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Everything posted by Silverbirch

  1. Hehe, thank you for your very nice post Lolita. I will message you of course! Since I found out, I've decided I would love to go to the west coast of Enland one day and visit as many of those lovely seaside towns as I can! I would like to visit those beautiful villages and towns where there is so much history, not just of royalty, but English writers, poets and artists! Ah yes, Im sure we could be friends. I imagine we could meet up for coffee or better still - Devonshire Tea! Maybe a high tea like the Mad Hatters Tea Party! I hope your home is coming along nicely. This week, with my job, I had to visit and work at what would be considered an early Australian pastoral homestead with vineyards as well. I've never been in anywhere quite like it. By our standards, it was old - 1890s with some major additions in 1929 and a few others since then. The vineyards are still operational and producing and there are beef cattle as well. Well, I met the owner, a charming gent who informed me he was single and asked me to tell him all about myself. Just gave some brief basic information, then he wanted me to drink wine with him, but of course I told him I couldn't which disappointed him. I think he is about 85 years old - as sharp as. His accountant was there with him, and they were interviewing new staff. They have cottages for the workers. Beautiful place, and I hope I get to go back, but I'm just filling in for the other lady who is on holidays! Hope you will write more about your home and what you are doing. I haven't even started work on my place, and it will be a whole yet. I just have a small cottage which used to house the school principals. It's only around 60 years old, but a fair amount of character.
  2. I know that feeling. I've been tired but don't get much sleep.
  3. They will be much better there Lum. So glad they are together.
  4. Lum, we couldn't be happier with the place my mother is at. If she hadn't been there, she would have died when she had the massive stroke as she was found soon after. She has lots of medical issues and gets confused a lot. It's a relief for her to be there. The staff are lovely and she has made friends now although for months she refused to eat in the dining room or participate in any events.
  5. At least he is at the same place as your mother. I just found out that my brother-in-law who is my age has something very seriously wrong and doctors have said he is showing possibly dementia, but it looks as though he has a brain Timor or something very similar. He has had 2 major seizures with never having that before, completed personality at change and shirt-term memory loss. I hope it's something they can fix. He is the love of my sisters life and I don't think she will cope without him. We all love him. Of course, we won't tell Mum. Hoping I get to see him Saturday.
  6. Hey Lolly, I hope you will write again if at least mail me. I've really liked reading your journal - even if AI don't agree with all your views. Anyway, I found out some shocking news today, and as you are English, I want yo share with you, hear what you think, and sort of throws a bit of a spin to some of the opinions here. Well, the news - my sister has been researching our family ancestors for over 10 years, and she has discovered that Queen Elizabeth of England and I and my sisters share a Great Grand Ma Ma. Her name was Baroness Eva, and I can tell you more if I go back to my sisters pages. She is 22 times my Great MA Ma and 18 times Cousin Elizabeth's Grand Ma Ma. Well. My thoughts, the Queen is my frcking cousin! I'm no royalist and liked Johnny Rottens version if Gid Save the Quuen. Hit me wondering, we'll sort of luck of dice - well. Choices in marriage partners, well what if . . . The marriage partners of the past few hundred years changed, what if some children lived and some died, and someone from my family ended up as king or queen. Well, As much as I'd like to stay in her holiday home in Scotland and not have to worry about the price of horse feed, Cousin Liz, can have her life. I'm a nobody, I don't have a lot of money, but most if the time, I love my life! I know you like stories and writing and you're a thinker, and you like a laugh so thought you might like that. Anyway, I suppose half of England us related to Cousin Liz!
  7. Yes, it will be hard for a while for him like it was for my mother. Will they have far to visit each other? Maybe at some point you will be able to get them both into the same home.
