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What do you girls do, when you like a guy, and he is trying to get with you?


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ghost69, if you mean the second girl that had a boyfriend that I said, that was a totally different girl.


If you mean the first set of girls I was talking about, I can see your point.


I figured, I would ask about it again, because it seems like she is possibly showing interest now.


I just wanted to state, I was wrong before, she is not immature, and she was not teasing me before. I truly feel I was seeing things.


I don't know if that changes anything or not, but who knows.


Actually, it seems that she actually paid me more attention than her friend did. She looked at me constantly for 3 days, for whatever reason, but her friend never looked, and she looked like she was totally not in to me. But now her friend is talking to me now.


I don't want to again read in to body language, I'm just saying.


You sure, I should still ignore her, even though I know now, that she wasn't giving off signs to say, STAY AWAY!?

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I think I see what you mean ghost69.


Just out of curiosity though, if I ignore her and don't show her signs of interest, and since girls like attention, and give you attention sometimes to get your attention, couldn't she actually end up showing signs of interest later on?


I'm just curious because it doesn't seem like she's 100% not interested. Which was why I asked, are you sure, I should still not really pay her any attention. But I guess it's still for the best.


I don't want to harp on her and look like a desperate fool, I'm just curious how it will be not showing any signs of interest.


Well technically I didn't show any real signs of interest, and she started to talk to me now, so who knows.


I guess it's just hard for me to not pay attention to a certain girl, especially if I have or had a thing for her.

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maybe she will, maybe she won't. you already know she isn't interested, so don't worry about it. if she shows you interest again or you think she is interested, who cares. you are looking for other women now. and yes i said women, these are lil girls. so she talks to you more now. just take it as a girl that is having conversation with you. doesn't mean she likes you all the sudden.

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Yeah, that's true. I guess, I just get hopes or whatever. I hate how the girls that I am attracted to many times are not attracted to me, LoL.


I guess life eventually will get way better eventually, but it kinda sucks right now.


I guess girls are not yet mature or whatever at such a young age, making it hard to find a girl who actually cares and actually shows me attention, I mean real attention.

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i think it has a lot to do with your age group you have been going for.


What I love is this.


So many girls seem to have boyfriend in my age groups.

Yet many don't.


Yet also, those same women NEVER SEEM to be impressed by ANY guy that tries to get with them.


Even the bad boys often don't seem to get anywhere.


The good guys DEFIANTLY DON'T seem to get anywhere.


I guess guys are not supposed to really get anywhere in teen ages, but women are supposed to be rampant and have "fun".


I love how pretty much every girl is taken yet almost every guy is single. That's a funny calculation to me. LoL. It's like dividing by 0 or something.

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women in college go crazy around 20-25. most of the 20- girls are still in high school drama mode.


Hmmm, I guess you are right.


It's weird how in college, guys supposedly have all these "girlfriends" yet it doesn't seem like it's possible, or if it is, seems rare.


You know, I wouldn't mind being friends with girls, like these two in my class.


I'm not even positive myself if i want a girlfriend. I feel so darn busy with college and everything and it doesn't feel like a necessity to have a girlfriend.


Yet, I would love to be friends with really cute girls. I'm tired of having basically mainly guy friends.

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Hmmm, I guess you are right.


It's weird how in college, guys supposedly have all these "girlfriends" yet it doesn't seem like it's possible, or if it is, seems rare.


You know, I wouldn't mind being friends with girls, like these two in my class.


I'm not even positive myself if i want a girlfriend. I feel so darn busy with college and everything and it doesn't feel like a necessity to have a girlfriend.


Yet, I would love to be friends with really cute girls. I'm tired of having basically mainly guy friends.


try and join a fraternity.


stop talking about these 2 girls. you don't want friends like that.

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Yeah, I guess you are right. I just guess since High School, I was using to hanging out to whatever I thought I had, even if it was a little bit positive.


ghost69, out of curiosity, why do you feel they are so not good to have for friends?


I am not worried about them anymore, but I just noticed you really don't seem to care for them, so I was just a tad curious of the reasons, you defiantly say don't go near them.

