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Everything posted by bubbamackdaddy69

  1. Honestly I'd rather be in a relationship full out or do No Contact at all.. I guess we are dating now too..don't really know.. Like yourself I don't understand where my realtionship with her is at right now and I'm in it !!..lol..hence why I'm here..haha
  2. Honestly I'm not sure what she'd do If I cut all the sex in our so called relationship.. I would think she'd still wanna hang out but not really quite sure..only she really knows that.. I've had no problem before having just "Sex friends" in my 29 years of my life but seems and feels different with an ex especially with one that I went out with for almost 3 years and lived together and such..We were pretty much common-law
  3. Well hopefully she does get the point that you will not be a friend 100% if she still acts like that.. don't blame you.. Hopefully my week-end goes well.. tonight as well..she want to meet up.
  4. yeah looking forward to that week-end.. 8 days man,,,,that's awesome..keep it up... She'll call when you least expect it...
  5. Yes I agree with both of you.. If anything I guess I'll wait for the ride home to say something unless she brings it up first then I'll be upfront. Like hbk02 said..it could turn out to be a very long week-end if it doesn't work out to what I wanna hear..!
  6. Yeah I replied back and didn't really correct her assumption. Just replied back by saying I really enjoy spending time with her and said Why wouldn't I with such a cute and sexy girl ? She stopping by tonight so I'll see what happens.. odds are we'll hang out maybe go eat, have sex and then kiss her goodnight when she goes home.. sounds to any outsider than we're dating..lol.. but for me still not all that sure.. I should definetly have a heart to heart talk with here soon..not tonight though..I'll wait until we go away to Montreal on Saturday and talk about it then.. make sense ?..
  7. Yeah I know eh... me too ..lol,,kind of They just really confuse me at times..never know what their thinking especially with my ex ??..grrrrrrrrrrr
  8. She sent me another e-mail today.. maybe analysing too much and thinking too much that she wants to be friends only.. with benefits at times.. here's the e-mail hey, whats up? well thanks for bringing back my library movie i totally forgot. So hows your day going? here i wish it was friday. i am excited to go to Montreal and shop shop shop. I m really glad that i have a friend like you in my life, your truly one of a kind. I hope that you have a great day. whats up for tonight? feel like getting together? let me know
  9. Yeah maybe I'm just reading too much into things. If this was a new girl that I just met I would have had no problem at all but I guess the reason why is because we have such history together and she my ex
  10. Thanks for the reply shocked&dismayed... Thing is that she's a hard person to read at times..Yeah my friends do call me the Zen Master..lol..which I usually have control over.. I've only asked her twice of she wanted to go but I do agree it sounded a little needy and as for getting lucky this week-end I'm sure I'll have no problem at all..We've already been intimate 3 times since we started hanging out again 3 weeks ago and she's the one that initiates it all the time..She always intiated it years ago as well when we were a serious couple. I knew she wanted to stay the night there as well but I like to hear her say it as well so that's why I put it all on her really..lolmake her call the shots and effort into it. I know she was into it today as well because she sent me an e-mail saying she found a nice hotel that we can book on the internet but I already found one by that point. I'm just being cautious I guess because I do have feeling for her still and I'm being stubborn because If she still have feelings for me I want her to come out and say it first as I'm afraid of the rejection If I say it first and it's not the outcome I want. Just because the fact that the initial break up was mutual at first but I was the one soon after that wanted to get back and she didn't at that point because she met someone else soon after and maybe because she just didn't want to try again..She said she was getting sick of trying at that point of which I don't blame her because I was selfish at that point and didn't satisfy her emotionally..
  11. I know hbk... I putting myself in a tough situation for sure.. We'll go this week-end spend the night together and see what happens.. And afterwards ..I keep saying this but gotta do it is that I gotta really find out what's going on ? Like seriously..who sleeps and hangs out with their ex gf and spends the week-end away with them..sheesh.. but of course I like to confuse things and make things difficult..lol.. I really wonder what she's thinking? Any women here can help me ?lol
  12. Well another little update on the situation. I asked her if she wanted to go to Montreal with me Saturday and she said yes . I e-mailed her last night asking if she wanted to stay for just the day or get a room ans stay the night. She replied this morning by saying... morning, hey i just got your email, well im still up for montreal and i was thinking maybe we should stay overnight, only because by the time we get there, it will be around supper anyways so lets make a weekend out of it. anyways have a great day. talk to you later . by her response not sure if she really wanted to stay the night with me or for just convenience. She called me last night around 9pm even before she got the e-mail and we chatted for about an hour ? Should I still go on with this or not ?