  8. So sorry, I just read this Lum. I hope you are ok xx
  9. Even if she can't admit it, even to herself, to me, that is just so gay.
  10. Oh that is bad about the young girl, but the prognosis for leukaemia is greatly improved these days. My cousins son had it when he was a little boy and he is in his 30s now. For some reason, back then, his hearing was affected by the treatment, and I recall him wearing hearing aids, but I don't know whether they were able to reverse his hearing loss. I was quite shovpcked to read that Michael Buble ( Canadian Singer) and just about my favourite performer, has 3 year old son with liver cancer. He has been having treatment, and is responding. Dear little boy suffered in a burns accident last year. His mother took him to the doctor in November - they thought he had mumps, but it turned out to be a very bad cancer. His name is Noah, and he is so cute. I would not have recognised Michael Buble from the recent photos. He definitely doesn't look himself to me.
  11. One other thing I want to say about my sister and her husband, I am SO grateful for the things they have given to and done of their own volition to my elderly mother. Because they have had money, they out some extra money towards a lively home for my mother to live in for a few years before she eventually had to go into a nursing home. My mother now lives in a beautiful nursing home/hostel close to where my sister lives. My sister visits her EVERY day, and she has sorted out any issues related to my mother's care. There would be few, if any people as well cared for as my mother. She isn't just stuck in a nursing home - she comes out and gets taken to her favourite restaurant at least once a fortnight, sometimes more, gets to spend time with family, goes to the beauty salon regularly and always looks immaculate. She has had a lot of serious illness requiring hospitalisation so, and my sister has always been there. I hope that doesn't scare you Lolly. As we get older and our parents need someone to give of their time and love, often, at least in our case, my sister does so much more than the rest of us who have had to work outside of the home. She's a real blessing to us.
  12. And I don't believe you should consider yourself as a kept woman because further down the track, you will need to make sacrifices to support your husbands work and life.
  13. wow Lolly, your house sounds amazing! Reminds me of that English television series we get over here. I think it's called "Grand Designs". Re your situation, my younger sisters situation has been much like yours, and 30 years down the track, she is still very happy although having money and a nice home obviously doesn't preclude a person from having to experience emotional hardships a lot of people have - she had 6 miscarriages, nearly lost one child at birth and in the following weeks, and her husband had cancer. One of the things which has been so stressful fir them is in relation to her husband's business. He now regrets letting his business get "too big" because of the stresses that has brought which has seen them risk bankruptcy fir the last couple of years. She hasn't been able to work because of her husband's business - he works mostly 7 days a week, and on the occasions where he six able to gave a day or even a couple of days off, she drops everything to go away with him. She said to me once that sometimes when she wakes up and sees where she lives, she feels like pinching herself to make sure she isn't dreaming.
  14. I am grateful not to be exhausted by a relationship. I am grateful to have found myself again and to know that I will be okay. I am grateful to know I am a strong person even though sometimes I think I am not.
  15. Good luck with that Lum. Probably the virus. Fingers crossed.
  16. They are legalising it for medicinal purposes here. If I need pain relief, I suspect that will be a good one for me as I have side effects from other pain killers. Morphine makes me sick.
  17. Good luck with the doctors and med changes Lum. Speaking of your son, that reminded me. When I saw my son last week, he told me how glad he was that he didn't get any tattoos. When he was 15 and 16, he even collected magazines because he was obsessed with it. He nagged and nagged me to give him permission to have piercings in his eyebrows. Of course I wouldn't, and he carried on about that. I found out years later that my son smoked marihuana at 15. I suspected it, and saw a change in his behaviour around that time. He says to me that he isn't interested in it anymore, but I don't know. His moods have been okay for the last 3 months or so, but I get how awful the disrespect can be.
  18. I did that too with cleaning lady when I had one many years ago, and felt sort of guilty that I wasn't just doing it all myself. For quite a while,mai was on an online program called Flylady which was fantastic. I've been out this morning and gotten a whole heap of cleaning products. I did some training in the food industry and food handling, and it has made me super vigilant about kitchen hygiene.
  19. I just read about the protests T the airports. Also Trump has pulled out of trade agreement with Australia and trains-pacific. The Australian govt say they are not too concerned because they hope to get UK to join.
  20. What else has happened Lum. I haven't read the news yet but I have come across an interesting site Young Turks by Hasan ?
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