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why do you need to be friends with them when they have no romantic interest in you after you tried with them? you will still pine over them sometime. women do this all the time. a guy doesn't want to be with them, but the girl had the interest and still wants to be friends.


what benefit are you going to get out of being friends with them? only be friends with women you are NOT attracted to.


plus, they sound like snot nosed b*****s from you have said already. forget it man. geez.

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Yeah, that's what I figured.


I just wanted to see, if we are on the same page or not, or if I was just feeling this way about them for no reason, since I have been known to judge without knowing that much, but often I end up being right anyway.


Yeah, I guess they do sound snobby, since they never paid attention to me really until the day of my presentation, which was like 7-8 weeks in to class, when I tried to get a conversation going with them at least the 5-6th week.


Now that I do think about it, the one sounded like, she could be not that friendly, because even though she never talks to anyone else, she did say, "That's us" to when I said people put the presentation off to the last day. She didn't laugh about it, like you would think if she liked talking to me.


Plus, ghost69, if a girl really had some interest in you, and she saw you had interest, wouldn't she normally say something like, hi, goodbye, see you later, or something like that? I noticed neither seem to do that.


They used to giggle and laugh, at the most stupidest things before, so I guess that confirms everything.


So basically, ghost69, I guess I have to go with you on the snobby stuff. I mean, with all I just said now, there basically is no way at all, that one can say they are friendly right? LoL. If they are, it's one of the strangest friendlinesses I've ever heard of.


Also, ghost69, I got a good question for you. This is what I found extremely strange with the one girl. Maybe you can explain it to me. Now I admit that I looked at her a fair amount, perhaps too much, but I wasn't insane about it. The first day, I really looked at her, she started to CONSTANTLY look at me, even kept turning her back to keep looking at me, and I swear looked at me like 50 times in one class (I'm not joking). She didn't do this the classes before, when I was behind her. She makes it obvious as hell, that she's was looking (You can't make it anymore obvious then she did). Then the next 2 classes, she HIDES the looks? Anyway, what the hell is the point of hiding them, after you made them obvious as hell, the last time? LoL.


Why on Earth would a girl do that kinda behavior for? I've never heard of or seen another girl in my life act like that. Is it actually a form of immaturity or something? Like I said, it just seemed EXTREMELY STRANGE to me.

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ghost69, if you don't mind just answering the question that I have in my previous reply as an edit.


I'm not trying to read body language in that example, I'm just curious, what the hell would make a girl act like that.


To me, it's like something childish or something, it was extremely weird, which is why I'm asking, what the hell it could be.


Also, ghost69, one of the reasons that I ask is, I'm a little curious, if it was just a little bit of fun, or if it was like a joke and that I was being made fun of. It just sounds like some really strange behavior to me.


If it's obvious that they were just playing a big joke on me or something, then I definitely, do not want associated with them, I will not put up with that kinda stuff.


So, it's not like I'm going to beat them up if they were being cruel, I'm just curious, because to me, it felt kinda cruel, but I wasn't sure if I was just over-assuming or something.

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anything could have been the cause of this man. why does a huge rock fly by our planet every 4-5 years and narrowly miss us each time? (haley's comit) who knows. it just does man.


so she looked at you one day and not another. maybe it burned in your head that she liked you. then when she didn't do it you were so bummed, you thought about why why why. i don't have the answer to that. maybe if i saw her facial expressions and her eyes i could present a better answer to you. but you have gone post after post and page after page about this brat girl. maybe she was making fun of you. maybe she knew she could manipulate you into thinking she liked you. i don't know. that is why i say forget her. you put your interest out there as much as you could you say, she didn't return it. move on. do not try and be friends. no point. did you need her as a friend before? absolutely not.

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girls can send off mixed signals. especially the young ones that have no idea what they are doing. as you mature and get to know older women and most of them know what they want, (if you get your interaction skills up), you will notice.


there is this huge shift in a woman's personality around 24 it seems. i think it happens around 31 too.

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See, ghost69, I think you are so right.


