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Everything posted by notsurewhat2think

  1. Amen to this site!!!
  2. Thanks for the replies guys. EyesWide. I'm 29 she's turning 26. We dated for 7 months and argued twice about the stupidest things. We would spend weekends together and we would both say to each other "two more or three days till we see each other" etc. The first time I told her I loved her she said after that "I already knew I Loved You before you told me". It was an amazing relationship and we would speak maybe twice a day so it wasn't like we saw each other too much. Her friends would say "do you think this is the one" and she would tell them "it may be". I just don't get it, there were no warning signs and it isn't the first girl I've dated so I have an idea when something isn't right. I've never felt this way about someone. It sucks!
  3. Girlfriend says" I love you and care for you and we would be great together right now". But in my heart my feelings really have changed and I don't see us together in the future. I need you to know I consider you a good friend even though it would be hard to be friends right now. Take care, Love...." Any ideas?
  4. Very well put Mike! I am in the NC right now, initiated myself. Everything was great in our relationship when out of the blue she said "my feelings have changed but I still love you and care about you but don't see this working out in the future" go figure! I have read your thread 3 times and it really makes a lot of sense.
  5. Thanks for the replies guys. I do still love her so much and I really thought she was the one. Do you think she still thinks about me and may one day realize she made a mistake? Also, how do you guys deal with the thought of her being (sleeping with other guys) knowing that it's not you? I am going to the gym and along with these posts it has really helped me. I have dated many other girls but this break up is the worst! Can you just turn off feelings for someone so fast? Thanks again.
  6. It's not something you want to take but sometimes there's no choice. Try Celexa, it doesn't have many side effects. It works for me. Good Luck
  7. Hi All, I was dating my girlfriend for 7 months. Everything was great, no fighting no arguing. We both said we loved each other and would say I'm your last bf/gf etc. She said I may be the one. We would look forward to the weekends so we could see each other. One weekend she was acting weird (not calling) So I asked her if she had the same feelings she said "no I don't" well my heart sank. I left it and called her on the following Tuesday for an explanation and she said she just doesn't think things will work between us and that she will be right in the end by doing this. I told her well I guess your mind is made up and she said let's just chill for a bit. She called me on the Thursday crying saying she f'd up, I hate being broken up with you etc. She said she didn't want to be the play house couple, the Wal-Mart, Home Depot type etc and want to do different things together ie. plays, shows, but also said she would move in with me in the fall?? I was so happy that night. The next morning I get an e-mail saying "Morning baby. Thanks for talking to me last night I really needed to talk to you but after we got off the phone I really realized in my heart my feelings have changed. I wish I could tell it to shut up but I have to listen to it. You are so perfect and amazing and unfortunately I can't treat you like you treat me. Please don't be mad at me and I need you to know that I love you. It's just I don't see us 5-6 yrs down the road. I spoke with her after and she was crying saying "what do you want me to do"? I told her I can't tell her that she has to decide. I asked her if she was scared she was making a mistake she said "yes" We were getting off the phone and she said "Idon't know what to say" and I said "well just have a good weekend". We said bye. It has been no contact for 2 weeks. Any ideas ladies and gentlemen? I hate not being with her. P.S I'm 29 she's 26
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