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Everything posted by HeartGoesOn

  1. It sounds as if the FWBs situation has run its course. It's not a relationship, and usually has an expiration date. Maybe it's time to set the bar higher, respect yourself and find someone who respects you, as well. You deserve much better.
  2. I'm reading your thread as you now have your own Apt, and no longer live at home. Is that correct? In any event, you can't change them, as they're already set in their ways. Having said that, the best you can do is respect their opinion, and live your life as you see fit. In short, you're an adult.
  3. I'm sure nothing good could come out of this. Not only could this backfire, you may end up with the title known as, "Shoot the messenger. Time to think...
  4. I'd proceed with caution. With his lack of maturity, be prepared for anything you say/do, to be repeated. He may or may not change his tune after discussing this with him, although I have my doubts.
  5. Since you're not interested in getting back together, why try to analyze his intentions? You have many options to avoid running into him, yet it appears you're trying to get his attention, rather than avoiding it, (imo). On the other hand, why leave a door open, and allow him acsess to contact you? This is JMO, and not intended to sound harsh.
  6. As an adult, that's entirely up to you to decide. Having said that you're better off knowing where you stand, rather than rolling the dice which if you're honest with yourself you'll have your answer. Having booty calls will not seal the deal. In short, if doesn't want your heart he doesn't deserve your body. Don't neglect your self-respect.
  7. Obviously he has more in mind than meeting to "figure out his feelings." I'd tell him you'll instead be happy to meet for coffee, and watch him run. It pays to read between the lines.
  8. You're wasting your time and lowering your value by listening to his excuses, etc. His actions already spoke the truth, and there's nothing more you need to see/hear. In short, raise the bar as it can do wonders.
  9. It means that ones loyality lies with relatives, and will stand by them rather than side with an accuser (so to speak.)
  10. "Blood is thicker than water." Keep thai in mind while making a decision.
  11. With your boyfriend only being a "3 or 4", and your friend being a "7 or "8, and good looking", it's possible they're both out of your league, especially with you being a "10." Of course this wasn't your question, it's simply some food for thought.
  12. Obviously he shows no remorse,while making it all about himself and playing the role of being the victim. I think you should realize your self-worth, which (imo) will lead you to the answer you're comfortable with. Don't sell yourself short.
  13. Maybe it's time to take a break in order to process your breakup. Also, be careful who you interact with, and respect yourself.
  14. It shouldn't be that difficult to ask if you're exclusive, especially since you're already sleeping together (imo). To each their own, but may I ask why this wasn't discussed before taking that step? Also with her lack of communication and limited volcabulary, where do you see this going? Hopefully you'll make the right choices.
  15. I'd keep an eye out to see if she simply talks the talk, instead of walking the walk. My guess is she's only telling you what she wants you to hear, (imo). Are you up for this fiasco?
  16. Sending good thoughts your way, Vic. Stay positive.
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