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Mystery, the Master Pick-Up Artist


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Is that true or a joke?


I don't know. I'm of two minds on it:


While it *could* be easily spoof, it wouldn't surprise me to learn that there are actually real men out there who use terminology like that. It's pretty sick, either way.


EDIT: Lol, I just read the front page's title: "How to Become an Alpha Male". Seriously, that site can't be for real...

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You're a female (and an attractive one at that, I might add, lol). I don't care what you say, a girl approaching a guy is, like, 10,000 times more likely to 'score' than a guy approaching a girl. Irrespective of anything whatsoever.


I agree with you there Ken. Women who are not shy and don't mind approaching a guy she likes are usually far more successful in the yield than men are, simply because it just normally doesn't happen that way so they get much mroe of a bang.


I know men have it much harder most of the time in the dating game, so I do not diss the men who try to subscribe to Mystery's methods, they are just trying everything they can. But I really don't think that all women fall for this.


I am a sucker for the confident guy who is just being himself as long as being himself is something I like, as in a great sense of humor and as far as appearance, the guy usually becomes very adorable to me if he has the personality type I go for. If I were judging a guys attraction based on pictures i have much more strict rules on who I thought was attractive then if i were judging them after getting to know them becaues the personality and sense of humor I will be able to see and witness and that can make an average guy look very appealing to me. But smooth talk and such doesn't do much for many women.


I also agree with somebloke that the types of things Mystery has guys saying are not much more than "mind ****s" and I don't really call that a skill. I think it might yield some first dates but if there is not a real guy and some substance after that initial meeting its going to fizzle out. This is why I say the guy who is all about a one night stand probably would do very well using his tactics.

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It would be sad if it is true. It's a disgusting mentality.


It's true, this is what makes the "PUA" mantra most popular among young teenagers. And I agree, it's quite sad and disgusting.


At one time I'm ashamed to admit I actually perused some of these sites to see if I could find some "wisdom" to improve my way with the opposite sex, but I was so turned off by the negative attitude and objectification of the opposite sex, I quickly turned to other options.

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It would be sad if it is true. It's a disgusting mentality.


As I say, it wouldn't surprise me at all. Honestly.


But smooth talk and such doesn't do much for many women.


I also agree with somebloke that the types of things Mystery has guys saying are not much more than "mind ****s" and I don't really call that a skill.


While I already held this assumption myself, I'm glad to hear it from the horses mouth.


I think it might yield some first dates but if there is not a real guy and some substance after that initial meeting its going to fizzle out. This is why I say the guy who is all about a one night stand probably would do very well using his tactics.


I think this is the long and short of it.


I know that it's becoming a sore point with some members to generalize the terms here, but look: My view is the typical PUA/Player/'Ladies Man' is after one thing - sex with women. Not meaningful LTRs.


Yes, some of the advice they share can be applied to just about every walk of life, not least to initial interaction with a female you admire. But so can the advice from anyone else, give or take.

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"But the ultimate test for him is not the bookstore, its a rush-hour train at 8:00 am."


lol yeah, no , huh?


I'm a writer and motivational speaker for singles, and it's assclowns like this who gives us legitimate ones a bad name. I have also talked with a lot of guys who are downright depressed becasue they can't find a good woman, and then they run itno this doorknob, thinking that this is the answer. The thing is, they end up worse than before.


This mystery, and otheres like him, also charges over $2,000 for his lame-ass advice that works only in high school. So many of these guys are not only worse off, but that much poorer!



"But Ken, he seems to get women."


Is he, Wester? Or does it seem that way? Just because a girl talks with a guy, jokes with him, and whatnot, doesn't mean he is going to get a date.


How many guys can attest to the fact that they get a phone number, and that's it?


Shouldn't that tell you something?


It's one thing for these guys and girls to be joking around and taliking to one another. It's quite another when getting dates.


Many times all these girls are doing is just having fun.


Not all is what it seems out there.


And yes, this tool gets a girl now and then, but I have come to find out that at least 80% of the guys out there want a relationship, along with great sex. Kind of hard to have a good, solid relationship with an immature girl. Don't ya think?

