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What do you girls do, when you like a guy, and he is trying to get with you?


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Ok, I'm done with asking questions about whether or not a girl likes or doesn't like me and what a girl's body language means.


Here is my question now, if a girl knows a guy likes her, and she's at least interested in him, and she can obviously tell, that he's trying to get friendly with her, will she normally make it easy for the guy to "continue" to get to know her?


I'm doing what everyone has told me to do, trying to get friendly with this one girl, and everyone is telling me that she's checking me out, so I figured, I have a much better chance of getting friendly with her.


How does one get friendly with a girl, without eventually looking weird or trying too hard?


I mean, I've already talked to this girl, she knows I'm curious about her, I smiled at her, and now she looks a me a lot, with a curious look.


I haven't seen her for a couple of days, but how do I keep being friendly with her, just by talking, without eventually not seeing her anymore after class or something?


Sorry, if this seems like a repetitive question or something, it's just that I don't want to have another girl, that I don't see again, and all I did was talk to her and get friendly. This has happened to me numerous times, but I never really talked to the other girls though.

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I see what you mean.


I've been trying to talk to, every chance I get, which sometimes it's annoying because it seems like I can't, because I don't like to talk during class and be rude obviously, and usually she leaves in a hurry after class with her one friend.


I think Tuesday will defiantly be a different day, because last Tuesday, I made it extremely obvious that I'm in to her. So I would think, that naturally, if she is in to me, then she would not make it extremely difficult for me. At least that is what I would think.


I don't like to read in to body language, at least anymore, because it just gets me into craziness. But because of how she's acting, so many people have been like, go in to it dude, she's crazy about you, LoL. I'm serious, I've had a few people tell me that.


I can't wait to see how it turns out Tuesday, because something tells me, maybe it's just a gut feeling or something, that something really good for me, will defiantly happen.


I will just have to wait and see what happens.

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hi, if i like a guy, i will use the good old fashioned method of smiling at him....lots.


I'll take the time to talk to him, in fact i would probably initiate the conversation.


I'll maybe throw in a few gentle arm touches during the conversation, play with my hair & maintain lots of eye contact with him.


Also look at her eyes when she talks to you, do they move down towards your mouth? thats always a good sign, means they want to kiss you


hope that helped?!

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the guy usually needs to make the move. you don't even have to sense interest. if you like a girl and you think she is attractive, go for it.


you have had many many posts about girls you liked. you were so unsure what they thought. took you forever to muster up the courage to make a move.

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Well, I just didn't know if I should give up on this girl or not, I tried being friendly and all that, but I'm sensing her not really liking me or being impressed with me, like she's feeling strange around me and stuff.


ghost69, should I still try?


She's not smiling or anything when I look at her, it's like she doesn't really like me or want me around.


I thought I was getting somewhere when she looked at me for a few days over and over, but now I'm getting a sense, she really doesn't like me or have interest in me.

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Well, I just didn't know if I should give up on this girl or not, I tried being friendly and all that, but I'm sensing her not really liking me or being impressed with me, like she's feeling strange around me and stuff.


ghost69, should I still try?


She's not smiling or anything when I look at her, it's like she doesn't really like me or want me around.


I thought I was getting somewhere when she looked at me for a few days over and over, but now I'm getting a sense, she really doesn't like me or have interest in me.


you read into something that wasn't there. forget her.

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When I am interested in a guy who seems interested in dating me, I am friendly and approachable and make sure to mention activities I like to do to open the door to him asking me if I'd like to get together. When I was 19 a very shy guy who became my boyfriend for the next year called me after meeting me once through mutual friends because I had mentioned I liked to go out dancing so he used that as an opener. In that case I didn't remember even saying that because, although I was interested, I had such a bad cold that night I felt like death and assumed I looked like death.

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Yeah, that's true, I don't know if I should continue on with these girls.


I already was nice to them and got their papers for them, and they know I know their names and I sat near them, so if she didn't get the idea, I was interested, she is completely oblivious.


I asked her and her friend, if they enjoyed having class canceled on Thursday, the one didn't even talk to me, the one I was interested in barely even talked to me, just said, yeah and that was it.


So if she was interested, I would think she would have been a little more talkative and at least smile when I look at her or something.


I actually think that her and her friend are really immature. Not because I am mad at her and her friend, but I noticed that they laugh and giggle at the stupidest things and I swear they appear to be making fun of people at times.


