. She has to live with a bad choice, not me.

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I don't know why I continue to torture myself in trying to understand or figure out how she can just leave me without even trying to work on our relationship...I mean we were together for 5 years. We experienced so much together..had so much fun...had so much in common and now I am a stranger to her


I will get better...thanks everyone for the support


I remember when I left my ex of 5 years... we had lived together too. It's definitely an adjustment and it takes time to feel better. Grief never follows in a linear fashion, some days will be better than others. But it's OK to have bad nights too. That's what we are here for.

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