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  1. I know when I was on antidepressants I had little if no sex drive. In your partners mind it may be simply be a choice between being able to function with no drive OR disarray and drive.
  2. Hey hk87, I'm in a similar predicament. I met this girl through work about a month ago and we have been spending a lot of time togoether. She unfortunately has a boyfriend but I think she is possibly confussed about her feelings towards me. I suppose it needs someone to take the intiative. In my case I have backed off a little so she can work out what she wants. Maybe not the most proactive move but I am trying to protect myself. In my mind she is seeing two people. Me for the emotional support and the boyfriend for the physical. Don't get me wrong, I am more than capable of having female friends but regardless of gender there are limits of closeness that I am comfortable with. I suppose that is something you need to determine. Hope this helps. WN
  3. Hey Gang, I still have not heard anything. I don't know whether it is harder not being with her now than it was when she was OS. I just miss her so much. WN
  4. Well gang I haven't heard a thing. What an idiot I am. I will always remember. Why? I would marry this girl in a second. WN
  5. Hey Gang, I haven't heard a word. I am beginning to loose all hope. I feel like a whole part of me has shut down. I know I am very distant with people and I can't help it. I just don't want to let them in. Sleeping is good. I don't have to deal with it that way. I miss her. We would snuggle on a Sunday afternoon and have a nap. WN
  6. I still have not heard from her and it has been a week. ](*,)
  7. Hi there, Well I have sent a letter. I believe she should receive it in the next few days. I can only wait now. It is my final olive branch. One way or another I hope it will bring closure for both of us. I just pray that she still loves me. WN
  8. Thankyou guys, I don't exactly know what attracted me to the cycling girl. She was definitely very pretty. Maybe it was because she rode a bike and really well. Miss M at the time was very involved with her studies. I'm not looking for excuses for my poor behaviour just answers. I would like to speak with Miss M Frangipani but at the moment she is not approachable. I'm thinking maybe I need to give her a little time to settle into Melbourne again as she only arrived back in Melbourne last Sunday. I will try again speaking with her next week. I just want things back to the way they were. If Miss M was willing it could happen so easily. Thanks again WN
  9. Hello there, I'm new to this forum and unsure where to exactly post. I will tell my story and maybe someone will listen and possibly help? After a horrific relationship that I had moved states for I returned to Melbourne. I was broken. Within a matter of weeks my life changed. I met the most wonderful person you could ever imagine Miss M. It was like a fairytale. It didn't take long until I moved in. It was the most peaceful and loving six months of my life. One day however my girl dropped a bombshell. She had been offered a scholorship to Hong Kong. I was so proud of her. She was and is so talented. I encouraged her but slowly but surely I realised I would be without her for some time. Maybe six months. I began to feel uneasy. One day I was out training and I met someone. For some reason I was attracted to her. Before I long it became physical. This was not like me at all. Eventually I told Miss M and she was heart broken. So was I. I WAS SO ASHAMED! I couldn't go back to her and stayed with this new girl for a few months as I was in finacial dire straits. I continued to miss her and eventually left the cycling girl and moved back with my parents. I eventually got back on my feet and have since moved into a share house with some lovely people. I have finally found a job that I like and the people there like me to. My cycling is going better that ever before. There is however a huge hole in the middle. Miss M! I have thought of her every day. Miss M finally returned to Melbourne the other day where I saw her at a friend's wedding. I went to say hello to her but she turned her back to me. I left her alone. During the ceremony she constantly stared at me. This evening I ran into her again at dancing. I left her alone this time but again she glanced constantly at me. What do I do? I love her. I have told her on many occasions that I am sorry. I have begged for her forgiveness. The fact that she is still angry after all this time suggest to me that there are still feelings. I wish she could get past this. I know that we could be so very happy together. In fact I can't imagine wanting to spend my life with anyone else. Please help WhiteNite
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