So ghost69, you think it would be completely stupid to continue trying for this girl right? I mean, every day, I see something she does, the less I seem attracted to her. I mean today, I looked at her, and she just looked at me with no expression what so ever, not even at least a smile or something.


I actually feel that her looks at me, were just really a game, and her friend probably didn't involve herself, because I think she's actually more mature.


ghost69, am I wrong to feel this way? I mean, I feel that really any girl that giggles constantly and laughs at every little thing, is not really the kinda girl I want to be with. She probably would make fun of my friends or something, I wouldn't trust her.


ghost69, I want to thank you, because I'm seriously starting to feel that it's not even worth the effort with this girl or these girls. I mean, in my gut, every day, I feel like I like her less and less, and starting to see her real side, and I'm not really caring for her real side. I just don't feel it's really worth it then. I think, she will just probably laugh at my efforts anyway. I think she doesn't realize she isn't in High School anymore, because she really does act like someone who is in High School, not college. I wasn't sure at first, but I do seriously believe she's just playing a game, because she definitely would have way nicer and more approachable to me, and not giggle with her friend, after I look at her.

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if you are already getting the cold shoulder so to speak and you notice their behavior has pretty much changed to 'no interest' why continue? don't burn yourself. yeah she isn't in high school, but some stupid girls never grow out of that mentality. this is exactly why i say i don't date below 24 anymore. that is when most women really mature it seems. some earlier than others, but these girls seem to disregard anybody's feelings no matter the cost to them. so i say F them.

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ghost69, I didn't know what to think of you at first, but I gotta say, you are not a bulls***ter at all. You speak much sense.


I swear, I gotta learn, to go for the "attractive" girls. Not what society called attractive, I mean, what I truly want. I don't want girls that are immature and/or act like they are still in High School.


I want nice friendly girls that behave and are not the type to laugh at everyone.


Now if i can just keep myself from going towards the immature and unattractive (unattractive to me at least) types, and go towards the attractive (attractive to me) types, my life would be so much better.


You know ghost69, I think I realized something.


It makes sense, but it may not make sense. I figured out, if it's hard for me to talk to a girl, then chances are, I don't really like her and find her attractive.


Yet, if I can easily talk to a girl, I find her attractive and have interest in her.


I know because, this girl was so hard for me to talk to and I ended up not liking her, like so many other girls. I swear I try for personality, but I end up getting goofy personalities.


Yet, this one girl, in another class, I saw her, and saw what she was like, and she was the type of girl, I go for, and I almost without any nervousness talked to her. Figure that one out.


I don't mean every single girl I talk to, I have interest in, but I feel that the girls my age that I can talk to, are way more my type than those I can't talk to. I feel it's because I know they will not judge me and act like idiots.


So again, ghost69, thanks again for your help, even if it took me so many posts to finally make sense of everything. LoL.

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bold1 - the best line i've ever seen you type. don't go by what you see on mtv. do what makes you feel good. in anything. not just dating. always remember, life is about you. yeah, so maybe you find a great girl to date, get married or whatever, it is still your life and what you want out of it. never stray from that. if you start a relationship and you aren't getting what you want, bail out.


bold2 - not always. sometimes we get nervous around women that we find to be perfect for us. even if you think she is 'out of your league'. nobody is out of your league. even if their attitude is they think they are above you or somehow better than you are. we are all human, regardless of social status, looks, personality. nobody is better. so any girl you find with this attitude, pay her no attention she is a stupid snot. stick to the girls that you find attractive, would like to know better, that respect you back and pay YOU attention.


you are doing great. keep it up.

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Yes, you are completely right. Like the girl, I talked about for a little while, I feel definatly does not pay attention to me besides the constant looking.


When I got her and her friend's papers during class, she could have been way friendlier and actually talked to me, when I started conversation or left stuff wide open for conversation.


Also, I don't like games, which I feel she was probably doing. Because when I looked at her, she wouldn't smile but laugh to her friend and whisper to her, almost every time. she also looked immature because all she does all class is be hyper and laugh and giggle almost ALL class. Mostly at stupid and not funny things.


ghost69, you are so right about the MTV. I can't stand most girls on MTV, especially that Sweet 16 show. They are more stuck up, then a cat in a rainspout.


I can't stand many new actresses. They are so ME...ME...ME! I like the old-time actresses.


