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Let's settle the looks vs personality in this post, possibly?


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Ok, I've posted that attraction has a lot to do with personality, not just looks, and many agreed with me, but some acted like I was coo-koo, LoL. HeHe.


Does anyone disagree with me that attraction has nothing to do with personality.


Does anyone think attraction is all personality?


Does anyone think attraction is all looks?


Or does anyone think somewhere in the middle or not at all?


I've always been told, if you have a rock bangin personality, you can do alright with girls. But lately I've been hearing, that you need to be a hunk. LoL.


Also, what does anyone think of my pics? I said before, I don't feel I'm Brad Pitt, but I don't feel I do horribly with attraction. Do you guys think my pics and how I act will be seen as attractive or will they not be? Some say I'm very attractive, and others have acted, like I got no skill at all, and I'm not attractive. I feel I'm attractive, but I'm a tad curious what you guys/gals feel.


So what are the opinions of the ladies and the men here?

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I'm having trouble with this exact -versus- right now... I started talking to a girl at one of my jobs, and I reeeeeallly like talking with her and flirting with her, even though she's away at school right now we've still been talking a lot online and texting. She's supposed to be coming back this weekend...but anyways...


I really love her personality, she's really edgy...keeps me on my toes type thing, there's a lot of good tension...and we're always flirting, I can't put my guard down for a second it seems. In short, I love talking to her...but... as shallow as it sounds, I'm not so sure I'm attracted to her. I feel bad about it...but I can't help if I'm not attracted to her...attraction's not a choice.


So I...don't know really...this is the first time I've ever been in this sort of situation...I'll let you know what happens this weekend if I see her...guess I'll find out for myself whether or not personality can rule over my attraction to her...or lack thereof.


*I did read something earlier though(maybe someone posted the link on here?) about how men seem to be more physically drawn to women, and most women are drawn more to personality.





yeah there it is, but you can post about it more in the forum it's located in to keep it more on topic...



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i seen on a forum at a dating site once a guy that wasnt really good looking(i suppose, i dunno cuz im a guy and dont really know if a guy is attractive or not...). he made a profile on the site with his real picture and no girls emailed him, but then he made the same profile but a different picture of a really attractive guy and he started getting some emails within hours. thats his story though, and thats online dating, which i guess is probably different from real life.


i remember seeing on TV though, this asian comedian, i forgot his name was making jokes at a club with some girls. and he said something like: you know how girls say its all about personality and looks dont mean anything, but his mom told him once that "you can't judge a book by its cover, but if its * * * *ed up you wouldn't want to read it anyways." and the couple hot chicks next to him was like yeah thats true. and i think thats how most girls really think deep down.


this site is for people giving support to each other...i think of course most the girls here will tell you its personality or mostly personality that really matters. but try asking somewhere else and it just might be different...

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Oh i think its the other way round, i think men have it easier, in a respect that they can win the girl around. Everyone has completely different tastes though, what i deem physically attractive may not be everyones elses cup of tea and usually if i don't initially find someone 'physically' attractive, if they have an attractive personality, that makes them appear more beautiful in my eyes and thereforeeee i become physically attracted to them.So i think men have the upper hand in this respect. Women i think don't have it easier because men usually base what they deem attractive purely on Aesthetics, everything else comes lower down the scale, their makeup deems them this way. So if a woman wasn't such a looker in a mans eyes, it wouldn't matter how attractive she is on the inside, he would never really consider her for anything more than friendship, i'm not saying this is true in all cases, but i imagine in most. Basically if you are a shy average-looking girl compared to shy average-looking guy, i think the guy would win hands down every time.

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what you are attracted to and what you attract has to do with physical and mental aspects. but i won't approach a woman i didn't find physically attractive. some girl i consider unattractive might have the perfect personality, but in the looks department isn't there, no go. attraction is all in the eye of the beholder. whether you are a more physical person or mental person. it's still your preference. it makes you who you are. if you don't know what you want, you don't know yourself.

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In most cases, if someone is really attractive, being a jerk or a female dog is overlooked until that person tries to kill the person's parents. I think they call it obsession. I rarely, if ever, see someone obsessed with an ugly chess player. But if they have those irresistible eyes, lips or body for example, their attraction is too hard to simply let go because they have a few "minor issues".


If you are really unattractive, you have to jump through hoops to get their attention away from the good lookers. And if you get the object of your affection, don't put that hoop in the basement just yet.

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Can some men just get women into sexual moods so easily without really trying?


At least for me it, it seems like women don't mind when I look at their breats, butt, or antthing.


They always seem to love it, and some act like, they want to do me, instead of the other way around.


Do some guys just have the ability to make women sexually excited when they are around?


When I was in High School girls never looked or acted like they wanted it with me, but lately, I've been having girls stare at my private area, zone out at me, and just act similar to what you would think if a person is in a sexual mood.


I've had many girls, just stare at my man area, glance over and stuff. Is it possible for a guy to make women just excited the minute he meets them?


The younger the girl is, it seems the easier it is to get them going. Like when I am around girls still in High School they seem to adore me, but I don't have as much luck in college in seems. But I noticed in local malls, many women, see to be getting excited, which never happened while I was in High School.


Do I have some kind of attraction that causes excitement amungst girls or something?

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At least for me it, it seems like women don't mind when I look at their breats, butt, or antthing.



Don't be a pig. Just because they don't say anything, doesn't mean they like it.


When I see a pretty girl walk by or bend over or something, I don't gauk and stare, I politely and nonchalantly look the other way, as a gentleman should.


Show them some respect.

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