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Everything posted by TheSoulMan22

  1. I've had the same problem, Klapowcius. I almost had a relationship last year from an online "meet people" service, but it ended up not working out because the guy was just interested in sex. If you and I exist, though, then there must be more out there.
  2. You're not a homosexual. You're not even bisexual. Don't worry about it. What you're talking about, though, the blushing and extreme anxiety, are symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder and or social anxiety disorder, which you may want to get checked out. I know it seems like a random diagnosis, but there's a good chance that's what it is. You might just want to confide in someone about your nervousness. I'd go talk to your school counsellor. If you don't feel comfortable talking to a school counsellor about it, look in the yellow pages for local counselling services or online for one nearby. Or, talk to your parents. You don't even have to ask them what the problem is, just tell them you want counselling. You're 15, and you're going through adolescence, and it's nerve racking and socially is probably extremely hectic. I'll admit, there's a chance you're "gay" or have done something "gay" in the past, like wear a pink t-shirt, have a watch on your right hand, enjoy a disco hit, act flamboyant, or blush when you look at another boy... which you have. Are you a homosexual, though? No. Society thinking that you're sexually attracted to the same sex doesn't make you sexually attracted to the same sex. You have to be a homosexual to be one. Don't worry about it. You're a heterosexual, woman-loving, straight guy who goes to a male school.
  3. He's right, stay away from sleeping with friends. It usually just hurts a relationship. I have a similar story about an incident a friend of mine went through. He once accepted a blowjob from another guy, and afterwards, began questioning his sexuality. In the end, he decided he was straight, but I imagine it could be the same thing your friend is going through. Don't get your hopes up, but yes, there's a chance he could be bi. He's obviously somewhat curious, but everyone is at that age (I'm assuming you're still in school). Chances are, he just wanted to try it once, or it could be like my friend, and right now he's having a really tough time thinking about the whole thing. As hard as it is, it's best to just let things like that go than let yourself continually be brought down by feelings about situations that you're not even sure will work out. I sympathize with you, man, I've been there. Even though I've never sucked a guy's dick, I did fall in love with a friend of mine who kissed me just for his own physical enjoyment. I hope everything works out for you. Just hang in there.
  4. I know it's important to define yourself, but you're not bisexual unless you're actually sexually attracted to someone of the same sex and someone of the opposite sex. According to your post (unless you don't feel comfortable with yourself about it), you have no sexual attraction to other guys. You're not bisexual, just bi-loving.
  5. That's a hard situation. It's one I've been in a lot of times. The answer really, I think, depends on first, how your friend feels about gay or bisexuals. If he's extremely homophobic, I don't know how he would react, but I'm fairly sure it wouldn't be good. If he's okay with that kind of thing, then I would tell him. If you're not sure what his opinion is, bring it up in a conversation of some sort, so it's not subjective towards you. Hopefully, he is cool with homosexuality, and then you should be alright. I have to say though, if you are positive he is gay, there's no reason for you to have posted. I think what you're looking for is courage to find out if he is or not. If he is cool with you being gay, then just keep flirting, and find out if it goes anywhere. I'm not sure if telling him up front that you love him is the best way to go about revealing something like that. I do think that never saying anything is worse than saying something and being rejected, though. Just hang in there and see what happens.
  6. Homosexuality is just that - having sexual feelings for someone of the same sex, and apparently, you haven't. I wouldn't worry about "becoming" a homosexual, either. If you've never had any feelings for the opposite sex and you've fully questioned whether you could be even the least bit curious, you're straight. You wrote details about what your emotions would be if you touched another man, and that shows you have fully questioned whether or not you are. Dude, trust me, don't worry about it at all. You're completely and totally, or as your wife says, 200% straight.
  7. I'm 20, and have a bad tendency to fall in love with straight guys. Anyway, I think I've found one who isn't completely, and although I've nearly given up hope, I've still got that little part leftover that makes me think that maybe he did (or still does) love me. Sorry this is kind of drawn out, but I could really use some advice. I think things through way too much. I met him last year in college at the end of the spring semester, and got his number when class was ending, but didn't think much of him until the beginning of this semester, where we hung out a couple of times. Soon after, we were hanging out almost every day, or at least a good 3-5 days a week. Anyway, around a month ago, our relationship kind of got heightened. At the end of december, right about the time I started falling in love with him, over lunch one time, he told me my eyes were pretty. The rest of that day, we were "closer." One of us would lean against the other or just rub up against the other, and the other would reciprocate. For the next month or so, we got closer and closer. He's fine with me rubbing his leg or his back in a sensual way. On one occasion, instead of taking the empty chair, he took the seat on the couch next to me even though there wasn't really much room for him to sit. He frequently asks me if people are cute, but only when I'm around, or a bisexual friend of his is around him. One night not too long ago, he was kind of drunk, and we were having another of those "close" times. We were in his room, and I was rubbing his leg. He suggested that the two other people who were there sleep in his room, and he would take the couch, but he knew I was sleeping over too. After a few minutes of talking, he invited me to come over to the couch with him, knowing he was going to go to sleep. I came over, we curled up on the couch together, and slept that way. At one point during the night, I thought I caught him looking at me. After that night, I assumed he was either in love with me, or at least was curious. After that night, though, he's seemed, I dunno, less close. Maybe it's just me. After having spent that night with him, I'd never felt closer to anyone in my life. Since then, I've been overrun by feelings for him. Maybe I've been acting too close to him, and he doesn't want me to. Maybe I'm just overthinking things, and he just wanted someone to sleep next to him that night. Maybe he isn't gay or bi or curious at all, and just acts this way. Maybe he's just looking for someone to be close to. He doesn't know I'm bi, and I don't want to ruin how he acts around me by telling him, even though I don't think it would change much. I've second guessed myself so much I don't know what to think anymore about how he feels about me. Any ideas?
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