I can't believe ghost69, how many girls that I turn down in minutes or seconds, due to knowing, I would not be happy with them, mostly due to personality. Most of the girls, guys I know, would think I was nuts, because they are "hott" and great to have "sex" with.


I can't have sex or real sex without actually liking the girl. In school, so many girls were loved by guys because they were so "hott" but I couldn't stand most of them, due to stuck-up and ME....ME....ME!.


Who wants a partner, they feel like killing most of the time? I guess many people if you look at many people now of days.

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Yeah, I know exactly what you mean, ghost69.


So far, I've only met, one hot girl, that I know, without ever have dated her, is all of those things, you could want in a women. Hot, friendly, sweet, not-stuck up, mature, etc.


Too bad at the time she had a boyfriend that she knew for a long time.


She was super-nice to me, I only wish she didn't have a boyfriend. I can't prove it, but I feel that if she was single, she probably would have given me a chance, instead of instantly turning me down, just by looking at me, like many girls do.


I can't stand girls that don't even give you a chance, they just turn you down, flat out. Without at least letting you try to charm them or something. They just look at you, and act like, hell no. LoL.


That to me is immaturity, everyone else may call it something else, but I don't feel it's right.


I give many girls chances, too bad many don't take them, LoL.


I hate to judge or anything, but many of the girls in my area, many which are hot, seem to be going for the guys who are in and out of jail and stuff like that. I can't believe how many are doing that in my area.


It's funny, not to judge, but so many say, oh we want a man who can raise a family, help with the bills, and be somebody. Well then why would you not want someone like me, who's a college student and doing something, instead of someone that goes in and out of jail constantly.


It just doesn't make sense to me, LoL.


Again, I am not trying to judge, but it's funny how, the guys that many women say they don't want, seem to have many women, but the guys who girls supposedly want, don't have many girls.


I can't believe how many college girl's I've seen that are not single yet how many college guys I know that are single. They say there is more girls on the Earth then men, but apparently not in my area. LoL. Unless some guys have 7+ women each, LoL. And unless many of the women are embarrassed to be single and just claim they are not.

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Yeah, that's true. I am nice but yet, I'm not too nice. Well I don't think I am way too nice. I know when to cut it off with a women.


Also, I'm not afraid of sex or anything like many extremely nice guys are. Plus, I don't care to hear womens problems, at least with boyfriends and stuff, and I'm not just going to agree with them just because I can.


I can't 100% explain it, but I'm nice but yet not nice. It's like my heart has turned cold somewhat but still hot and warm in other places.


I mean, if I found the right woman, I could be "bad", LoL. I say bad because the really nice guys call it bad.


I hate how they toy with you, but I do love ignoring their toys and having them wonder why their toying is not working. It's like in my mind, somewhat saying, f*** you, I'm not playing your games. Also, I feel it's like saying, if you really do like me, show some real signs, not foolish and immature signs. I mean like, act like a real person, not some idiot just trying to have a little fun.

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you can be nice and not too nice. but too eager is different too. it's not in the nice category. it's like trying too hard.


also, i know it's messed up, but there are girls that joke with each other like 'watch, i can get him to do this for me or that for me' cause they know the poor guy likes her. Fed up.

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you can be nice and not too nice. but too eager is different too. it's not in the nice category. it's like trying too hard.


also, i know it's messed up, but there are girls that joke with each other like 'watch, i can get him to do this for me or that for me' cause they know the poor guy likes her. Fed up.


Oh my gosh, ghost69, you hit the nail on the head.


That's exactly what I think goes on with me all the time. I try not to be too eager, I guess I just am annoyed, that I'm 19, and couldn't find a girl I actually really liked and that really liked me, even though I know I am still young, and I will find a girl.


I think how society acts like we all cannot be single and we must have a mate, is stupid.


What about us people, that just haven't found that mate yet? I mean, it's not that I don't want a mate or anything, it's just that I just can't seem to find one that I like and that likes me. They always are taken or for some reason, don't respect me or care about me. I guess in my city, there must just be a lot of girls, who literally don't give a s*** or f***. I mean, I don't want every girl I meet, but at least you would think those girls could at least be nice to me, and not act like pure idiots, but I guess, I gotta deal with pure idiots. LoL. I guess what does not kill me, can only make me stronger.


Also, I feel this girl and other girls have done the I can get him thing, that's why I just ignore them, and basically say screw you (not aloud, LoL).

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