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  1. I'm a junior in High School, and today I was given as assignment to fill out this survey-thingie that would be submitted to any future colleges I apply to. One of the questions asked what I would like to do with my life. The thing is, I have no idea. I have a wide margin of interests, but I seem to have narrowed it down to a few things... mainly, working as a sound designer, working with animals, or doing hair. I'm not really sure which one of those I'd rather do, or if I'd like to do something else entirely. I was wondering if any of you could give me some advice. I really like storytelling. I love books, I love reading, I love writing, and I love playing video games. One thing I noticed is that all of these tie into storytelling of some sort. Unfortunately I couldn't think of anything I could do that would involve primarily storytelling. I'm very good at writing, but I don't think I could rely on it for income. I also love animals. I want to help them, and make a difference in their world. I feel the same way about people. Music is my world. I couldn't live without it. That's why I might want to be a sound designer... it combines music and video games. I'm also pretty obsessed with hair. I don't have any personal experience with doing hair, though. Soo... yeah. I'm not sure I described the things I might like to do very well, so if anyone wants me to elaborate let me know. Out of those interests... does anyone know something I might like doing? Other than the things listed above? Thanks. - CaptainS.
  2. I have mixed feelings around her. At times I enjoy being around her, and at other times my opinion of her is very low because of something she does or says. I don't think that I could honestly tell her that I loved her, because I'm not certain I do. I hate to say that, though, because at the same time I really want her love and affection. Maybe if I changed my approach she would be more willing to talk to me about it.
  3. Thank you for your comments, guys. They made me feel very good. For the record, though, I'm a girl. I tried writing my Mom a letter a long time ago. The problem with letters is that they can easily be taken in the wrong tone, which is what she did. She assumed that I was insulting her, and said some pretty nasty things to me after reading it. However, she did later apologize and explain her behaviour to me. Things went well after that, for a time. I think the reason they went down hill after that was my fault; she asked me to tell her when she was crossing the line, but I could never bring myself to do it. She would ask, and I would just say no, everything was fine, because I didn't want to provoke her. From what she's told me, her childhood was very bad. They were very poor, and my Grandmother was away most of the time after her father died. She told me that Grandma would beat her and things like that. She (my Mom) used to do the same to me, but she stopped after I ran away at ten or so. The odd thing is, I've never experienced that from my Grandma. I spent a lot of my childhood at her house, and she was always very kind and sweet to me. I had a romanticised view of her because to me, she was the one who cared and who loved me when my Mother did not. So, yeah, that's a little more background information. I'm in a better mood tonight, and so I don't mind sharing it. Again, thanks for the support, guys.
  4. Thanks for the support, guys. It may be that she dislikes herself; she didn't have a very good relationship with her Mom, and so I imagine she went through some of the same things.
  5. I've talked to her about similiar things before, and it never turned out well. The thing is, the last time I tried to talk to her about anything like that was years ago. I clammed up since then, and stopped telling her how I feel for fear of getting hurt. Things seemed to have changed, though at times she still lashes out. I'm still very afraid to talk to her; I'm not sure I could bring myself to it.
  6. For as long as I can remember, my Mom has never told me she loved me. It really gets to me, especially because I hear her tell other people she loves them. Until recently, I've really never gotten the impression that she even liked me. It's something I'd rather not get into, though. It's really gotten to me tonight after a minor incident. It's odd, because it's been at least a year since I last cried over how I think she feels about me. Things have been getting better between us, but sometimes I can't stop thinking about all the bad things that have happened, and it really makes me sad. It's not something I can get over by reminding myself that it was in the past, because even now she doesn't say she loves me. Just a few months ago she said some really mean things to me, and I guess I still haven't gotten over that either. Well, I just wanted to let that out. I don't know why it's affected me so much tonight. I think it's because I just haven't been feeling very well today.
  7. Okay, so my lover spends most of his time playing WoW. It's an LDR, and text is the main form of communication right now. So, if I want to talk to him much at all I need to be in WoW. The thing is, I don't really enjoy the game anymore. I'd rather play EQII, and this past week that's what I've been doing. But since I haven't been in WoW all that often, we haven't really spoken much. I want to talk to him more often, but I'd rather not play WoW more often. The only thing I've thought of to do is split my time between the two games. I'd personally rather not do that, but I'm willing to if there's no other way. The other thing is, I'd like to have a level sixty to that I can play together with him. That way, I can spend more time with him in which I'm actually playing with him instead of just whispering him while we both do other things. But, I really would rather not level more. ^^; I want to take a WoW break, but I'm afraid I'll end up regretting it in the long run when I still can't play with him, and thusly can't spend all that much time with him. So, yeah, that's my situation. And by spending time with him I mean talking to him, not so much playing with him. So, any advice is appreciated. ^^;
  8. For some reason, even though things are going well with us, I feel very sad today. I miss his affection very much, and feeling like a couple, so to speak. I'm just not used to the beginning stages I guess, since when we first got together we were pretty affectionate from the start. I dunno, it's got me crying when everything else is going well. I just keep thinking of how things used to be, and feeling sad because they aren't that way. I've been trying to keep in mind that, despite the past, things right now are really looking up, especially with us. I can't seem to get over it, though. Yeah, I just wanted to vent.
