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Need some opnions on my hair?


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Either go shorter or grow it out. People tend to bash that -do and call it bowl/shroom or whatever. I know cuz I had that in the process of growing out my hair..that's where i was 15 months ago. That's a hard length to maintain for a part like that. I myself have sort of a middle part but my bangs and what not are shoulder length now.


I know a lot of the ladies say long hair isn't their thing, but it helped me out for some reason, even when I certainly didn't do it with that intention.

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Hey there!!


I myself am a hair dresser and just got my boyfriend out of that "mushroom/bowl" cut as well. I think it's cute for younger boys and some teen years. But if you wanna really attract the ladies... clean cut short hair is the way to go...


There are several ways to achieve this...


1.) There's the good ol' "High and Tight"... basic military hair cut.. but for a non military man I tend to leave it a bit longer. It's technically 3 different lengths. One length on the top, a different one on the sides and a different one on the back.


2.) There's the "Roof" style that's short with little spikey bangs.. it's a little more hip and spunky... I personally love spunky!


3.) Another good do is a "Fade" It's a more modified version of 1. It's just 2 different lengths. The shorter is on the sides and back around 1/2 an inch and then an Inch on the top. It tends to work well for business men... My boyfriend sports this due... it's very attractive.


It really all depends on what you are trying to say or portray by your hair. If you wanna look more mature and business like go for a shorter even hair cut. If you wanna funky try a spiker do!

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i've seen alot of guys sport grungy mop tops lately


aka the oasis look

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You gotta becareful with these type of hair styles. It truly only works for thin, soft hair types.


If you have frizzy, oily/greasy or thick hair it tends to fly all over and look like a rag top lol.


If you go to a salon the hairdresser will help you come up with something for your hair's texture and natural position. Also having shorter hair WILL show off cowlicks and whirls alot more then longer ones do.


That's also called the Emo hair cut... again very popular with teens and some popular bands these days.



What kind of appearance do you want to portray??

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Not a fan of the bowlcut, personally. If you want to wear your hair that length, it has to be more razored/choppy/messy. And it depends on your face shape and hair type too.


Here are some other hairstyles. I don't know what your face is like or what kind of look you're going for.

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Would you have any pics of the hair styles?


This is the High and Tight... military cut:

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This is the "Roof" styled hair cut:

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This is the Fade/Taper cut (best pic I could find):

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Also the cuts can be done in any variation of course

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