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Question for guys about PMS


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I have to agree PMS has become an excuse just to be rude and crabbie to some extent. It's sad that some women play it off like that.


It should NOT be use as an excuse.


There is all kinds of medications to help with he side effects of PMS like BC or Pamprin and Midol... I also and SURE that if you had it bad enough a doctor could prescribe you something for relief.

doctors have been trying to prescrbibe anti-depressants for my PMS for months and nothing seems to help. So it's not that easy.

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... in no way does it resemble blue balls, which have a fairly clear method of alleviation."


Wrong. While the method of relief differs, the point is that since neither sex can experience the pain of the other, neither sex can discount the pain of the other.


... blue balls thing is crap, thats a teenagers attempt at guilting girls into dropping their pants."


The same way PMS is just an excuse for a girl to flip out and escape responsibility. Thats exactly what I'm trying to disprove, but if you want to live by the sword, you can die by the sword.

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for the tenth time, it's NOT an excuse. It is a FACT that SOME women canno't help it. And yes, the partners should learn to "deal with it" it if there is nothing one can do about it, they have to learn to accept it.

Please stop saying it's an excuse if you don't go through it then you don't understand, so you really don't have a right to say anything. I was origionally asking MEN this question anyways.

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... in no way does it resemble blue balls, which have a fairly clear method of alleviation."


Wrong. While the method of relief differs, the point is that since neither sex can experience the pain of the other, neither sex can discount the pain of the other.


... blue balls thing is crap, thats a teenagers attempt at guilting girls into dropping their pants."


The same way PMS is just an excuse for a girl to flip out and escape responsibility. Thats exactly what I'm trying to disprove, but if you want to live by the sword, you can die by the sword.

The same way PMS is just an excuse for a girl to flip out and escape responsibility. Thats exactly what I'm trying to disprove, but if you want to live by the sword, you can die by the sword


so it's an excuse? so I guess you know more than doctors do then huh? are you a woman? do you know what it's like??? NO! then why are you even talking about it like you know.

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doctors have been trying to prescrbibe anti-depressants for my PMS for months and nothing seems to help. So it's not that easy.


Sometimes anti-depressants don't work for everything... I mean what do they do to a person who isn't clinically depressed??


I started Celexa today for my Panic Disorder and I feel great. The Zoloft messed me up so bad I had what they call a Manic episode it only occurs in 5% of people but go figure it happened to me... that's my luck.


Pamprin works SOOO good for the cramps and bloating and the mood swing. Although I don't bloat or get mood swing... I do however once in awhile get cramps to the point where I have to stay in bed all day and just watch movies.


I know the Birth Control is great for stabilizing hormones and regulating your period. I wonder if there is a prescription to help for the extreme cases of pms??

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... checking out a girls cleavage is NOT a mental/emotional issue that you can't help. PMS IS!


I never said its an emotional issue, I said its a hormonal issue. We have just as much control over who we check out as you do over how you react. Think about that for a moment. I guarantee it'll hold up to any counter-argument.



... really wish you were more understanding for your girlfriends sake."


Why bother, during that time of the month, logic and reason are out the window... although that implies logic and reason work at other times of the month.


... is NOT a choice for us."


Nor is it for us.


I'm just saying you can't use justifications selectively. If you are going to discount something you don't understand, expect to have something discounted in return.

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... you a woman? do you know what it's like??? NO! then why are you even talking about it like you know."




You are all discounting blueballs like it doesn't exist. Well are you a man? Do you know what its like? NO! Then why are you even talking about it like you know?

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hold the phones....


i can't believe that there are woman actually telling other woman that THEIR pms is not that bad...and what to do to fix it.


I think thats sad.


How so?? We are just trying to offer help and comfort for some.


Why are you so offended?


I think that if you won't even bother to TRY and help yourself then you have no right to complain and pull that b.s. statement... I'm PMSing...

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"totally agree. isn't it messed up?"


Well, Krystal, you did not diclose your issues with PMS until like page three of this thread. How I am supposed to know what you are dealing with if you do not disclose the entire story earlier on, preferably your first post?

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I commend you for looking for a solution. I recommend you keep looking. I still stand by my statement earlier that women need to be proactive about their reproductive health.


Don't give up.


I agree. It is good you are trying antidepressants, but if your periods are so irregular you don't know when it is coming, have you considered birth control pills or another hormonal method that can regulate periods and often provide relief?


