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Everything posted by cherryblossom

  1. what are the odds that you will reunite with someone from the past? I met someone who I really liked, and its virtually impossible that we will ever see eachother again, although we do live in the same town, However, I have a feeling like one day I will see this person again, do you think my feelings are just silly, has this ever happned to you, were your gut tells you that you may run into someone again, and then it actually happened? Similar to the saying, if you love something let it go, if it comes back to you its yours, if it does not, it never was. do you believe in that?
  2. Hi. My best friend is constantly talking about her new boyfriend. That is ALL she talks about. At first I did not mind, I was happy for her, and I still am, but it gets tiring to hear about all the things he does and all of that. Also, I don't have a boyfriend, so it makes me feel a little bad because I don't have that in my life. It also makes me mad that she hangs out with him all the time, but when I suggest we do something, she never wants to. I know we have a good friendship, so I'm not afraid of losing her, and I think she is trying to also keep me in her life, but at the same time, I just think she prefers to spend time with him. Also its just really irritating, when I am saying a story about myself, and she replies by saying how the same thing happened to her and her new boyfriend, and it always comes back to him. How can I try to let her know that I am tired of hearing about him, without being completely rude? I feel kind of bad for feeling this way, although I think its normal, if you have any similar stories please share, and tell me how did you deal with it.
  3. Thanks for the replies! Please feel free to keep posting!
  4. Hi I'm trying to get an idea of how many people actually use protection. Please answer the following: 1. your sex 2. your age 3. do you use condoms during intercourse 4. do you use any contraceptive such as the pill 5. do you use dental dams or condoms during oral? Thanks!
  5. Thanks Shysoul. I appreciate the link!
  6. Hi, Can you tell me what condoms you use? Male condom? or female? I'm guessing male condom is more popular, but I am curious about the female condom. If you have used it, how did you like it, how does it work against STD and pregancy protection?
  7. Hi you may be familiar with my previous post about my best friend who has been spending too much time with her bf. But this has actually opened my eyes to something else that has been going on. I love her dearly, but I find that she is hardly ever interested in anything regarding my life. everytime I talk to her I just talk about her situations. And when I do ask for advice she hardly gives any. It is very upseting. I'm going to try and give her some space and see if that makes our relationships stronger. Is this a good idea?
  8. I am happy that my best friend recently got a boyfriend, but it seems like she spends all of her time with him, and I am starting to feel jealous. Every time I call her, she's out with him, everytime I ask her to hang out, she already has plans with him. How can I overcome these feelings?
  9. I am a virigin, but I want to know how come so many of my friends have casual sex and do not get pregnant? Is there a secret, a method used? Do women usually just use birth control? morning after pill? what is it? how can people have sex over and over again without getting pregnant? Also, in this day in age for someone in mid 20's not to have sex, is that a real turn off for guys? would guys date a girl who does not have sex? what about oral? fingering? etc. do people do these instead of real sex (penis in vagina)?
  10. thanks that was a very helpful post. Good to know that there is hope ahead!
  11. I agree with living for the moment. In general, if you are close for a few minutes. i.e., your arms around her, etc, and she doesn't move away from you its a good sign. you can try getting closer to her to "tell her something" or just try getting closer, cuddling up, etc. then if she reciprocates then you can go for it, or if you are not sure you can ask her in a sexy way, if you can kiss her, in very cool and nonchalant though, not in a scared way. And polite too. Good luck! Either way, I promise you will always remember your first kiss.
  12. well I know about wanting to get closure. I was in a similar situation as you but I must agree NOT to send it, and if you do. please make it less long its too long, it comes off a bit weird (b/c its so long) sorry to be harsh. But like everyone said, if you are over it then please just move on. I know its hard, I'm trying to do the same thing myself - move on. Just leave it alone. If you run into her in the street, then talk with her and show her how you've moved on, act nonchalant. But don't send this letter out just out of the blue. Just my opinion.
  13. For example, a previous member "Shimino" (sp?) wrote the comment below, which I found to be very helpful: I play games with alot of women. only because they play games with me and i want to stay ahead of the game. do i have regrets? hell no, most of them are asking for it. but i seriously don't play games with a nice girl. Just curious can you tell me why you say some women are "asking for it" and what do you mean when you say you dont play games with a nice girl?
  14. Also I did not want this to be about gender because like I said, I know that it really varies from person to person, and men and women are guilty alike. But in my experience, it has been with men. So I just wanted feedback, so that I could take all of the answers, and come up with some sort of conclusion, notice patterns, etc. Knowing that this is by no means 99% accurate for all men/people out there, but just out of curiosity.
  15. Thanks, you have all been very helpful. I think what i originally intended was to learn more from people who have actually done it. in particular guys. why do they do it. what are their thoughts when they do it. Yes, this will vary from person to person, so Melrich does have a point. But also as Miss M was saying I was looking to go deeper than that and really explore the reasons why, scenearios, examples, what happens after etc. like i said you are all still helpful.
  16. for those of you who do play the game, I thought it would be interested to know what are some of the common scenarios for a girl to get taken for a fool in. what are some of the common things or actions that guys do to make a girl think they are into her, when they are really only after a good time?
  17. thank you for this insight. you have answered my question. I think from now on I will not be so gullible with men. It is hard to do because ideally one should be open when meeting a new person. Why begin a new encounter wtih doubts, or with negative expectations. I think I'll just make an effort to get to know the person more before becoming emotionally attached. Thanks to everyone's comments. feel free to post more, especially from those men who have actually done it, I am just curious as to why and what goes through your minds. But like I said any feedback welcome.
  18. this question is for the men, and women too i guess anyone that can reply. when men (because this has been my experience) play with a woman's feelings. whetehr it be telling her they love her just to get into bed, pretending to be into her, pretending to be single, just to have some fun time, do they every think about these women who they play around with. what do they feel do they feel bad about doing it, do they ever regret it?
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