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Everything posted by Lost_Cause

  1. But its really strange because he always seems to hit the right spots, don't know how he does it!lol It feels amazing yet I still can't come!
  2. Hey all...bit of an embarrassing problem here, but it seems that no matter how hard I try, I can't come during sex. It doesnt matter what position we're in- I just can't. The sex is truly amazing and he reaches a place in me that I can only describe that feels sort of electric. I am able to come easily when my bf fingers me. During sex I find that I am extremely close to coming but just can't. Its extremely frustrating because I would love to be able to come during sex and don't want my bf to feel that its his fault, because I love him very much and I feel a bit bad for not being able to.. any suggestions on how to overcome this would be great! Thanks!
  3. Yes, I suppose I'll just have to enjoy these new changes and do excercise!
  4. Yup I agree nikkers..I'm starting bike riding tomorrow. My boyfriend and I are going to exercise together (he's training up for the army) which is good because I hate exercising alone!
  5. Thanks Hope75 I wouldnt mind being a bit more curvy to be honest, but I just wish I could eat more healthily. Am at this moment munching on an apple, but have a box of chocolate brownies glaring at me..so tempting!!
  6. Yeah, I suppose..like I say, I'm quiet slim and the weight gain doesn't really show. I suppose I'm just getting my womanly physique lol Just wish I could crave more healthy foods!!
  7. I agree...definitely find someone special who deserves you and it will be alot less embarrassing. I was quite nervous about sleeping with my new boyfriend for the first time together (its natural to be nervous your first time) but we both love each other alot and it ended up being amazing, with wonderful connection mentally as well. We were also comfortable enough together to discuss it before hand, so it reduced any worries we had. So find someone special and it shouldn't be that bad
  8. Hey everybody...I just have a little question which is kind of bothering me.. I turned 17 a month ago, and I weighed myself today and was kind of shocked to find out that I've put on about a stone in a matter of about 2 months. I'm wondering if it's due to the fact that maybe I'm just filling out because I'm still growing up, and it's normal. It just seems that I am hungry most of the time no matter how much I eat, but I crave sugary things like chocolate, sweets and cake. I don't LOOK large.. I'm quite slim and have developed quite alot recently- physically (hips and bust) - but still paranoid I guess lol So anyway, my question is if this is normal at my age? Thanks for reading and sorry for the stupid question lol
  9. Aww thats so sweet I know how you feel. I truly feel so deeply in love. More than love. It just feels..magical and amazing and hard to describe! I feel so happy when I'm around him and feel crazy when im away from him for any short period of time!lol Sometimes he's the only thing that keeps me going. I thought I was in love in the past, but now I realise I wasn't. There's just something indescribable (probably not the right spelling!) about what we have! So this is something we've both got to be thankful and happy about Allthough we may feel worthless at times (or I know I do lol) we both have amazing bfs, and thats alot more than some people have!
  10. Yup, I understand exactly where you're coming from. My boyfriend is amazing, good cook too and I can't cook to save my life, though I can do a mean bacon sandwhich!lol He's half Italian so can speak it almost fluently, and I know no other language. He is gorgeous and I don't consider myself much to look at. I have no real talents and have just left Sixth Form cos I can't hack it! What on earth does he see in me?! lol! Guess were both lucky and have found truly decent guys who love us for who we are. Just hard to see why sometimes! Ohhh listen to us moaning on about ourselves!! Probably sound so pathetic lol
  11. ahh just having a really hard time with my self-confidence, self-esteem etc lol finding it hard to see what it is my bf loves in me..which is why I could relate to your poem a bit!