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Is he, Wester? Or does it seem that way? Just because a girl talks with a guy, jokes with him, and whatnot, doesn't mean he is going ot date.


Isn't that the truth. Most women who met a guy like mystery out and about would chat it up, laugh and what not, but a real date is not going to be always likely.

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Is that true or a joke?
It does seem like a joke, doesn't it? Sadly, it's the ugly reality of the mainstream PUA craze in all its naked glory, without the smokescreen of disingenuous talking points like "teaching social skills to help men form relationships." That webpage, selected at random with a PUA+acronyms Google search, has a link at the bottom to a more extensive and equally charming list of acronyms on a very popular 'seduction' site.
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I can confirm based on firsthand accounts FROM THE WOMEN that Mystery has had a relationship of at least four months with international swimsuit model Sima Fisher, and another one with a woman in Las Vegas named Ania Prymek.


Are they nice people? I've never heard of them. I guess it pays to be a celebrity millionaire, huh?


Four months, wow... staggering.


If you're going to tell men it's "wrong" to want sex or looks, then you're teaching men how to settle and we don't need that.


I have to agree; that's a moral judgment. I don't say it's wrong, I just say it's shallow and misguided, and misses the boat entirely when it comes to knowing love. But hey, what's more important than getting off?


The ONLY reason men have difficulty figuring women out is when they refuse to believe women are fundamentally dishonest.


I had to read this twice, because I couldn't believe my eyes. Are you actually saying that all women are fundamentally dishonest? Clearly, you haven't met my mother... or my sisters... or my friends... or two out of three of my exes.


When someone is "mysterious" or whatever as women say they like to be, it's because they are behaving in a deceitful manner.


So, if I meet a girl who calls herself "Mystery," I should run, right?


Call a guy a loser who can't get laid enough times and he's going to put getting laid above all else because that makes him a "winner" by those rules.


Who are you trying to blame for that, assuming it's true? Who would place such a premium on sex that he felt it was right to call a virgin a loser, Ray? (Besides players, I mean.) Do you?


Maybe you don't see any difference between having sex with Jessica Alba and having it with Rosie O'Donnell, but don't try to speak for the rest of the world.


Listen, if Jessica's personality is anything like Rosie's, then there really ain't all that much difference. If his partner's looks are all that matter to a guy and that's how he measures his self-worth, somebody didn't raise the boy right.

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Grow old and you will see that, assuming you were any type of man when you were younger


Considering that I am female and a 40 year old who is very wise to these games, this doesn't apply to me at all.


You say you turned 40 and grew up. So did many women and experience is the best thing that ever happened to me. I can spot a con artist a mile away.

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My books predate Mystery's. I'm the guy who wrote about the pivot before anyone else too (Mystery spread that to the world mostly). I knew all of this was coming 10 years agp; did you? It's so important to you now you would think you'd have wanted to hear about it before. Why didn't you? Maybe you did but it didn't come media-approved so you ignored it?


You make me laugh. I am a woman, and I do not go for this nonsense, period.


So why didn't I? Because I don't need this crap.


I am ten years behind you? I am way ahead of you. Like I said I am a female and I have never needed any help in the art of seduction. I could probably sell you a book that I could write on this topic. LOL

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I'll just have a good laugh.


Ray, I'm 45, wouldn't use Seduction Made Easy to prop up a wobbly chair, and have never been without female companionship for more than a few months in thirty years. Most women, thankfully, seem to like guys like me specifically because we don't play mind games with them and we treat them as equals. I could send you a picture right now that I guarantee would make you sick with envy, and I'm only attracted to women who are at least as beautiful inside as out. Still laughing?

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Ray, I'm 45, wouldn't use Seduction Made Easy to prop up a wobbly chair, and have never been without female companionship for more than a few months in thirty years. Most women, thankfully, seem to like guys like me specifically because we don't play mind games with them and we treat them as equals. I could send you a picture right now that I guarantee would make you sick with envy, and I'm only attracted to women who are at least as beautiful inside as out. Still laughing?


I can attest to this. Somebloke is one of those guys that if i were single I'd probably go for. I like his chutzpah and he aint bad lookin. LOL

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