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  1. I am not sure, but it sounds as if you are switching moods along with her? You said that one day you are best friends and the next day you hate each other...so I am assuming that you feelings are along with hers. Try talking to her on one of your good days and try to find out what's going on, but be careful not to blame her or she will go on the defensive and get mad at you again. Just tell her how you feel, or if it's easier, write her a letter and explain. And for another thing, how old is she? It could just be a phase that she's going through..I went through one when I was 15. I would like a guy...I would abuse him terribly just to see how much he would put up with.
  2. I don't think it's a male/female issue, I think it's more a personality issue. Different people, either male or female have different morals. Take for instance Bill Clinton..he cheated on his wife, yet when he did it, he justified it as not cheating because there was no intercourse. I had a female friend who thought exactly the same as that, and she would be in a good relationship yet have 'friends' who regularlly performed oral on her and vice versa. She was also able to tell her bf(and in her mind honestly) with anyone else.. And then the same with the lying issue..although not exactly. That would be more of how bad someone feels when they lie. I have had friends, male and female, who could flat out lie straight in your face and not blink an eye, whereas I just can't do it at all. I always fely so bad that the times I have tried, I'd go back and tell the truth right away.
  3. Well, actually, I have been going. He had a severe addiction to Everquest last year, and it got so bad that I told him if he DIDN'T go get help for it, then I was going to leave. I love him,but I could not deal with working,then coming home and trying to deal with everything here(kids, yard,house,meals,etc) by myself while he would just sit in front of the computer for hours and hours ignoring everything and everyone. So he agreed to go see the shrink. After he came home the first time and told me everything that he was diagnosed with(clinical depression,OCD, and grneral anxiety disorder), I started going also to find out what to expect and how to help HIM and how I can deal with it also. Pretty much, I go every time these days because he wants me to be there. He doesn't like compulsivly wash his hands or anything of that nature, the game was his addiction AND compulsion. He couldn't stop thinking about it, and when he wasn't playing, he'd go to websites constantly to find out more info on it, compare weapons,etc,etc. That seemed to be the only outward sign of anything... I just wondered if maybe this was another facet of the disorder. And to clarify...he doesn't spend alot of time watching the movies or anything like he did with the game. Mostly it's when he's alone for a few hours before I get home from work or on his day off or something. Maybe twice a month at the most. I am just..curious, I guess, because he can't seem to explain WHY he wants to do it. And why it bothers him to talk about it or anything...
  4. I wouldn't worry about it...I am sort of the same way, except I am known for my brutal honesty..nobody asks me something they don't REALLY want to know, because I tell them. I can't stand even social 'white' lies and actually get in trouble alot at work because of it. Not to mention, my sense of humour is sort of dry and sarcastic.. it doesn't help matters any. In your profile it says you are a studednt..high school? If so, that may be why..when I was in school, people were less tolerant of someone being different. As for the introvert thing, I am shy, too, but I force myself to be outgoing and it works exceept in BIG crowds...
  5. Hi...I was just curious. My husband gets and watches spanking films, but they don't arouse him or anything(and I am pretty sure they don't, because I have watched them with him before..or maybe it was just me that messed it up..?)...he just watches them. I asked him why, and he says he doesn't know. He told me last night that he just sees them as movies. Has anyone else seen or heard anything like this? When I first found out about it last year, I was upset because he was paying for them and we couldn't afford that, and he LIED to me about them. That seems to be my biggest problem with them is that he keeps lying about them.. We are in marriage counseling at the moment, but not very many sessions. The one time I brought it up in there, he didn't speak to me for nine hours (seriously.) and so I am scared to broach it in front of the Dr...any suggestions? Oh, yeah..he is also being treated for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, ,is that what it is do you think?
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