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Da Oracle

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  1. I'm gonna tell you straight...girlz are confuzin. Don't assume anythin jus yet. Take ya time take it slow. Don't be blinded by somethin that could be as simple as a stretch in friendship. Holdin handz and lockin armz could jus be comfortable to her as her friend. Her boy could jus respect that you 2 are good friendz. I know itz weird, but don't make any movez till she doez. Till she takez it to the next level. Then find out whatz up. Cuz if she likes you then she shouldn't be draggin out the relationship she haz right now to be hurtin him. Jus take time. Time is everythin even if it takez no time at all.
  2. Sup Chris. I see you got feelingz for this gurl. You come off real strong and I respect the fact that no matter what happenedz you still want the friendship you have. I think you should lighten up a little. Try not to use her full name and jus chill. I know love doez this to you but simma down a little and I think everythin will be tight. I know you said she haz a busy schedule and all but to lay it down clean would to tell her face to face. Thingz get crazy face to face I know but it shoez jus how much feelingz you have for her to tell her then to write it out. To write it out givez you time to think about it. To flow it out on the spot showz more I think personaly. It waz clean and to the point but I'm sure you can find it in you to do the same in person. Jus don't take 3 hours to tell her. If anythin tell her you like her the way that you do and write a poem out. It helpz but don't be to straight forward. Hope this shedz somethin to think about.
  3. What I think it might be is that your personality jus might click with someone you meet regardless of age. Sorta how I am. It jus your personality they love. Somethin about you triggerz'em. I'll be turning 20 this Sept. and I have a friendz that are in the 16-18 range. Haha...so I'm not bein negative on the whole age thing. I haven't been on the other side of my digitz but I think I feel what you sayin. Don't know how that workz but it sorta doez I guess. Anywayz, don't let dem oldiez get you down. You'll find someone who will like you for the person your are and who you want to be. Regardless if your jus a little mature for your age or jus alwayz wantin to go to the moviez seein that your a movie buff. In time thingz will come together jus take it easy for now. Hope somewhere I helped. Holla back young'n.
  4. You need to find it in yourself to see if you want to deal with a person like this in the long run. If you're willing to deal with it, then go for it but itz a choice that can be heartbreakin. If he feelz the love you give him then itz only right to at least give it back. From what I understand he only complainz about pretty much everythin. A year is a long time but not long enough to tell the truth about the relationship and where it might go. Love takez itz sharp turnz, showz up...fadez away and sometimez jus getz crazy. Not to be rude or anythin but I'm surprised you can take all that and go for more. He should be treatin you the way you do him. I think you might spoil him to much and he takes you for granted. Remember you said "I feel that he's so independent that it will take a trajedy for him to realize that one day someone he loves might be gone. "?? Maybe you should see how he really feelz and drop him now. If he doezn't show any sign of pain which might I add IS love then it wazn't meant to be. Consider it a test. It shouldn't haft a be that way but in this case if he can say therez other people then thatz not love. You fall in love for a reason...to learn how it workz and what it feelz like. Pain is a feeling that you go through to see if it workz. If it waz meant to be then the both of you would go through anythin and back TOGETHER. Not alone. Hope this shedz some kind of light for you to see that a person who treatz you like this is not somethin you should haf ta go through obviously by yourself. Hope this helpz.
  5. Aight, my bad about the player definition deal. Haha. Well, from whatz goin on this is what I thinkz happenin. With Ethan...you two used to be friendz till you stopped hangin out cuz of tha rumor and I think cuz of that thingz got a little different between you two. Ethan not talkin to you could be of that reason. Maybe he thought you weren't feelin him so he had to back off...that is if he had somethin for you. But also, he could be actin the way he is cuz he doezn't want to disappoint his broz by chillin with you or somethin. Not jus by chillin with you or whatever but tryin to be cool and be like whatever. Know what I'm sayin? Probably not, but I tried to put it the best I can. Jus basically tryin not to be soft in front of the boyz ya know. Jus a guess. It could also be what you said before...thinkin you hate him or jus the fact that he'z shy. To tell you the truth if you two were tight before that rumor or whatever then shyness shouldn't be a problem. With Andrew...you know you can't be with him or have anythin to do with him in a relationship so jus drop out. Don't make it obvious like jus straight stop talkin to him or whatever. Haha. Jus don't lead him on to make him think or believe somethinz gonna happen. From what you're tellin me itz obvious with him that he likez you. If he jus wants to be "alone" with you and have no one intrude then he straight up likez you. No doubt I think. He'z feelin you. But what I think is that...now not tellin you to do this but jus a thought, Andrew likes you and he sorta getz on your nervez I think so I don't think thatz gonna work. With Ethan you gotta figure out whatz goin on inside...without the boyz around ya know. Open up again and start over. Don't let people get to you or him. I member you sayin he carez about what other people think. Jus take it easy with him and I think you got a shot. If you want someone now then jus go to Andrew. But I think you want someone whoz gonna be there for you and not jus like you cuz you bring the heat when your a little mad. So, itz a shot in the dark...take it and see what happenz. Relationshipz are riskz and you got to take them if you want somethin to happen or somethin to be done. Hope I made sense.
  6. Hey hun. Jus thought I'd let you know that this is my first reply and I'll do the best I can to help you out on this. I've been where you are at this moment. Two different people do the same thing to you. Make you feel at ease and happy. Remember friendship is what you want in the end regardless if the relationship doezn't work out. Everyone haz their difference in a relationship but it doezn't mean you have to hate each other for it. With Ethan...what you need to think about I guess is if he'z goin to play you for the way your friendship has turned around. People are evil you know. Is he goin to take care of you and make you feel the way you should be feelin? Not jus to be together and then he be playin you again. Know what I'm sayin? With Andrew, really, itz how will your friendship with your friends be if you two hook up and what the outcome of both your friendship with him and his sister/your sister will be. Oh, and jus my opinion...5 monthz izn't bad. But, as I waz sayin, I think all of this is jus based on friendship and how far it will go. Don't worry if people think you like someone when you don't. Not unless they takin it too far or somethin. I know it happenz. So I guess what I'm gettin at here is jus look at the friendship part of thingz on both sidez and decide what you should do. If I didn't help out I'm sorrie hun. No one'z perfect
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