  13. Good post hbk.. Know what you mean about NC..it's the best thing to do once you're over the first month. Been there done that and lately thinking about going there again..lol.. Don't know how my ex snuck back into my life 3 weeks ago after 8 months of NC..and know find myself hanging out with her and having sex and such..really confusing .. Swingers is an awesome movie to watch after a break up especially for a guy... Mikey..double down...you always double down... You're money ! lol All my friends and I watch it and laugh and say that each character reminds us of someone in our group..My friends say I'm like Sue..lol
  14. Well it's me again.. with this whole saga.. I kinda put myself in a hole today..well not really but kind of..I asked her today as a joke if she wanted to go to Montreal with me on Saturday for dinner and to hang out which is a 2 hour drive from me.(I live in Ottawa) and she said yes and thanks. She called me tonight after her softball game and we talked for about an hour and she mentioned again about me taking her away this week-end and I said sure if you still wanna go. She was asking if we were only staying the day or not and we'll decide when we get there. Thing is...should have I put myself in this stupid situation? I feel like I should be telling her how I feel about her but can't seem to do it just yet. She doesn't make it any easier as well as we were talking she mentioned that she was "Single" and she doesn't need to buy a big car, blah blah (We were talking her buying a new car by the way) but the way she said it seemed that she was still looking for the certain guy..but not me... maybe I'm just trippin' though too...lol... I've done the no contact really well at first when we broke up and feel like I should now for some reason or just send her an e-mail saying that as much as I like her company I can't keep this going on..meaning hanging out with an ex and having occasional sex without commitment.. I'm just not into that right now.. sheesh..I sound like a woman there..sorry to sound so stereotypical there..lol... Should I proceed with the week-end thing or do NC or send that e-mail to her telling her how I feel..Even though that opens up my feelings but I know that if she doesn't understand and feel the same I know I can just move on ?
  15. Trailer Park boys is awesome..never miss a show..lol.. the deal is...I'm still in limbo kind of... my fault though..Haven't told her my true feelings... so far just acting like we are just newly dating..
  16. Actually she did call me Saturday but didn't answer.. She called me though from her parents house yesterday and invited herself over.. We watched trailer park boys made out and I gave her oral sex and then she left..gave a kiss good night and she was off ...
  17. Like I said earlier.. she's not reliable.. When I declined the invite from her for lunch she said she'd call me tonight at 9pm...well.she hasn't called...lol..no surprise though.. She'll call either tomorrow or Sundayh I bet..I won't answer though..
  18. A few good songs I've heard are "Fly" and "Without You" both by the dixie chicks.. Ironically it's my ex's favorite band..
  19. Exactly what you said.. see how much she wants to pursue it.. I'll see what happens
  20. Yeah same here.. same boat different sail...lol Now I'll see if she calls again..told her I work tonight at my second job until 9pm and she can call me if she wants..so I'll see.
  21. Yeah I thought we would never get back together for sure when she was dating that other guy at first. At times I see myself with her later on because of the bond we had together. we did everything and anything together. Yeah..well today she called me at my office and wanted to do lunch but I declined.. take a breather you know.. we've been seeing alot of each other the past few weeks, well more anyways than before and have had sex the last 2 times we've seen each other ..not really into having a casual sex relationship with an ex though..rather have something a little more committed. I'm actually an OILERS fan..lol.... I like the sens though alot when they don't play the OILERS !!
  22. I'm kind of exactly in the same shoes as your ex right now..together 3 years, apart for almost 2 years. Still maintained to be relatively good friends between that. She dated someone several weeks later and with him for a year or so.ended it 2 months ago and she has been calling me more etc.. If he's like me he's just feeling scared and most likely still has feeling for you..read my posts to get more info as well if you like. Give him time and see if he wants to meet for coffee sometime and take it from there.?
  23. Well I've listened to some of the advice given here.. She called me today at my office... surprised she remembered my extension at work..Anyways she asked me out for lunch but I declined saying that I had other things to do but really had nothing to do..Just trying to send her the message that I won't jump to anything she says. Good approach? kind of anyways ?
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