It seems you are on the defence, rather than seeing that people are also providing some proper advice as well. I did not say PMDD and PMS do not exist, and that they are not miserable, what I said was there are ways to minimize and deal with them. I don't see how suggesting you take a 20 minute walk when you feel yourself getting ready to snap in order to breathe and think through things is somehow telling you that your PMS does not "exist".

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... you a woman? do you know what it's like??? NO! then why are you even talking about it like you know."




You are all discounting blueballs like it doesn't exist. Well are you a man? Do you know what its like? NO! Then why are you even talking about it like you know?

Ok, so everyone that thinks it's just an excuse to be a b%@#* then why is it that I HATE MYSELF during PMS?? why do I feel horrible for the way I'm treating my boyfriend? why do I cry and feel such sadness about it all when no one is around???

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I agree. It is good you are trying antidepressants, but if your periods are so irregular you don't know when it is coming, have you considered birth control pills or another hormonal method that can regulate periods and often provide relief?


It seems you are on the defence, rather than seeing that people are also providing some proper advice as well. I did not say PMDD and PMS do not exist, and that they are not miserable, what I said was there are ways to minimize and deal with them. I don't see how suggesting you take a 20 minute walk when you feel yourself getting ready to snap in order to breathe and think through things is somehow telling you that your PMS does not "exist".

I've already tried yaz. that is the one that's supposed to help with PMS/PMDD. but it caused me uncontrolable bleeding, so I had to get off. That was the only one that helped with PMS.

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OK let me ask you this.


Say, my best friend is mangled by a drunk driver.


That happens to be the same day you come home and announce that you aren't going to be able to pay your share of the rent this month because you forgot to make your student loan payments for 2 months and have to make a big payment up front now or will be in default. Let us also say that this is not a common occurrence, and that you are overall good with money.


On top of this, the drunk driver will get away with it because there is no positive ID, and he was driving a stolen car.


I fly off the handle on you. I call you names, I tell you that you are stupid and irresponsible and that you are dragging us to a financial grave and are selfish and stupid and why would I marry you, and so on and so on and so on.


Later on, my excuse is "I was upset over my friend's death".


Am I 100% exonerated, or could I have controlled the way I acted.

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It just sounds like a bunch of guys who have no clue what a woman goes through saying "oh its no big deal!" ..."eat right and exercise, you'll be fine" .."if you still have symptoms..then you aren't "helping" yourself"


I'm just sitting here in awe.. ..just because your (a general your) PMS isn't so bad..or you were able to control with diet and exercise... doesn't mean that someone who really suffers with severe PMS... hasn't tried those things as well.


I just think that saying that you should eat right and all of these other suggestions is like telling someone who is severely depressed to "cheer up!".

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I am perplexed why the original poster is on the defense when most of the women here have been trying to help and I even COMMENDED you for trying to find a way to help your PMS.

thank you to those of you who are trying to help, but the majority say it's bs, which I think is terrible to say when you don't go through it yourself. that's why.

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This thread has gotten pretty pathetic....


Saying it's sad to offer help or advise to someone with bad pms or cramps or WHATEVER...



is like saying it's sad to offer advice to someone with relationship problems.


Why are some women to offend by this??


Ya I AM a woman and I DO understand what pms is and can be like... but if you chose to do nothing to HELP yourself then you should HAVE no right to play oh woe is me... I have bad PMS and I refuse to do anything about it.


It wouldn't kill ya you try Pamprin... it's like 8 bucks at the drug store and it DOES work.


I never thought this was going to turn into a debate about PMS...


Although I assume there probably is a small percentage of woman who have no remedies for their pain... but how do you know unless you try??

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Nobody is saying that PMS doesn't exist, surely? I do get it, but there are ways and means to deal with it.


I mean, you won't DIE of it, and it doesn't last long. It's not like, e.g. having a clinical depression - I for one, know this. As RayKay and Kellbell suggested, there are many ways of alleviating it.


It's amusing the way a thread of this kind invariably gets hijacked for gender-bashing.

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I've already tried yaz. that is the one that's supposed to help with PMS/PMDD. but it caused me uncontrolable bleeding, so I had to get off. That was the only one that helped with PMS.


Well, while I know that is what Yasmin touts as their "unique feature", many other birth control pills will also have the effect of regulating your hormones. And Yaz obviously as you found out is not for everyone.


Just because Yaz did not work for you, does not mean something else won't be more appropriate. All birth controll pills will alter your hormone balance and "regulate it" so that even when you have periods they are not "true periods", and can really reduce PMS symptoms and hormonal fluctuations that cause that PMS.


You may want to look at another brand/type before discounting all pills entirely. I had to try 3 or 4 before I found right one for me when I started the pill.

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