I took your advice and figured, screw this girl, she doesn't seem to show any signs, so forget it.


So I seen her again in the hallway, I looked at her right, and she didn't at least smile, so I just looked away, kinda shrubbing her off.


Then in class, she looked at me a couple times, yet, didn't smile or anything. Even when I looked at her looking at me. She didn't hide this time while she looked at me.


Then she passed me on the way leaving, didn't say anything, didn't say see you later, or anything, just walked by and didn't seem to care. The one day, I at least told her goodbye, but she didn't at least do that to me this time.


I pretty much refused to look at her unless I had to in class, and pretty much shrubbed her off. She didn't seem to care either way. She had her arms folded a lot during class, and didn't seem to pay attention to me that much.


I was angry somewhat and annoyed, so I had my arms folded, figuring, screw you, you don't even seem to care at all about me, so forget you.


ghost69, it looks like you were dead on. I would at least think she could say goodbye, she's not that shy. Or at least smile once in a while. She just looked at me with a blank face. I don't know ghost69, if you would call that friendly or good signs, but I see it as a girl who doesn't care and/or isn't friendly.

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So ghost69, do you feel that I did actually make a move or multiple moves and didn't never not try?


I just don't want to leave and feel that I never did anything.


I take it that you agree that it's getting nowhere.


Some people told me to continue but many have told me to just forget about her.


You think it would be completely stupid to continue right?


I would have to say about 20 people told me to not continue. I asked a couple of people I know, and they think it's worthless, that she's just playing games, not sure what she's doing, probably just had a small crush and that's it, never really truly liked me.


ghost69, what's your true opinion? I feel you are right, but what do you feel about those opinions against her and those for me to go for her? What I mean is, do those people have common sense evidence for me to continue on with her? I mean aren't the signs extremely clear to stop with her?


I don't mean to ask you a million questions, ghost69, I'm just trying to calm those voices and myself that wonders if I should continue, even though I just want to quit. I don't want to feel like I could have had something than lost it, that's what's making my fears surface.

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Ok, ghost69, that's what I thought.


I just hate those fears that, I better do something.


I don't want to continue, at least not right now, because it doesn't look that good at all.


Maybe I'm wrong and she really likes me, who knows, but right now, I don't think I'm ready for a relationship, I have way too many worries and fears.


I don't think my brain is developed yet, LoL. I'm still 19. I'm not even completely mature yet.


So a lot of it is probably my fault also. I don't know if it's just me, but many people in college don't seem like they are interested in having a boyfriend. Many I've heard have their boyfriend left over from High School.


So because of how College works, I don't think it's at all a good environment to try to find a girlfriend at all. Too much worries for everyone, that no one can really relax.


ghost69, do you think I should just lay low, and not even worry at all about girls? I think I was way happier when I didn't worry about them. Or do you think it's healthy to think about them? I have too many worries and fears anyway. Would you just take it easy or would you go look for women in other places? I think i have better luck in other places then college.


I think I would have been better off with this girl if it wasn't for meeting her in college with a huge person class. There are just too many people in my class and too much going on for anyone to even really meet anyone. Plus outside of college, I get way more attention and get girls talking to me all the time. I think it's just a college thing. I think also college girls just have too much to worry about than a partner.

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Yeah thanks again. I just wanted a confirmation.


I feel like I did try now and even though it didn't work, it still is ok, at least I finally did something, even if she didn't seem to really go for it.


I don't care anymore, thanks ghost69.


I don't even know if I would want her if she wanted me. She is not a mind maker in my opinion. She seems like she can't figure out what exact she wants and some other people told me about that when I asked them. So she may like me one day but not the next. She may not even be sure if she likes me or not.


So ghost69, I think you saved me from a lot of trouble. Even if she said, "Adam, I love you", I don't think it would work out that right, because of how she acts and somewhat how I act.


She obviously is not sure of herself. At least I can tell that before hand.


ghost69, doesn't that happen? I heard of that before, where a girl likes a guy, then doesn't, then does? LoL. Also, I hear girls can like a guy just because they like them. Do you believe either of these?

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