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Everything posted by bubbamackdaddy69

  1. And I bet ya she will call me sunday night or something and wants to come over.. I'll answer but make something up for her to not come over
  2. stop the kissing and stop the sex...exactly like you said..because I am thinking of what you mentioned..we had sex ,why can't we be together I'm gonna have to tell her bluntly but politely that I don't want that kind of relationship with an ex.. By all means I've done that many times..only had 2 real girlfriends and have slept with over 30 women so that tells ya that I have no problems just sleeping casually with someone but not with an ex with whom I still have feelings for..doesn't feel right...especially with her
  3. Yeah I'm usually good at not calling but called today and yesterday and usually don't text message her but did as well the past 2 days. I'm stubborn so I know as of now I will not call her again until at least next tuesday or something.If she calls me so be it.. grrrr..I knew I shouldn't have agreed to have met her 2 weeks ago..that led to a kiss, sex, etc..just makes it all that much more difficult..lol.. I was at a point that I would never think of her much at all just the odd time when I'd hear a song or see a familiar place but now I'm thinking about her more.. sheesh..
  4. Well I'm kinda getting the feeling the ex is somewhat distant in a way. Could be me just thinking that as well. I should have known not to get so emotionally into it too quickly. She hasn't done anything bad really just inconsiderate somewhat in her own special way lol. My fault though...sheesh..trying to move to fast. Just kinda getting the feeling that she's just trying to boost her ego a little since she's single and to get "Some"... if you know what I mean.. I recall last week her telling me that it's been over 6 months since she has...you know... Today is my birthday and she did send me an E-card so that was nice but was talking to her tonight and invited me over to her place with her roomates to play cards and chill but she was going out shopping and she would call me in 1 hour..thatr was 3 hours ago though. I'm thinking about giving up trying to rekindle things with her...Should I or am I overreacting and trying to move to fast ?
  5. She definetly won't think that at first..she'll just get the point that you will not be there whenever she wants.. make her work for your attention. Thing is if you start liking someone else if you go out there and start dating then so be it and figure things out afterwards. bdeep down you may enjoy being with the new girl more... I Know I didn't refrain from dating at all..kept my face out there..lol
  6. Yeah for sure..remove yourself from her for at least a month.. both of you need time away. She needs to think a little and miss you and you need to take a breather from her. Been there done that... Didn't see my ex and speak to her for about 6 months at one point. and now well..you know the story on what's going on..lol..kinda a weird one for me...
  7. well sounds like she is coming to you a little as well..play it smooth and be funny.. Just casually say.."Hey...I'm heading out for a coffee after work...wanna join me ? I'll buy !.."
  8. Yeah definetly I would try to take another train to work. for a while at least if it doesn't inconvenience you too much and definetly do not answer her calls for a while.. Make her wonder about you etc... As well..if the mailroom girl is hot, hit on her as well and ask her out for coffee or something..
  9. Then the only option at this point in NC and you have to really do it..Do NOT answer her calls and such for at least a month or 2. Make her realize that and make her think.
  10. If she does call you on your birthday and you talk to her then you should call her then on hers.. I still say NC..make her leave a message if she so desperately wants to speak to you.. Like so many people here have told me as well... If anything let them do the work as well.. That's what I'm doing..letting her call and contact me and then see where things progress and so far that's what I'm been doing.
  11. Exactly.. best thing to do is NC for sure..at least a month or 2. If you have caller ID and see her number calling DO NOT answer. I did that with my ex for months when she'd call and I knew she was still dating that guy. best thing to do man..
  12. Yeah totally... Hoenstly I don't even know who broke up with who as well..Did my ex break up with him or vice versa.. As for now just taking it slow and see what happens. And you shuold definetly stick to NC if she saying things like that.. you don't need that
  13. Yeah totally.. I wouldn't want to talk to her either especially if she's seeing someone. stick to NC.. definetly. I stuck with the NC when my ex was dating some guy and just recently starting talking to her and sex..lol since she broke up with him 2 montyhs ago or so
  14. Thanks.. yeah going at it slow sounds like a plan. Yeah it is weird that she still talked to my sister and brother in law once in a while..not too much but a few times.. my whole family loved her.. The ex used to call my family her family..especially my parents.. she would hang out at my parents place more than me at times...lol./..
  15. Yeah feeling a little weird about this whole situation.. feeling good but feeling uneasy as well. She's suppose to call me tonight as well so I'll see where we are at I guess. Most likely will see her sometime this week-end or at the least early next week I think
  16. thanks for the reply Ryan again. Yeah I know..I guess I'm just doubting myself a little.. Just feels weird doing this with an ex...First time ever..every other ex I never talked to afterwards..granted none of them were really long relationships..Only with her..it was for 2 months shy from 3 years. It's just been so long since we broke up like a year and 8 months so it feels different ..but good though..just weird.. My sister know's I've been talking to her more lately and is kind of interested on why and in the back of her mind wants us back together I bet..they got along well. The ex actually went over to her place for dinner about 3 months ago when she was still dating the other guy from when after about a month we broke up.
  17. Yeah she just left... she stopped by for the steak dinner I promised her. When she got here she forgot the wine she was suppose to bring so she went back to the store and bought some and she came back with a birthday cake for me with my name on it from Dairy Queen..b-day is not until thursday though.Anyways I thought it was really thoughtful.. we ate watched a movie then went back to my room for a cigarette and chatted and then we ended up having sex again. It was very passionate and good. We had a smoke and then she got dressed and walked her to her car and gave her a kiss goodnight and told her to call me sometime. Am I being played or just going with the flow properly ?
  18. I know what you mean.. I'm ready to settle down as well. Yeah just confused right now.. Funny thing is that she was the one before that wanted all the commitment and children , marriage, etc and I was the one scared of all that.. Maybe she still feels that way..I'm not sure though
  19. Another little update again... She just sent me a note on MSN that she's stopping by my place tonight for a steak dinner.. I promised her last week a steak dinner but havent cook it yet for her. She's bringing the wine she said... so many times I felt like saying no and postponing it..should I have done so ? Don't wanna put my heart on my sleave you know..
  20. Yeah I'm not ready to go full out with this..Don't wanna get hurt if I try to push it too hard..I really wanna get back with her but don't wanna pressure anything. Called her last night and kept the conversation short and light. Not calling her anymore and let her call me and persue it if she wants.
  21. Good point Ryan14.. Good advice and something I gotta do. I called her about 10 mins ago to say hi.Kept the conversation light and didn't get into anything deep. She was in the middle of watching a movie so I let her go quickly.. It may sound silly to say this but I'm just gonna wait and let her call me if she wants..I'm not gonna call her next time.I called tonight and that was enough kept it short and didn't talk about last night or anything. don't wanna put my heart on my sleave.
  22. To be honest I have no clue what I'm waiting for...just feel that I shouldn't let out all my feelings towards her just yet...
  23. Exactly... I'm not letting my full feelings out just yet.. Just play it like I just met her and dating or something
  24. Yeah it really did feel good. huggin her and caressing her. I'm still somewhat hesitant as to whether or not to tell her my full feelings for her.. I'll see what happens I guess
  25. Wow.. well a little update on this situation.. She stopped by last night and we chilled and watched tv in my room.. Stayed up late and chatted and stuff and then we ended up falling asleep in bed bed together and cuddled all night. This morning we woke up and chatted a little and then she mentioned why I haven't kissed her yet... anyways ended up kissing her then we ended up having sex this morning.. felt great but also weird..lol Got dressed and got ready for work,\..She gave me a kiss good-buy and we went our ways.. How shuold I play it now? What should I do ?
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