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Everything posted by metroman31

  1. For some of you who do not know my story, my GF left me about 4 weeks ago because I was getting to jealous of her friends(which are boys but just her friends). And i started to act weird for the first couple weeks. I was stupid and showed up at her house and saying some stupid things and she told me she wants to be friends again. For the third week I kept contact with her which was dumb of me. Then she started to like one of her friends, who i was mostly jealous of. Now they are talking and everything not really dating but hanging out alot and talking. I dont go up and talk to her anymore, i usually want for her to contact me. She does sometimes but we dont talk that much. She'll IM me or whatever and i dont want to be rude and not talk to her so I talk and try to keep it upbeat and funny. I try sometimes it doesnt work. This week we started to talk to each other a lot. Were going to hang out together this sunday so hopefully it will be fun and I can spark interest in me from her. Anyway, today I couldnt hold back. I started to talk about our relationship and how I would like her back. I didnt say anything stupid I kept my cool and said some good things but she told me that she liked how things were now. Is that a bad sign for us getting back? I also asked her if we would get back and she told me that it doesnt look good right now. Especially since she is talking to this other guy. And they are around each other a lot. I talked to her about how much I love her and how i have changed. She has seen that I have changed as well though. I just want to know if you guys think i'll have a chance of getting her back and soon because it really hurts being away from her now. Also does anybody have any ideas of what we could do this sunday? I want her to have fun with me and I really dont want to talk about our relationship at all that day. I would appreciate if anybody could help out. Thanks
  2. I have been talking to my ex probably daily since we broke up. I usually dont call her or contact her in anyway. She'll come up to me in school or IM me. it has been about a month since she broke it off from me because i was getting too jealous or whatever. After that my life went down hill, i told her i was going to kill myself(not a good idea) and now she has a new boyfriend and has told me she has moved on but when she IM me, i asked her if she still thought about me and she told me that she still does and wont stop. Also i asked if she missed me and she said she does miss me but she has moved on. that doesnt look too good at all. We are hanging out together sometime this week and hopefully i can make it fun and everything so she can see i have changed which i have because of all the time i got to think. but do you think i have a change of getting her back even with her new boyfriend and if so what do you think i should do?
  3. Hey both of you guys thanks for the advice. Im doing the no contac thing but it still hurts. I think about her constantly. Even when im with my friends and stuff, I cannot seem to get her off my mind. For the past year she made me so happy and everything. But im just afraid that she will forget about me because she is with this other guy. I mean, I did treat her bad by doing something that she didnt want me to do, that is getting jealous but I cannot seem to figure out why she just wants to forget about all the good things we have done together and that i have done for her. Plus this guy she is dating used to be my friend and I know him. He is all about the sex. Now probably every guy wants sex and sure I do and did aswell but that is the only reason why I think he is with her because she is really sexy and beautiful i mean even on say sundays if she didnt take a shower or do her hair or anything i would go over and see her and she would still be beautiful to me, i even told her that millions of times. All I am doing right now is praying to god to help me out and i dont know, but hopefully he will. I hope you guys could help out to and give me more advice and hopefully support me, my morale is so low right now. Just thinking about everything makes me sick to my stomach. I am trying to eat right and all that stuff and I do exercise like play basketball with my friends or lift weights or whatever but she is always on my mind. I hope that things will work out for me like it did for most people on this bored but I am skeptical. I dont know if she will come back to me but i am going to try and stay strong, with the no contact thing. It is so hard, I just want to pick up the phone or go to her house and see her. Thanks a lot fellas, i hope there is more advice to come.
  4. Me and my girlfriend broke up about a 4 weeks ago after a 1 year relationship. I kept getting jealous and i tried to stop but i couldnt so she couldnt take it anymore and dumped me but she said we might be able to get back together if i changed. But everyday for the 4 weeks i was dump because i just found this forum which gave me a lot of advice and i kept trying to talk to her and see her, to make things better but they just got worse. I kept trying to get her to go back with me but i relized that it just pushed her further from me. After the 2nd week i was going pretty crazy and saying i want to kill me self and stuff. Im over all that and this past couple weeks i have been getting better and i know that i have changed. I dont get jealous anymore if I see her around her friends, which are mostly guys but they were just her friends. Not anymore though cuz this guy she is liking ang going with now used to be my friend until last year and it was her friend to who she started to like. Now this guy he is a lot better than me but i know my girlfriend loved me and i can make her happy and i wont get jealous anymore but this guy is more outgoing, funnier, better looking, more musclur and all that stuff and she liked him for the past week and just told him and now they are dating.wish i would have found this forum earlier but it is to late. But I still want her back, so bad i cant take it anymore. I just have that sick feeling at the bottom of my stomach. I tried to keep contact with this guy cuz he was my friend and stuff to tell him that she was going to tell him and try and see what he was going to say and hopefully it would of been no but he kept avoiding me. I just want her back, but I dont think i'll ever get her back anymore. Please help me. I am so lost, what should I do?