  9. When I first joined I posted a thread asking for help on getting over my boyfriend of two years. At the time, I was pretty certain we weren't getting back together, and after something I said to him I was pretty sure we weren't going to be friends anymore either. I did no contact for five days, and when I thought I was well enough to not let things bad things that happened between us upset me so easily (among other things), I talked to him again. We didn't talk very much the first or second days, but during the second night something happened with us... Not sure how I would put it. Kind of personal on his end. Basically, he was going to do something and I tried to get him not to. Anyway, the next morning he told me that he wouldn't, simply because of me. He said that he did want to get back together with me. Things have been going pretty well since then. I'm not entirely sure if we're back together, but it seems that way. So, I just wanted to know what I should do to maintain a good/strong relationship. I don't want things to fall apart again. Any advice on things I should and shouldn't do would be appreciated. When we were together before, I had communication and jealousy problems. I've been making great progress with that, but I'd rather know what to do in case something else comes up, instead of just jumping into it and making even more mistakes. This is yet another chance when I felt as if we wouldn't have anymore, and I really don't want to mess things up. I just want to know things I should do to keep the relationship alive, and things I should avoid doing.
  10. Well, today went well at first. Then I checked out his MySpace for a friend and noticed he changed his status to 'single', which stung a lot. Kind of like the finality of it setting in. Then I watched the sunset, and it reminded me of him and all the times I'd mentione it to him as a way of complimenting him. I miss him like crazy now.
  11. I decided not to contact him for awhile, so that I can try to get over him. Right now I am doing fine, but I know that as the days go by I will start to miss him more and more. I still don't know what I should to do get over him. Even though I'm fine with being apart from him at the moment, I still hope that once I've changed we can get back together. I've been brownsing the site for relationship advice so that I don't make the same mistakes in my next relationship (whether it's with him or not), but whenever I read over them I only think of applying the things to a future relationship with him. As far as things go with myself, I am working on my self esteem problems and trying to find out what I want to do in life.
  12. A little update... he talked to me again and told me that I still had his friendship. He told me that I'd still had a chance with him before today, but then said that I'll always have a chance with him, I just need to mature and stop working. So, I'm kind of confused over that, but I am happy to have his friendship. I was debating on whether or not to stop talking to him when he IMed me. I was leaning toward cutting contact, but when we talk and things are going well, it makes it that much harder. I always hope that this will be the last thing either of us does that hurts each other, but it never seems to turn out that way. I feel like sometime during the week something will happen, and I'd wish I had cut contact before things got worse. So, yeah. I'm still confused about the whole thing.
  13. Hi, I'm Arielle. I joined the site to get some advice on my ex. A little backstory: We were dating for two plus years, and the reason we broke up was because of communication issues, jealousy/self esteem issues on my part, plus a lot of little things that built up over time. I still held onto the hope that we would someday get back together, even after he told me that I needed to forget about him, because it wasn't going to happen anytime soon. Up until day, we were still good friends and could have fun talking to each other. (most of the time.) However, I was feeling uneasy about some things that had happened between us, and I asked him if he only wanted to stay friends with me for sex. He told me that wasn't the case, and he was hurt that I'd even think that. I asked if he would still be friendly with me, and he said "Kind of, I guess." I tried to convince him that I didn't really think that of him, that I was just uncertain. I was eventually told by him and his friend to leave him alone, and we haven't spoken since. I am very hurt and confused right now, because I don't know what to do to try to salvage the friendship. I am not at all over him, and up until now the hope that we might get back together someday has kept me going. But now that it seems as if I have ruined our friendship as well, I feel very shattered and broken. One thing that hurts a lot is that at the time I felt as if what I was doing would improve our friendship, because I was being more communicative about how I felt. Instead, it just made things a lot worse. I feel as if I would die if I lost his friendship. At this point I don't care if we never get back together; I really, really don't want to lose him as a friend as well. Are there any suggestions on what I should do? Oh, I should mention that it hasn't been that long since we broke up, only a week or so. We were on and off for a few weeks before hand, before calling it off for good.
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