  12. Ahhh yeah, I've been to worthing and Chichester..used to love the caves in chichester but haven't been for ages thought it was kinda spooky to find somebody else who lives in Wext Sussex seeing as there's people from all over the world but I'm strange in that way and find those things interesting
  13. I live in good old East Grinstead! (yeah right lol!! where bouts do you live?
  14. Wow, really good! ! I agree..dont worry about making it rhyme, just as long as you get your feelings out, which you seem to have done well! And not to creep you out or anything but I live in West Sussex too!lol! Dont recognise you though I sound so strange
  15. Wow, It's like I'm reading a chapter from my own diary here. Everything you've written is exactly how I feel at times. But Dako has a point..maybe time spent doing other things, maybe finding a new skill could boost your self esteem and take the focus away from you looking for your flaws. I find that finding a new hobby really does do wonders..haven't done it for a while though, so maybe I should take my own advice!lol! It makes you feel that you're good at something and actually worth something and helps you to see it truly is what is in the inside which counts. Good luck, I'm sure in time things will get better, cos I've been there and felt exactly the way you do- but things do and WILL improve.
  16. I'm doing AS Psychology, which I really love, it's so interesting, and business which I hate (those are the lessons I get teased in but ho-hum) but it gains me two more A-levels cos it's a double award thingy. I'm also doing NVQ Spanish. But the people there aren't all that nice after some stupid rumor went around, about me. A couple of people are ok though. Which subjects are you doing?
  17. Hey, first off I just want to thank the people who took time out to reply to me. It really does mean alot that people are there to listen and give advice. ocrob- you're right.. I suppose I should try and see what it is that my boyfriend loves about me and try to focus on those!! I could find a hobby to take up which could hopefully increase my confidence. Derge- I love your "Don't care what anyone thinks" attitude, it's a great one to have. I went out today (which was kinda nerve wracking, but I did it!) and I really did think "sod them!!" it's only what I care about me, that counts. annie24- That really spoke out to me. I'm determined to try and look at the positive things in my life, instead of the negative. Sometimes I still may get down, but I know I can do it. I'm really starting to feel more positive already..thank you all so much. It truly helped me to have people listen to me- I just needed to let it all out. Once again- Thank You!! I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a fantastic New Year. Bex xXx
  18. Hi all, My names Bex, I'm new here. My boyfriend introduced me to this site and said everyone here was really friendly. Not quite sure how to put my feelings into words, but I'll give it a go (sorry if none of it makes sense). I'm at Sixth Form, but getting teased and I've missed a few lessons due to panic attacks when faced with the fear of having to go into school. I'm in a new, amazing relationship with someone, and I really, truly feel something magical that I can't even describe- but I've never felt this way for someone before. But for some reason I still feel really down. I have no faith in myself, and basically hate myself- to put it bluntly. I get really upset alot and find myself constantly comparing myself to other women. I have a huge collection of magazines in my drawer and get them out most nights when im alone and just stare at the pictures of models, wondering why I can't be that beautiful. I look at other girls walking past in the street and wonder why I can't be as beautiful as them. Celebraties, anyone. I find myself wishing I was more beautiful, successful, etc.. I feel worthless and like I'm not achieving anything. I have no motivation and sometimes just wish I could curl up, hide from the world or even fall asleep and never wake up again. Some days I can hide my feelings and push them to the back of my head, but most days it just gets too much. I have to spend about an hour and a half getting ready to go out, putting on make up to hide my imperfections. I can't go out without it on and hate anyone seeing me without makeup on. I feel it's a kind of mask to hide behind. When I'm alone in my room I sometimes stare in the mirror and just cry, hating the reflection staring back at me. I feel like I should be so much more. I feel like my boyfriend deserves someone so much better than me, but I love him so much and don't want to lose him. I hate feeling like this, I feel guilty because I know it upsets those who love me when I get into a state about how I feel about myself. I feel really bad for feeling this way. It holds me back so much because sometimes I feel so ugly I don't even want to go out of the house. I just wish I could be "normal". I wish I could feel confident and comfortable within my own skin, but I hate everything about me! Sometimes I feel like punishing myself for being so worthless, but I know it would make things worse if I harmed myself. I just can't seem to help hating myself no matter how hard I try.. I'm really lost and have so many emotions going round and round in my head. I don't really know what elese to say, just reaching out for any form of help, I suppose. Thanks for reading, sorry if I bored you...
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