  5. Hey guys thanks for the help, im going to do the no contact thing and "feeding the bird" technique. I hope it will work. I hope you guys can give me some support because it is so hard, i just want to go and talk to her and see her especially because of the one friend that she had that she is starting to like because they are around each other a lot and im afraid i might have lost her forever. If I do start to "starve the bird" so to say with no contact, wouldnt the bird go somewhere else to find the food? please help me, i am welcome to anymore advice anybody has on my situation.
  6. Do you think that the no contact thing can work? I mean, if you do the no contact thing and the feeding the bird type approach to getting your gf or bf back, then if you do have no contact with her and start to "starve the bird" so to say, wouldnt the bird go to someone else to find food?
  7. Hey guys thanks for your advice and help but I still need some more.. I called her last night and we talked for alittle while it was a good talk and all that so i was happy. I went to school and we went on a field trip for this college fair thing. Well you remember the friend she had that she was likeing alittle bit well they walked around together, just them too. I got so much more depressed. So i walked up to her and started to talk and she said that she wanted time apart from each other so i said that was cool and tried to keep my composure which i did do. So were going to do the no contact thing for alittle while i hope for not long but do you think that would work? especially with this other guy in her life? I cant do much anyway since she wants time away from me to. Help please i need it badly. I g2g back to school in a little while anyway. I'm on my lunch break. I hope someone will help me...because i dont have any hope right now what so ever that she'll get back with me. I pray that I can get her back. I love her and I miss her.
  8. thanks for the advice, i dont think about doing that anymore. I was stupid to tell her that but i felt like crap about the whole situation but i know it was wrong. She even said that it made her feel bad and it also helped separate herself from me. But I called her today and she is going to call me back later tonight. Just to talk about stuff, im not going to sound all sad and stuff when were on the phone or when im around her anymore. Hopefully things will work out for the best. More advice would be helpful if anyone could help out thanks a lot.
  9. I need help, hopefully the best help because i dont know if I could get her back at all. here is my story please I need some advice and help on what to do. My girlfriend broke up with me three weeks ago because I was getting jealous because she has a lot of boy friends(not boyfriends). She always told me to stop getting jealous or she'll leave me. I tried and tried to conquer my jealousy and i couldnt. And about a year after we got together, she dumped me. She couldnt take it any more and I know what i did wrong and since this has happened i know i can change my ways and not get jealous anymore. I asked her if we would ever get back together and she told me to show her that i am not getting jealous anymore and she would get back with me. We used to hang out together all the time and since then she has been around her friends all the time. But for these past 3 weeks I have been a wreck and a wimp. Everytime i get around her I start to get upset and cry because i want her back so much. I love her to death and even told her for a week that i was on the verge of commiting suicide because i am stupid and thought she meant taht she wouldnt want to get back with me ever. then she tells me that she likes one of her friends now, not that much though but just alittle bit but they hang out a lot well all of them do, but the guy she likes is always there. I have calmed down but now I dont know what to do. She tells me to move on and get over her and also said that she is going to move on and get over me and i dont want that to happen. I love her and I am trying to do everything to get her back but it doesnt seem to work. I see her every day in school and try to talk like we used to as friends but it doesnt work. Reading your article gave me hope and as soon as i read it I called her but she is out with her friends. I need advice, from anybody please help me. I am miserable right now.
  10. Hey thanks for the hope. But i was thinking what would you do with the problem i am having now. please help out i would appreciate it. My girlfriend broke up with me three weeks ago because I was getting jealous because she has a lot of boy friends(not boyfriends). She always told me to stop getting jealous or she'll leave me. I tried and tried to conquer my jealousy and i couldnt. And about a year after we got together, she dumped me. She couldnt take it any more and I know what i did wrong and since this has happened i know i can change my ways and not get jealous anymore. I asked her if we would ever get back together and she told me to show her that i am not getting jealous anymore and she would get back with me. We used to hang out together all the time and since then she has been around her friends all the time. But for these past 3 weeks I have been a wreck and a wimp. Everytime i get around her I start to get upset and cry because i want her back so much. I love her to death and even told her for a week that i was on the verge of commiting suicide because i am stupid and thought she meant taht she wouldnt want to get back with me ever. then she tells me that she likes one of her friends now, not that much though but just alittle bit but they hang out a lot well all of them do, but the guy she likes is always there. I have calmed down but now I dont know what to do. She tells me to move on and get over her and also said that she is going to move on and get over me and i dont want that to happen. I love her and I am trying to do everything to get her back but it doesnt seem to work. I see her every day in school and try to talk like we used to as friends but it doesnt work. Reading your article gave me hope and as soon as i read it I called her but she is out with her friends. I need advice, from anybody please. Please help me, i am so miserable right now.
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